Orpella, J.*, Assaneo, M. F.,* Ripolles, P., Noejovich, L., Lopez-Barroso, D., de Diego-Balaguer, R., & Poeppel, D. (2022). Differential activation of a frontoparietal network explains population-level differences in statistical learning from speech. PLoS Biology, 20, 1-20. [pdf] Lizcano-Cortes, F., Gomez-Varela, I., Mares, C., Wallisch, P., Orpella, J., Poeppel, D., Ripolles, P., & Assaneo, M. F. (2022). Speech-to-speech synchronization protocol to classify human participants as high or low auditory-motor synchronizers”. STAR Protocols, 3(2),101-248. [pdf] Mantegna, F., Olivetti, E., Schwedhelm, P., & Baldauf, D. (under review). Covariance-based decoding reveals content-specific feature integration and top-down processing for imagined faces versus places. [pdf] Orpella, J., Mantegna, F., Assaneo, M. F., & Poeppel, D. (under review). Decoding imagined speech reveals speech planning and production mechanisms. [pdf] Orpella, J. Flick, G., Assaneo, M. F., Pylkkänen, L., Poeppel, D., & Jackson, E. (under review). Global motor inhibition precedes stuttered speech. [pdf] Assaneo, M. F. & Orpella, J. (in print). “Rhythms of speech”, in Neurobiology of Interval Timing, Springer Nature Editorial Group. Raccah, O., Chen, P., Willke, T. L., Poeppel, D., & Vo, V. A. (2022). Memory in humans and deep language models: Linking hypotheses for model augmentation. Arxiv. [pdf] Abrams, E. B., Poeppel, D., & Ripollés, P. (under review). The rewards of Muzak: elevator music as a tool for the quantitative characterization of emotion and preference. Raccah, O., Doelling, K. B., Davachi, L., & Poeppel, D. (2022). Acoustic features drive event segmentation in speech. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication. [pdf] |
Orpella, J., Mas-Herrero, E., Ripolles, P., Marco-Pallares, J., & de Diego-Balaguer, R. (2021). Language statistical learning responds to reinforcement learning principles rooted in the striatum. PLoS Biology, 19(9), 1-23. [pdf] Lubinus, C., Orpella, J., Keitel, A., Gudi-Mindermann, H., Engel, A. K., Roeder, B., & Rimmele, J. M. (2021). Data-driven classification of spectral profiles reveals brain region-specific plasticity in blindness. Cerebral Cortex, 31(5), 2505-2522. [pdf] Chen, P., Kirk, U., & Dikker, S. (2021). Trait mindfulness predicts inter-brain coupling during naturalistic face-to-face interactions. bioRxiv. [pdf] Orpella, J., Mas-Herrero, E., Ripollés, P., Marco-Pallarés, J., & de Diego-Balaguer, R. (2021). Language statistical learning responds to reinforcement learning principles rooted in the striatum. PLoS biology, 19(9) e3001119. [pdf] Chen, P., Hendrikse, S. Oostrik, M., Wilderjans, T., Koole, S. L., Dumas, G., Medine, D., & Dikker, S. (2021). Hybrid Harmony: An EEG hyperscanning neurofeedback tool. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 21. [pdf] Norman, Y., Raccah, O., Liu, S., Parvizi, J., & Malach, R. (2021). Hippocampal ripples and their coordinated dialogue with the default mode network during recent and remote recollection. Neuron, 109(17), 2767-2780. [pdf] Ayrolles, A., Brun, F., Chen, P., Djalovski, A., Beauxis, Y., Delorme, R., Bourgeron, T., Dikker, S., & Dumas, G., (2021). HyPyP: a Hyperscanning Python Pipeline for inter-brain connectivity analysis. Social, Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 16(1-2), 72-83. [pdf] Davidesco, I., Matuk, C., Bevilacqua, D., Poeppel, D., & Dikker, S. (2021). Neuroscience research in the classroom: Portable brain technologies in educational research. Educational Researcher. [pdf] Raccah, O., Block, N., & Fox, K. C., (2021). Does the prefrontal cortex play an essential role in consciousness? Insights from intracranial electrical stimulation of the human brain. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(10), 2076-2087. [pdf] Dikker, S., Michalareas, G., Oostrik, M., Serafimaki, A., Kahraman, H. M., Struiksma, M. E. & Poeppel, D., (2021). Crowdsourcing neuroscience: inter-brain coupling during face-to-face interactions outside the laboratory. NeuroImage, 227, 117436. [pdf] |
Assaneo, M. F., Rimmele, J. M., Perl, & Poeppel, D. (2020). Speaking rhythmically can shape hearing. Nature human behavior, 5, 71-82. [pdf] Dikker, S., Haegans, S., Bevilacqua, D., Davidesco, I., Wan, L., Kaggen, L., McClintock, J., Chaloner, K., Ding, M., West, T., & Poeppel, D. (2020). Morning brain: real-world evidence that high school class times matter. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 15(11), 1193-1202. [pdf] Dikker, S., Assaneo, M. F., Gwilliams, L., Wang, L., & Kösem, A. (2020). Magnetoencephalography and Language. Neuroimaging Clinics, 30(2), 229-238. [pdf] Poeppel, D. & Assaneo, M. F. (2020). Speech rhythms and their neural foundations. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 21, 322-334. [pdf] Giroud, J., Trébuchon, A., Schön, D., Marquis, P., Liegeois-Chauvel, C., Poeppel, D., & Morillon, B. (2020). Asymmetric sampling in human auditory cortex reveals spectral processing hierarchy. PLoS Biology, 18(3), e3000207. [pdf] Kim, S. G., Poeppel, D., & Overath, T. (2020). Modulation change detection in human auditory cortex: Evidence for asymmetric non-linear edge detection. The European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-16. [pdf] 2019 Grabenhorst, M., Michalareas, G., Maloney, L. T., & Poeppel, D. (2019). The anticipation of events in time. Nature Communications, 10(1), 1-13. [pdf] Teng, X., Cogan, G. B., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Speech fine structure contains critical temporal cues to support speech segmentation. Neuroimage, 202. [pdf] Melloni, L., Buffalo, E. A., Dehaene, S., Friston, K. J., Ghazanfar, A. A., Giraud, A. L., Grafton, S. T., Haegans, S., Pesaran, B., Petkov, C. I., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Computation and its neural implementation in human cognition. In W. Singer, T. J. Sejnowski, & P. Rakic (Eds.), The neocortex (pp. 323-346). Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press. Poeppel, D. (2019). Key Issues and future directions: Where have we been and where are we going?. Human language: From genes and brains to behavior, 443. [pdf] Lewis, G.A., Poeppel, D., & Murphy, G.L. (2019). Contrasting semantic versus inhibitory processing in the angular gyrus: An fMRI study. Cerebral Cortex, 29(6), 2470-2481. [pdf] Doelling, K., Assaneo, M. F., Bevilacqua, D., Pesaran, B., & Poeppel, D. (2019). An oscillator model better predicts cortical entrainment to music. Proc. Nat. Acad. of Sciences, 116(20), 10113-10121. [pdf] Rowland, J., Kasdan, A., & Poeppel, D. (2019). There is music in repetition: Looped segments of speech and nonspeech induce the perception of music in a time-dependent manner. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 26(4), 583-590. [pdf] Assaneo, M. F., Ripollés, P., Orpella, J., Lin, W. M., de Diego-Balaguer, R., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Spontaneous synchronization to speech reveals neural mechanisms facilitating language learning. Nature Neuroscience, 22(4), 627. [pdf] Flinker, A., Doyle, W. K., Mehta, A. D., Devinsky, O., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Spectrotemporal modulation provides a unifying framework for auditory cortical asymmetries. Nature Human Behavior, 3(4), 393-405. [pdf] Bevilacqua, D., Davidesco, I., Wan, L., Oostrik, M., Chaloner, K., Rowland, J., Ding, M., Poeppel, D., & Dikker, S. (2019). Brain-to-Brain Synchrony and learning outcomes vary by student-teacher dynamics: Evidence from a real-world classroom electroencephalography study. J Cogn Neurosci., 1-11. [pdf] Dikker, S., Michalareas, G., Oostrik, M., Serafimaki, A., Kahraman, H. M., Struiksma, M. E., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Crowdsourcing neuroscience: Inter-brain coupling during face-to-face interactions outside the laboratory, bioRxiv, 822320. [pdf] Davidesco, I., Laurent, E., Valk, H., West, T., Dikker, S., Milne, C., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Brain-to-brain synchrony between students and teachers predicts learning outcomes. bioRxiv, 644047. [pdf] Assaneo, M. F., Rimmele, J. M., Orpella, J., Ripollés, P., de Diego-Balaguer, R., & Poeppel, D. (2019). The lateralization of speech-brain coupling is differentially modulated by intrinsic auditory and top-down mechanisms. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 13, 28. [pdf] Davidesco, I., Laurent, E., Valk, H., West, T., Dikker, S., Milne, C., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Brain-to-brain synchrony predicts long-term memory retention more accurately than individual brain measures. bioRxiv, 644047. [pdf] Blanco-Elorrieta, E., Ding, N., Pylkkänen, L., & Poeppel, D. (2019). Understanding requires tracking: noise and knowledge interact in bilingual comprehension. bioRxiv, 609628. [pdf] |
Kasdan, A. & Swathi, K. (2018). Please don’t stop the music: Song completion in patients with aphasia. ScienceDirect, 75, 72-86. Getz, H., Ding, N., Newport, E. L., & Poeppel, D. (2018). Cortical tracking of constituent structure in language acquisition. Cognition, 181, 135-140. Gwilliams, L., Linzen, T., Poeppel, D., & Marantz, A. (2018). In spoken word recognition, the future predicts the past. The Journal of Neuroscience, 38(35), 7585-7599. Belfi, A., Kasdan, A., Rowland, J., Vessel, E., Starr, G., & Poeppel, D. (in press). Rapid timing of musical aesthetic judgments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Assaneo, M.F. & Poeppel, D. (2018). The coupling between auditory and motor cortices is rate-restricted: Evidence for an intrinsic speech-motor rhythm. Science Advances, 4. [pdf] Tian, X., Ding, N., Teng, X., Bai, F., & Poeppel D. (2018). Imagined speech influences perceived loudness of sound. Nature Human Behavior. [pdf] |
Teng, X., Tian, X., Rowland, J., & Poeppel, D. (2017). Concurrent temporal channels for auditory processing: Oscillatory neural entrainment reveals segregation of function at different scales. PLoS Biology, 15(11). [pdf] Teng, X., Tian, X., Doelling, K., & Poeppel, D. (2017). Theta band oscillations reflect more than entrainment: behavioral and neural evidence demonstrate an active chunking process. European Journal of Neuroscience, 1-13. [pdf] Ding, N., Melloni, L., Yang, A., Wang, Y., Zhang, W., & Poeppel, D. (2017) Characterizing Neural Entrainment to Hierarchical Linguistic Units using Electroencephalography (EEG). Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 11(481). [pdf] Tal, I., Large, E.W., Rabinovitch, E., Wei, Y., Schroeder, C.E., Poeppel, D., & Zion-Golumbic, E. (2017) Neural Entrainment to the Beat: The “Missing-Pulse” Phenomenon. Journal of Neuroscience, 37(26), 6331-6341. [pdf] Dikker, S., Wan, L., Davidesco, I., Kaggen, L., Oostrik, M., McClintock, J., Rowland, J., Michalareas, G., Van Bavel, J., Ding, M., & Poeppel, D. (2017) Brain-to-Brain Synchrony Tracks Real-World Dynamic Group Interactions in the Classroom. Current Biology, 27, 1-6. [pdf] Ten Oever, S., Schroeder, C.E., Poeppel, D., van Atteveldt N., Mehta, A.D., Megevand, P., Groppe, D.M., & Zion-Golumbic, E. (2017) Low-frequency cortical oscillations entrain to sub-threshold rhythmic auditory stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience. 3658-16. [pdf] Ding, N., Patel, A.D., Chen, L., Butler, H., Luo, C., & Poeppel, D. (2017) Temporal Modulations in Speech and Music. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. S0149-7634(16)30566-8. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2017) The Influence of Chomsky on the Neuroscience of Language. The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky, 155. [pdf] Larrouy-Maestri, P., Morsomme, D., Magis, D., & Poeppel, D. (2017) Lay Listeners Can Evaluate the Pitch Accuracy of Operatic Voices. Music Perception. 34(4), 489-495. [pdf] Krakauer, J.W., Ghazanfar, A.A., Gomez-Marin, A., MacIver, M.A., & Poeppel, D. (2017) Neuroscience Needs Behavior: Correcting a Reductionist Bias. Neuron. 93:pp 480-490. [pdf] |
