Student Employees

On this page you will find resources for managing Student Employees in PeopleSync.


Student Employment: General Introduction to Hiring
Graduate Student Employees: An Overview of Bargaining Unit Eligibility
Add Hourly Job – Undergraduate Students and Non-BUE Graduate Students
Add Hourly Job – Graduate Students
Add Student-Related Job (e.g. TA, RA, GA) – Graduate Students
Add Graduate Adjunct Job
Labor Law Form
How Pay Group is Assigned and Pay Group by Employee Category
Student Job Profile Matrix

edit JoB

Extend Job of Student Employee (Hourly)
Extend Job of Adjunct, Post Doc Fellow, Student-Related or Additional Compensation
Labor Law Form
Change Organization Assignments

Request Compensation or manage period activity Change

Request Compensation Change
Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments
Activity Pay Map
Labor Law Form

end job

End Job

additional Resources

Hire Former Student Employee Into Regular Position or Job