Professor Lauren Walsh

Professor Walsh behind a laptop screen

Professor Lauren Walsh  I’m co-editor of The Future of Text and Image (2012) as well as The Millennium Villages Project (forthcoming 2016), a new book that uses photography to explore economic development in parts impoverished Africa. I’ve published in The Los Angeles Review of Books, Photography and CultureThe Romanic Review, and Nomadikon, among others, and have contributed articles to numerous anthologies in addition to my appearances on CNN, the radio program “Trading Fours,” and as an expert on photography in the documentary 9/11: Ten Years Later  (2011). My research concentrates on questions of historical memory and visual media, and I’m interested in the politics and ethics of photography. I focus particularly on photojournalism, with a specialty in conflict photography. My book-in-progress is called Conversations on Conflict Photography and Public Apathy. And last but certainly not least, I like candy, coffee, travel, and rhinos.


1 Comment

  1. Gabriella Bower

    I’m a sophomore in Gallatin concentrating in Journalism, Fashion and Social Entrepreneurship. The goal is to work as a communications manager/ liaison for a company such as TOMS that has a social justice foundation. I am the Fashion Editor for NYU’s student newspaper: Washington Square News. I also intern for a start up called bSmart Guide that I’m completely obsessed with. When I’m not at the paper or interning I can most likely be found in Think Coffee. I love podcasts, TED talks, my family and stalking the Man Repeller blog.

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