Teng X., Tian X. & Poeppel D. (2016) Testing multi-scale processing in the auditory system. Scientific Reports. [pdf] Zhou H., Melloni L., Poeppel D. & Ding N. (2016) Interpretations of Frequency Domain Analyses of Neural Entrainment: Periodicity, Fundamental Frequency, and Harmonics. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 10(274). [pdf] Tian X., Zarate J. & Poeppel D. (2016) Mental imagery of speech implicates two mechanisms of perceptual reactivation. Cortex. [pdf] Heusser A., Poeppel D., Ezzyat Y. & Davachi L. (2016) Episodic sequence memory is supported by a theta–gamma phase code. Nature Neuroscience, 19(10):1374-1384. [pdf] Steinberg Lowe S., Lewis G. & Poeppel D. (2016) Effects of part- and whole-object primes on early MEG responses to Mooney faces and house. Front. Psychol. 7(147). [pdf] Almeida D., Poeppel D. & Corina D. (2016) The processing of biologically plausible and implausible forms in American Sign Language: evidence for perceptual tuning. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 31(3):361-374. [pdf] Ding N., Melloni L., Zhang H., Tian X., & Poeppel D. (2015) Cortical tracking of hierarchical linguistic structures in connected speech. Nature Neuroscience, 19(1):158-64. [pdf] |
Doelling KB. & Poeppel D. (2015) Cortical entrainment to music and its modulation by expertise. PNAS 112(45):E6233-42. [pdf] Arnal LH., Flinker A., Kleinschmidt A., Giraud AL. & Poeppel D. (2015) Human Screams Occupy a Privileged Niche in the Communication Soundscape. Current Biology 25, 1–6. [pdf] Zarate J., Tian X., Woods KJ., & Poeppel D. (2015) Multiple levels of linguistic and paralinguistic features contribute to voice recognition. Sci Rep. 5:11475. [pdf] Poeppel D. & Hickok G. (2015) Electromagnetic recording of the auditory system. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Vol. 129, 245–55. [pdf] Hickok G. & Poeppel D. (2015) Neural basis of speech perception. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Vol. 129, 149–60. [pdf] Arnal LH., Poeppel D., Giraud AL. (2015) Temporal coding in the auditory cortex. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. Vol. 129, 85–98. [pdf] Overath T., McDermott JH., Zarate JM., & Poeppel D. (2015) The cortical analysis of speech-specific temporal structure revealed by responses to sound quilts, Nature Neuroscience, 18(6):903-911. [pdf] Poeppel D. (2015) Speech Perception. Brain Mapping An Encyclopedic Reference, Pages 429–434. Volume 3: Social Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Brain Mapping. [pdf] Lewis GA., Poeppel D., Murphy GL. (2015) The neural bases of taxonomic and thematic conceptual relations: An MEG study. Neuropsychologia. 68:176-89. [pdf] Rimmele JM., Golumbic EZ., Schröger E. & Poeppel D. (2015) The effects of selective attention and speech acoustics on neural speech-tracking in a multi-talker scene, Cortex, 68:144-54. [pdf] Farbood MM., Rowland J., Marcus G., Ghitza O. & Poeppel D. (2015) Decoding time for the identification of musical key. Atten Percept Psychophys. 77:28-35. [pdf] Cogan GB., Kirshenbaum SR., Walker J. & Poeppel D. (2015) A kiss is not a kiss: visually evoked neuromagnetic fields reveal differential sensitivities to brief presentations of kissing couples. Neuroreport. 26:14. [pdf] |
Embick D. & Poeppel D. (2014) Towards a computational(ist) neurobiology of language: correlational, integrated and explanatory neurolinguistics. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 30(4):357-366. [pdf] Rimmele JM., Sussman E. & Poeppel D. (2014) The role of temporal structure in the investigation of sensory memory, auditory scene analysis, and speech perception: A healthy-aging perspective. Int J Psychophysiol, 95(2):175-83. [pdf] Silbert LJ., Honey CJ., Simony E., Poeppel D. & Hasson U. (2014) Coupled neural systems underlie the production and comprehension of naturalistic narrative speech. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 111(43):E4687-96. [pdf] Ten Oever S., Schroeder CE., Poeppel D., van Atteveldt N. & Zion-Golumbic E. (2014) Rhythmicity and cross-modal temporal cues facilitate detection. Neuropsychologia, 63:43-50. [pdf] Arnal LH., Doelling KB., & Poeppel D. (2014) Delta-beta coupled oscillations underlie temporal prediction accuracy. Cerebral Cortex, 25(9):3077-85. [pdf] Tian X. & Poeppel D. (2014) Dynamics of self-monitoring and error detection in speech production: evidence from mental imagery and MEG. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27(2):352-64. [pdf] Poeppel D. (2014) The neuroanatomic and neurophysiological infrastructure for speech and language. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 28:142–149. [pdf] Lewis G. & Poeppel D. (2014) The role of visual representations during the lexical access of spoken words. Brain & Language, 134:1–10. [pdf] Doelling KB., Arnal LH., Ghitza O., & Poeppel D. (2014) Acoustic landmarks drive delta-theta oscillations to enable speech comprehension by facilitating perceptual parsing. NeuroImage, 85:761–768. [pdf] |
