Process Site

Documentation of your research and creative process is an integral part of your creative work; it records the many steps in the conception of a piece of work. This is important because it allows you to:

  • Review & Reflect
    Process documentation allows you to review and reflect on the iterative journey of your ideas and their physical manifestations over time. Being able to do this is vital when you’re seeking to refine your process.
  • Save Ideas for Future Projects
    Process documentation can often be the catalyst for future projects that derive from some unexplored thread in the original idea.
  • Recapture
    Process documentation captures previous points in the life of a creative work—points that you may need to go back to if the chosen direction does not prove successful.
  • Share Your Process
    Process documentation provides ample material with which to communicate to a public audience the narrative of your work, the evolution of your ideas, and the morphology of materials and forms. 

With this in mind, throughout the duration of the semester every student must carefully document all of the work created in this class, from brainstorming sessions with post-it notes to pages in a sketchbook to rough prototypes. You will post this documentation on your process website on a daily or at least weekly basis.

You have several options:

  • Create a dedicated wordpress via NYU Web Publishing
  • Create a dedicated tumblr or medium site for this course only
  • Feel free to suggest new modes of documentation! 


If you need server space or help with WordPress installation please follow the following link: or If you don’t already have server space, please ask Elton Kwok, IDM’s Technology Director,


Remember: you never know who may discover your process website.