Week 5

There was a lot of material covered in this week’s videos. We learned about objects, classes and arrays which kind of synthesized everything we learned up to this point. Although it was kind of overwhelming at first, watching Dan string together all the previous concepts such as for loops and if statements with functions, classes … Continue reading Week 5

Project 1 Ideation

For our midterm I looked at a lot of past projects to get inspiration and I found that the ones that involved some sort of game interactions interested me the most. Particularly, this game by Funzo Cheng really caught my attention. I really liked using the LEDs as a countdown timer and I knew I … Continue reading Project 1 Ideation

Week 3 Lab

This week’s lab involved programming Arduino to take analog inputs and generate different analog outputs. The first lab focused on using the speaker as the output and using the force sensor resistors to change the frequency of the tones played. And by adding a transistor you can make the volume of the speaker louder. By … Continue reading Week 3 Lab

Week 3 HW

This week’s worksheet was slightly less difficult than last weeks but I still struggled with #2. I was having a hard time finding a way for the mouse to remember that it has crossed over to the red column once already and initially I was trying to create a variable called “old” so that when … Continue reading Week 3 HW

Synthetic Architecture

Computer-aided architectural design has existed for quite a while now and with the proliferation of parametric design tools like Grasshopper, that potential can be projected to hit new heights. More recently, architects like Stephen Coorlas has explored the potential of artificial intelligence-aided architecture using Midjourney, a text-to-image AI process, to create renderings and concept images. … Continue reading Synthetic Architecture

Lab 2: Digital Input & Output, Analog Input, Sensor Change Detection

This week’s labs were significantly easier to get myself into and fully understand the lesson. Although a large portion of the Arduino coding I don’t fully understand yet, I feel like I retained most of the other information presented. The first lab involved creating a digital input switch much like the lab last week except … Continue reading Lab 2: Digital Input & Output, Analog Input, Sensor Change Detection

Uncertain Journey

In collaboration with Maryia Markhvida & Dror Margalit Special thanks to Zeynep Elif Ergin This sound piece was an exploration into interactive storytelling through a combination of synthetic, computer-generated sounds, live-recorded ambient sounds and the human voice. The initial idea to use computer-generated sounds originated from Maryia’s previous experience in creating different frequency sounds using … Continue reading Uncertain Journey

Lab: Switches

The three switches in parallel and series exercise was a good segue into the switch assignment. The three switches in series provides the structure for a simple idea such as a series of tasks that one needs to complete in order for something to open/happen. I can imagine this mechanic being used in a variety … Continue reading Lab: Switches