Almeida D. & Poeppel D. (2013) Word-specific repetition effects revealed by MEG and the implications for lexical access. Brain & Language, 127(3):497-509. [pdf] Dubois M, Poeppel D. & Pelli DG. (2013) Seeing and hearing a word: combining eye and ear is more efficient than combining the parts of a word. PLoS One, 8(5):e64803. [pdf] Luo H., Tian X., Song K., Zhou K. & Poeppel D. (2013) Neural Response Phase Tracks How Listeners Learn New Acoustic Representations. Current Biology, 23(11):968-74. [pdf] Zarate JM., Ritson CR. & Poeppel D. (2013) The Effect of Instrumental Timbre on Interval Discrimination. PLoS ONE 8(9): e75410. [pdf] Fritz J., Poeppel D., Trainor L., Schlaug G., Patel AD., Peretz I., Rauschecker J., Halle J., Stegapede F. & Parsons L. (2013) The Neurobiology of Language, Speech, and Music. In M.A. Arbib (ed.), Language, music, and the brain: A mysterious relationship (pp. 417-459). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pdf] Hagoort P. & Poeppel D. (2013) The Infrastructure of the Language-Ready Brain. In M. A. Arbib (Ed.), Language, music, and the brain: A mysterious relationship (pp. 233-255). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. [pdf] Tian X. & Poeppel D. (2013) The effect of imagination on stimulation: the functional specificity of efference copies in speech processing. J Cog Neurosci, 25(7):1020-36. [pdf] Sekar K., Findley W., Poeppel D. & Llinas R. (2013) Cortical response tracking the conscious experience of threshold duration visual stimuli indicates visual perception is all or none. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Mar 18. [pdf] Zion-Golumbic E., Bickel S., Lakatos P., Schevon C.A., McKhann G., Goodman R., Emerson R., Mehta A., Poeppel D., Schroeder C. (2013) Mechanisms Underlying Selective Neuronal Tracking of Attended Speech at a ‘Cocktail Party.’ Neuron, 77:980-991. [pdf] [News&Views] Farbood M., Marcus G. & Poeppel D. (2013) Temporal Dynamics and the Identification of Musical Key. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(4):911-8. [pdf] Zion-Golumbic E., Cogan G., Schroeder C., Poeppel D. (2013) Visual Input Enhances Selective Speech Envelope Tracking in Auditory Cortex at a ‘Cocktail Party.’ J Neurosci, 33(4): 1417-1426. [pdf] Kubanek J., Brunner P., Gunduz A., Poeppel D. & Schalk G. (2013) The Tracking of Speech Envelope in the Human Cortex. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53398. [pdf] Ghitza O., Giraud A. & Poeppel D. (2013) Neuronal oscillations and speech perception: critical-band temporal envelopes are the essence. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6:340. [pdf] Xiang J., Poeppel D. & Simon J. (2013) Physiological evidence for auditory modulation filterbanks: Cortical responses to concurrent modulations. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 133(1):EL7-EL12. [pdf] |
Giraud, A. L., and David Poeppel. “Speech Perception from a Neurophysiological Perspective.” The Human Auditory Cortex. Ed. D. Poeppel, T. Overath, A.N. Popper, and R.R. Fay. New York: Springer, 2012. 225-60. [pdf] Tian, X., & Poeppel, D. (2012). Mental imagery of speech: linking motor and perceptual systems through internal simulation and estimation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 6: 314. [pdf] Poeppel, D., Emmorey, K., Hickok, G., & Pylkkänen, L. (2012) Towards a New Neurobiology of Language. J Neurosci, 32(41): 14125-14131. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2012). The maps problem and the mapping problem: Two challenges for a cognitive neuroscience of speech and language. Cogn Neuropsychol, 29(1-2):34-55. [pdf] Zarate, JM., Ritson, C. & Poeppel, D. (2012). Pitch-interval discrimination and musical expertise: is the semitone a perceptual boundary? J Acoust Soc Am, 132(2):984-993. [pdf] Luo, H., & Poeppel, D. (2012). Cortical oscillations in auditory perception and speech: evidence for two temporal windows in human auditory cortex. Frontiers in Psychology, 3: 170. [pdf] Giraud, AL & Poeppel, D. (2012). Cortical oscillations and speech processing: emerging computational principles and operations. Nature Neuroscience. 2012 Mar 18. doi: 10.1038/nn.3063. [pdf] Howard MF & Poeppel, D. (2012). The neuromagnetic response to spoken sentences: Co-modulation of theta band amplitude and phase. Neuroimage. PMID: 22374481. [pdf] Overath, T., Zhang, Y., Sanes, D.H., & Poeppel, D. (2012). Sensitivity to temporal modulation rate and spectral bandwidth in the human auditory system: fMRI evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(8):2042-2056.[pdf] Wang, Y., Ding, N., Ahmar, N., Xiang, J., Poeppel, D., & Simon, J. (2011) Sensitivity to Temporal Modulation Rate and Spectral Bandwidth in the Human Auditory System: MEG Evidence. Journal of Neurophysiology, 107(8):2033-2041. [pdf] Golumbic, E., Poeppel, D., & Schroeder, C. (2012). Temporal Context in Speech Processing and Attentional Stream Selection: A Behavioral and Neural perspective. Brain & Language, 122(3):151-161. [pdf] |
