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2. Getting Support in College
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5. Personal Stories
Goal 2.1B | Purpose and Expected Results
Reflect on why this goal will help you improve your leadership effectiveness and what changes you expect to see for yourself by the end of the semester. In other words, how will your leadership be different as a result of achieving your goal?
Why will this goal help you improve your leadership effectiveness? |
Expected Results by December 2016 | How will you be different as a result of achieving your goal? |
Goal 2.2 | Craft Your Strategy
In this section you will define the action steps you will take to move toward your goal. You will have an opportunity mid-semester to reflect on your progress and refine both your goal and strategy accordingly. This first strategy should be designed for you to execute in the first half of the semester. Copy the Expected Results you identified in the previous section below to ensure alignment with your strategy.
Goal 2.2A | Action Steps
Reflect on the feedback you received on your first set of action steps.
What action steps will help you make progress toward your goal by mid-semester? |
Expected results by end of semester: |
Goal 2.3 | Refine Your Strategy
Update your SMART goal and/or your expected results and craft a strategy for your development for the second half of the semester.
Goal 2.3A | Mid-Semester Progress Report
Actual results to date | What action steps have you taken and what have they resulted in to date? |
Reflections on progress | What have you learned from your actions so far? |
Revised strategy | Describe any changes in your goal and/or strategy for the second half of the semester based on your progress to date. |
Goal 2.4 | Reflect on Your Progress and Plan for the Future
In this final section, you will reflect on your overall progress throughout the semester and begin creating a plan to continue your development after the program is over.
Goal 2.4A | End of Semester Progress Report
Actual results to date | What action steps have you taken and what have they resulted in to date? |
Reflections on progress | What have you learned from your actions so far? |
Goal 2.4B | Plan for Your Future Development
Reflect on your priorities for your future development, set a goal and craft a strategy for achieving it.
Development priorities |Based on the progress you’ve made this semester, what are your future priorities for your own leadership development? |
SMART goal: |
Strategy | What action steps will you take to move toward your goal? |
Resources | What resources and relationships will you tap to support you in achieving your next development goal? |
1 | Testing for College
1.1 Planning
1.2 Scholarships
1.3 Application Services
1.4 Financial Help
2 | Getting Support in College
3 | Studying for Success
4 | Finishing the Degree
5 | Personal Stories