Building off of the previous lab, the process for this one was much easier to get into. I used the multimeter for the first time, measuring both the resistance of a resistor and the voltage an LED. It was interesting to notice that when the two LEDs were placed in series, hitting the switch only barely lit up the first LED. Initially I thought it might be the way I wired things that is causing it to not fully light up. But then I realized that because the power source I used only supplied 3v and each LEDs took about 2v to light up I thought that might be the reason why.
I understand the science but still find it fascinating that by putting two LEDs in series the voltage cannot light up even one bulb fully but by placing three LEDs in parallel all three lights up with no problem. I also got to try at soldering the wires to the potentiometer and was able to get it working properly. It was very rewarding to create a knob that can adjust the brightness of the LED. I can imagine creating some really cool lighting gadgets using this component.