Poeppel, D., & Idsardi, W. (2011) Recognizing words from speech: The perception-action memory loop. in: Lexical Representation: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach. Eds Gaskell, G. and Zwitserlood, P. [pdf]. Poeppel, D. (2011) Genetics and language: a neurobiological perspective on the missing link (-ing hypotheses). Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 3, 381-387. [pdf] Lehtonen, M., Monahan, PJ., & Poeppel, D. (2011). Evidence for early morphological decomposition: combining masked priming with magnetoencephalography. J Cogn Neurosci, 23(11):3366-3379. [pdf] Hinzen, W., & Poeppel, D. (2011) Semantics between cognitive neuroscience and linguistic theory: Guest editor’s introduction. Language and Cognitive Processes, 1-20. [pdf] Cogan, G. B., & Poeppel, D. (2011) A mutual information analysis of neural coding of speech by low frequency MEG phase information. Journal of Neurophysiology,106(2), 554-563. [pdf] Wolmetz, M., Poeppel, D., & Rapp, B. (2011) What does the right hemisphere know about phoneme categories? Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 23, 552-569. [pdf] Jenkins, J., Rhone, A. E., Idsardi, W. J., Simon, J. Z., & Poeppel, D. (2011) The elicitation of audiovisual steady-state responses: Multi-sensory signal congruity and phase effects. Brain Topography. [pdf] Lutkenhoner, B., & Poeppel, D. (2011) From tones to speech: Magnetoencephalographic studies. The Auditory Cortex. 597-615. [pdf] Tian, X., Poeppel, D., & Huber, D. E. (2011) TopoToolbox: Using sensor topography to calculate psychologically meaningful measures from event-related EEG/MEG. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. [pdf] |
Luo, H., Liu, Z., & Poeppel. D. (2010). Auditory cortex tracks both auditory and visual stimulus dynamics using low-frequency neuronal phase modulation. PLoS Biology, 8(8): e1000445. [pdf] Jenkins, J., Idsardi, W., & Poeppel, D. (in press). The analysis of simple and complex auditory signals in human auditory cortex: Magnetoencephalographic evidence from M100 modulation. Ear & Hearing. [pdf] Gouvea, A.C., Phillips, C., Kazanina, N., & Poeppel, D. (2010). The linguistic processes underlying the P600. Language and Cognitive Processes, 25(2), 149-188. [pdf] Bever, T. G., & Poeppel, D. (2010) Analysis by synthesis: A (re-)emerging program of research for language and vision. Biolinguistics, 4.2-.3, 174-200. [pdf] Morillon, B., Lehongre, K., Frackowiak, R. S. J., Ducorps, A., Kleinschmidt, A., Poeppel, D., & Giraud, A.-L. (2010). Neurophysiological origin of human brain asymmetry for speech and language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 18688-18693. [pdf] Tian, X., & Poeppel, D. (2010). Mental imagery of speech and movement implicates the dynamics of internal forward models. Frontiers in Psychology. [pdf] Poeppel, D. & Monahan, P. (2010). Feedforward and feedback in speech perception: Revisiting analysis by synthesis. Language and Cognitive Processes. [pdf] Howard, M. & Poeppel, D. (2010) Discrimination of speech stimuli based on neuronal response phase patterns depends on acoustics but not comprehension. Journal of Neurophysiology, 104(5), 2500-2511. [pdf] Chait, M., de Chevigne, A., Poeppel, D., & Simon, J. Z. (2010). Neural dynamics of attending and ignoring in human auditory cotex. Neuropsychologia, 48(11), 3262-3271. [pdf] |
Telkemeyer, S., Rossi, S., Koch, S.P., Nierhaus, T., Steinbrink, J., Poeppel, D., Obrig, H., & Wartenburger, I. (2009). Sensitivity of newborn auditory cortex to the temporal structure of sounds. The Journal of Neuroscience, 29(47): 14726-14733. [pdf] Lau, E., Almeida, D., Hines, P., Poeppel, D. (2009). A lexical basis for N400 context effects: Evidence from MEG. Brain and Language, 111, 161-172. [pdf] Howard MF, Poeppel D. (2009) Hemispheric Asymmetry in Mid and Long Latency Neuromagnetic Responses to Single Clicks. Hearing Research 257:41-52. [pdf] |
Lau, E., Phillips, C., Poeppel, D. (2008). A cortical network for semantics: (de)constructing the N400. Nature Reviews Neuroscience. 9: 920-933. [pdf] Poeppel, D & Monahan, PJ. (2008). Speech perception: Cognitive foundations and cortical implementation. Current Directions in Psychological Science 17: 80-85. [pdf] Deeny S., Poeppel D., Zimmerman J.B., Roth S.M., Brandauer J., Witkowski S., Hearn J.W., Ludlow A.T., Contreras-Vidal J.L., Brandt J., & Hatfield B.D. (2008). Exercise, ApoE, and Working Memory: MEG and behavioral evidence for benefit of exercise in middle-aged e4 carriers. Biological Psychology 78(2): 179-87. [pdf] Monahan, P.J., Fiorentino, R., Poeppel, D. (2008). Masked priming in MEG. Brain & Language. 106: 65-71. [pdf] Chait, M., Poeppel, D. Simon, J. (2008). Auditory temporal edge detection in human auditory cortex. Brain Research 1213: 78-90. [pdf] Poeppel, D., Idsardi, W. van Wassenhove, V. (2008). Speech perception at the interface of neurobiology and linguistics. Philos Trans R Soc Lond B 363:1071-86. [pdf] Ben Shalom, D. & Poeppel, D. (2008). Functional anatomic models of language: assembling the pieces. The Neuroscientist 14:119-27. [pdf] Prasada, S., Salajegheh, A., Bowles, A., Poeppel, D. (2008). Characterizing kinds and instances of kinds: ERP reflections. Language and Cognitive Processes 23: 1-15. [pdf] Poeppel, D. & Bergelson, E. (2008). Sounds we say, play, and hear. Review of A. Patel, Music, Language, and the Brain. Oxford University Press 2008. Nature 452, 695-696. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2008). Cognitive Neuroscience of Language: an Unabashedly Parochial Primer. Pomona College. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2008). The cartographic imperative: Confusing localization and explanation in human brain mapping. In Bredekamp, Bruhn & Werner (Eds.), Bildwelten des Wissens. “Ikonographie des Gehirns” (Bildwelten volume 6.1, Spring 2008). [pdf] Poeppel, D. & Omaki, A. (2008). Language acquisition and ERP approaches: prospects and challenges. In Friederici, A. & Thierry, G. (Eds.), Early Language Development: Bridging Brain and Behaviour. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.[pdf] Poeppel, D. & Hackl, M. (2008). The architecture of speech perception. In J. Pomerantz (Ed.), Topics in Integrative Neuroscience: From Cells to Cognition, Cambridge University Press. [pdf] |
Luo H, Wang Y, Poeppel D, Simon JZ. (2007). Concurrent Encoding of Frequency and Amplitude Modulation in Human Auditory Cortex: An Encoding Transition. Journal of Neurophsyiology. 98(6): 3473-85. [pdf] Giraud, AL, Kleinschmidt, A, Poeppel, D, Lund, TE, Frackowiak RSJ, Laufs, H. (2007). Endogenous cortical rhythms determine cerebral specialisation for speech perception and production. Neuron. 56: 1127-1134. [pdf] Luo, H. and Poeppel, D. (2007). Phase Patterns of Neuronal Responses Reliably Discriminate Speech in Human Auditory Cortex, Neuron. 54, 1001-1010. [pdf] Chait M, Poeppel D, Simon JZ. (2007). Stimulus context affects auditory cortical responses to changes in interaural correlation. J Neurophysiol. [pdf] Fiorentino, R. & Poeppel, D. (2007). Compound Words and Structure in the Lexicon. (2007). Language and Cognitive Processes 22: 953-1000. [pdf] Chait, M., Poeppel, D., de Cheveigne, A, Simon, JZ (2007). Processing asymmetry of transitions between order and disorder in human auditory cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 27(19): 5207-5214. [pdf] Link A, Burghoff M, Salajegheh A, Poeppel D, Trahms L, Elster C. (2007). Comparing a template approach and complex bandpass filtering for single-trial analysis of auditory evoked M100. Biomed Tech 52(1): 106-10. [pdf] Hickok, G., & Poeppel, D. (2007). The cortical organization of speech perception. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 8: 393-402. [pdf] Sanders, L., & Poeppel, D. (2007). Attention in time: Local and global processing of auditory stimuli. Neuropsychologia. 45(6): 1172-86. [pdf] Luo H, Boemio A, Gordon M, Poeppel D. (2007). The perception of FM sweeps by Chinese and English listeners. Hear Res 224(1-2): 75-83. [pdf] Chait, M., Eden, G., Poeppel, D., Simon, J. Z., Hill, D. F., Flowers, D. L. (2007). Delayed detection of tonal targets in background noise in dyslexia. Brain and Language 102(1): 80-90. [pdf] van Wassenhove, V., Grant, K. W., Poeppel, D. (2007). Temporal window of integration in auditory-visual speech perception. Neuropsychologia. 45(3): 598-607. [pdf] Blum, A. & Poeppel D. (2007). Intuition. In Welsh, C. & Willer, S. (Eds.), Interesse für bedingtes Wissen. Wechselbeziehungen zwischen den Wissenschaften. Munchen: Fink.[pdf] |
Poeppel, D. (2006). Language: Specifying the Site of Modality-Independent Meaning. Current Biology 16: 930-932. [pdf] Luo, H., Wang, Y., Poeppel, D., Simon J. Z. (2006). Concurrent Encoding of Frequency and Amplitude Modulation in Human Auditory Cortex: MEG Evidence. J Neurophysiol, 96(5): 2712-2723. [pdf] Chait, M., Poeppel, D., Simon, J. Z. (2006). Neural Response Correlates of Detection of Monaurally and Binaurally Created Pitches in Humans. Cerebral Cortex 16: 835-48. [pdf] Poeppel, D & Stroud C (2006). The nature of face recognition: a perspective from the cognitive neurosciences. In Wulf & Hüppauf (Eds.): Image and Imagination.[pdf] |
Chait, M., Poeppel, D., de Cheveigne, A., Simon, J. Z. (2005). Human auditory cortical processing of changes in interaural correlation. J Neurosci 25: 8518-27. [pdf] Luo, H., Husain, F., Horwitz, B., Poeppel, D. (2005). Categorization of speech and non-speech sounds: an MEG study. NeuroImage 28: 59-71. [pdf] Beretta, A., Fiorentino, R., Poeppel, D. (2005). The effects of homonymy and polysemy on lexical access: an MEG study. Cognitive Brain Research 24: 57-65. [pdf] Boemio, A., Fromm, S., Braun, A., Poeppel, D. (2005). Hierarchical and asymmetric temporal sensitivity in human auditory cortices. Nature Neuroscience 8: 389-395. [pdf], sup fig 1, sup fig 2 Burghoff, M., Link, A., Salajegheh, A., Elster, C., Poeppel, D., Trahms, L. (2005). A template-free approach for determining the latency of single events of auditory evoked M100. Phys Biol Med 50: N43-48. [pdf] van Wassenhove, V., Grant, K., Poeppel, D. (2005). Visual speech speeds up the neural processing of auditory speech. Proc National Acad Sci 102: 1181-1186. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2005, August). “Ihr Heulsusen – Die Deutsche Depresssion und Ihre Folgen”, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Vol 183 p31). A brief piece disussing what American universities have to offer that German universities lack. [pdf] Poeppel, D. and Embick, D. (2005). Defining the relation between linguistics and neuroscience. In A. Cutler (ed.), Twenty-First Century Psycholinguistics: Four Cornerstones. Lawrence Erlbaum. [pdf] Embick, D. and Poeppel, D (2005). Mapping syntax using imaging: prospects and problems for the study of neurolinguistic computation. In K. Brown (ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics 2nd, Oxford: Elsevier. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2005). The interdisciplinary study of language and its challenges. In D. Grimm (Ed.), Jahrbuch des Wissenschaftskollegszu Berlin, Germany. |
Sekihara, K., Nagarajan S. S., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A. (2004). Asymptotic SNR of scalar and vector minimum-variance beamformers for neuromagnetic source reconstruction. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 51:1726-34. [pdf] Chait, M., Simon, J., Poeppel, D. (2004). Auditory M50 and M100 responses to broadband noise: functional implications. Neuroreport, 15: 2455-2458. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Nagarajan, S. S., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A. (2004). Performance of an MEG adaptive-beamformer source reconstruction technique in the presence of additive low-rank interference. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 51: 90-9. [pdf] Salajegheh, A., Link, A., Elster, C., Burghoff, M., Sander, T., Trahms, L., Poeppel, D. (2004). Systematic latency variation of the auditory evoked M100: from average to single-trial data. NeuroImage 23: 288-295. [pdf] Flöel, A., Poeppel, D., Buffalo, E., Braun, A., Wu, C., Seo, H.-J., Stefan, K., Knecht, S., Cohen, L. (2004). Frontal cortex asymmetry for memory encoding of words and pictures. Cerebral Cortex 14: 404-409. [pdf] Hickok, G., & Poeppel, D. (2004). Dorsal and ventral streams: a framework for understanding aspects of the functional anatomy of language. Cognition 92: 67-99. [pdf] Poeppel, D., & Hickok, G. (2004). Towards a new functional anatomy of language. Cognition 92: 1-12. [pdf] Poeppel, D., Wharton, C., Fritz, J., Guillemin, A., San Jose, L., Thompson, J., Bavelier, D., Braun, A. (2004). FM sweeps, syllables, and word stimuli differentially modulate left and right non-primary auditory areas. Neuropsychologia 42: 183-200. Poeppel, D., Guillemin, A., Thompson, J., Fritz, J., Bavelier, D., & Braun, A. R. (2004). Auditory lexical decision, categorical perception, and FM direction discrimination differentially engage left and right auditory cortex. Neuropsychologia, 42, 183-200. [pdf] Grant, K. W., van Wassenhove, V., Poeppel, D. (2004). Detection of auditory (cross-spectral) and auditory-visual (cross-modal) synchrony. Speech Communication 44: 43-53. [pdf] |
Poeppel, D. (2003). The analysis of speech in different temporal integration windows: cerebral lateralization as ‘asymmetric sampling in time’. Speech Communication 41: 245-255. [pdf] Gennari, S., & Poeppel, D. (2003). Processing correlates of lexical semantic complexity. Cognition 89: 27-41. [pdf] Lakshminarayanan, K., Ben Shalom, D., van Wassenhove, V., Orbelo, D., Houde, J., Poeppel, D. (2003). The effect of spectral manipulations on the identification of affective and linguistic prosody. Brain and Language 84: 250-263. [pdf] |
Sekihara, K., Nagarajan, S., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A., Miyashita, Y. (2002). Application of an MEG eigenspace beamformer to reconstructing spatio-temporal activities of neural sources. Human Brain Mapping 15: 199-215. [pdf] Gordon, M., & Poeppel, D. (2002). Inequality in identification of direction of frequency change (up vs. down) for rapid frequency modulated sweeps. ARLO/J. Acoust. Soc. Am 3(1). [pdf] Horwitz B & Poeppel D (2002). How can EEG/MEG and fMRI/PET data be combined? Human Brain Mapping 17:1-3. [pdf] |
Poeppel, D. (2001). New approaches to the neural basis of speech sound processing: Introduction to special issue on Brain and Speech. Cognitive Science. 21 (5): 659-661. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2001). Pure word deafness and the bilateral processing of the speech code. Cognitive Science 21: 679-693. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Nagarajan, S., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A., Miyashita, Y. (2001). Reconstructing spatio-temporal activities of neural sources using an MEG vector beamformer technique. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 48: 760-771. [pdf] Disbrow, E., Roberts, T., Poeppel, D., Krubitzer, L. (2001). Evidence for interhemispheric processing of inputs from the hands in the human S2 and PV. Journal of Neurophysiology 85: 2236-2244. [pdf] |
Phillips, C., Pellathy, T., Marantz, A., Yellin, E., Wexler, K., Poeppel, D., McGinnis, M. and Roberts, TPL (2000). Auditory Cortex Accesses Phonological Categories: An MEG Mismatch Study. J. Cogn. Neurosci. 12: 1038-1055. [pdf] Stufflebeam, S. M., Poeppel, D., Roberts, T. P. L. (2000). Temporal encoding in auditory evoked neuromagnetic fields: stochastic resonance. Neuroreport 11(18): 4081-4085. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Nagarajan, S., Poeppel, D., Miyauchi, S., Fujimaki, N., Koizumi, H., Miyashita, Y. (2000). Estimating Neural Sources from Each Time-Frequency Component of Magnetoencephalographic Data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 47: 642-653. [pdf] Roberts, T. P. L., Ferrari, P., Stufflebeam, S., Poeppel, D. (2000). Latency of the auditory evoked neuromagnetic field components:stimulus dependence and insights towards perception. J Clinical Neurophysiology 17: 114-129. [pdf] Hickok, G., & Poeppel, D. (2000). Towards a Functional Anatomy of Speech Perception. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 4: 131-138. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (2000). An instinct for the past tense. Review of S. Pinker, Words and Rules: The Ingredients of Language, Nature 403: 361-362. [pdf] Poeppel, D. and Marantz, A. (2000). Cognitive neuroscience of speech sound processing. In Miyashita, Marantz, & Neil (eds). Image, Language, Brain. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. |
Sekihara, K., Poeppel, D., Miyauchi, S., Takino, R., Fujimaki, N., Miyashita, Y. (1999). MEG Spatio-Temporal Analysis Using a Covariance Matrix Calculated from Non-Averaged Multiple-Epoch Data. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 46: 515-521. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Nagarajan, S., Poeppel, D., Miyashita, Y. (1999). Time-Frequency MEG-MUSIC Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 18: 92-97. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1999). Review of R. Ivry and L. Robertson, The Two Sides of Perception, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1998. J Cognitive Neuroscience 11:130-132. [pdf] |
Sekihara, K., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A., Miyashita, Y. (1998). Comparison of Covariance-Based and Waveform-Based Subtraction Methods in Removing the Interference from Button-Pressing Finger Movements. Brain Topography 11:95-102. [pdf] Gage, N., Poeppel, D., Roberts, T. P. L., Hickok, G. (1998). Auditory evoked M100 reflects onset dynamics of speech sounds. Brain Research 814: 236-239. [pdf] Roberts, T. P. L., Ferrari, P., Poeppel, D. (1998). The M100 Latency of the auditory evoked neuromagnetic field reflects perceptual as well as acoustic stimulus attributes. Neuroreport 9: 3265-9. [pdf] Roberts, T. P. L., Poeppel, D., Rowley, H. A. (1998). Magnetoencephalography and magnetic source imaging. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychology, and Behavioral Neurology 11: 49-64. [pdf] Stufflebeam, S., Poeppel, D., Rowley, H. A., Roberts, T. P. L. (1998). Peri-threshold encoding of stimulus frequency and intensity in the M100 latency. Neuroreport 9: 91-94. [pdf] Greenberg, S., Poeppel. D. and Roberts, T. (1998) A space-time theory of pitch and timbre based on cortical expansion of the cochlear traveling wave delay , in Psychophysical and Physiological Advances in Hearing, A. Palmer, Q. Summerfield, A. Rees, R. Meddis (eds.) London: Whurr Publishers, pp. 293-300. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A., Phillips, C., Koizumi, H., Miyashita, Y. (1997). MEG covariance difference analysis: a method to extract target source activities by using task and control measurements. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 45: 87-97. [pdf] |
Poeppel, D. (1997). The relevance of temporal resolution for functional neuroimaging studies of speech and language processing. Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Phonetic and Linguistic Sciences, W. Ziegler and K. Deger (eds.), p. 229-239, London: Whurr. Hickok, G., Poeppel, D., Clark, K., Buxton, R., Rowley, H. A., Roberts, T. P. L. (1997). Sensory Mapping in a Congenitally Deaf Subject: MEG and fMRI Studies of Cross-Modal Non-Plasticity. Human Brain Mapping 5: 437-444. [pdf] Spengler, F., Roberts, T. P. L., Poeppel, D., Byl, N., Rowley, H., Merzenich, M. (1997). Learning transfer and neuronal plasticity in humans trained in tactile discrimination. Neuroscience Letters 232: 151-154. [pdf] Sekihara, K., Poeppel, D., Marantz, A., Koizumi, H., Miyashita, Y. (1997). Noise covariance incorporated MEG-MUSIC algorithm: a method for multiple-dipole estimation tolerant of the influence of background brain activity. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 44(9): 839-847. [pdf] Poeppel, D., Phillips, C., Yellin, E., Rowley, H. A., Roberts, T. P. L., Marantz, A. (1997). Processing of vowels in supratemporal auditory cortex. Neuroscience Letters 221: 145-148. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1997). Mind over chatter. Review of T. Deacon, The Symbolic Species: The Co-evolution of Language and the Brain, Nature 388: 734. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1997). The relevance of temporal resolution for functional neuroimaging studies of speech and language processing. Proceedings of 5th International Congress on Phonetic and Linguistic Sciences, W. Ziegler and K. Deger (eds.), p. 229-239, London: Whurr. |
Poeppel, D., & Roberts, T. P. L. (1996). Effects of vowel pitch and task demands on latency and amplitude of the auditory evoked M100. Brain & Cognition 32: 156-158. [pdf] Poeppel, D., Yellin, E., Phillips, C., Roberts, T. P. L., Rowley, H., Wexler, K., Marantz, A. (1996). Task-induced asymmetry of the auditory evoked M100 neuromagnetic field elicited by speech sounds. Cognitive Brain Research 4: 231-242. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1996). Some remaining questions about studying phonological processing with PET. A response to Demonet, Fiez, Paulesu, Petersen, and Zatorre. Brain and Language 55: 380-385. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1996). A critical review of PET studies of phonological processing. Brain and Language 55: 317-351. [pdf], response Roberts, T. P. L., & Poeppel, D. (1996). Latency of auditory evoked M100 as a function of tone frequency. NeuroReport 7: 1138-1140. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1996). Neurobiology and linguistics are not yet unifiable. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19(4): 642-643. [pdf] Poeppel, D. and Rowley, H.A. (1996). Magnetic source imaging and the neural basis of dyslexia. Editorial, Annals of Neurology 40 (2): 137-138. [pdf] Poeppel, D. (1996). The acquisition of Inuktitut: comments on Crago and Allen. In Towards a Genetics of Language, Mabel Rice (ed.), p. 291-296, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. Poeppel, D. (1996). What genetics can and can’t learn from PET studies of phonological processing. In: Towards a Genetics of Language, Mabel Rice (ed.), p. 341-370, New York: Lawrence Erlbaum. |
Phillips, C., Marantz, A., McGinnis, M., Pesetsky, D., Wexler, K., Yellin, E., Poeppel, D., Roberts, T.P.L., Rowley, H. (1995). Brain mechanisms of speech perception: A preliminary report. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 26: 153-192.[pdf] Poeppel, D. (1995). Verso una biologia della parola e del linguaggio. KOS, 119/120, 34-37. [Towards a biology of speech and language] Poeppel, D. (1995). In defense of Pinker. Response to Sean Greenberg, Language: Hardware & Software. Boston Book Review, 2 (3), 3. Poeppel, D. and Johnson, S. (1995).Neuroimaging studies of language must connect with (psycho)linguistic theories. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18(2): 369-370. [pdf]. |
Poeppel, D. (1994). Good bone stories but no good theory. Review of C. Wills, The runaway brain: The evolution of human uniqueness. Boston Book Review, 1(2), 21. |
Poeppel, D. & Wexler, K. (1993). The full competence hypothesis of clause structure in early German. Language, 69, 1-33. |