Performance Review Process in PeopleSync for HR


The Performance Review Process in PeopleSync documents and tracks goals and manages the completion and documentation of evaluation forms.

This tip sheet is written for HR Partners and Performance Partners to show how the process is launched, managed and closed in PeopleSync, as well as providing guidance on answering common questions from employees and managers. 

Roles & Approval Chain

There are two transactions in this process outlined below. In both the employee submits the transaction and the manager is the approver. (An additional approver may be HR if the school or unit wants the evaluation form reviewed by HR).

An additional role is  required — Performance Partner is typically assigned to HR Partner(s) and/or HR Analyst(s). The role provides visibility into the forms, routing, the ability to send back transactions, approve forms (if this optional step is configured) and access to reporting.


The process is made up of two phases: Goal Setting and Year-end Performance Review.

Goal Setting

  1. At the beginning of the academic year or performance review year the employee will receive a goal setting task in the PeopleSync Inbox*.
    • The employee completes the task and the goals are reviewed and approved by the Manager.  
    • Remember goals can be modified or created throughout the year as needed. Goals can also be created by the Manager.
    • *Note: If the goal due date has passed or the employee cannot locate the goal form in the InBox, the employee should create or edit goals through My Individual Goals. Steps are included in the Goal Setting tip sheet.
  2. When the year-end review launches in PeopleSync the system captures all managerapproved goals associated with that year and includes this in the employee’s form.
  3. Following completion of the review process, all goals are archived on 8/31.

Year-end Review/Completing Evaluation Form

  1. Six weeks prior to the launch of the Year-end review, HR and ESM Team discusses and confirms the following:
    • Timeline – Determine and schedule the specific launch and close date of the review process.
    • Eligibility Rules – Review population to be included/excluded in the review process. (For example, employees that may be excluded include recent hires in probationary period, or uncompensated appointments)
    • Template – Review form content and routing. Content is uniform across all organizations with respects to common sections such as goals and values. Descriptions and rating values may be customized as needed.
  2. HR reviews the manager and employees of the supervisory organizations
  3. (Optional) HR provides demo/training for employees.
  4. On designated date, ESM launches the process in PeopleSync. The self-evaluation form will appear in the employee’s PeopleSync inbox. Employees/managers complete the forms.
  5. As the close date of the process approaches, ESM sends a summary of statistics (such as number of completed forms) to the HR contact and confirms the process is ready to close.
  6. ESM closes the process in PeopleSync. 
  7. Prior to the start of the next year all goals are mass archived.

Note: Communication on the timeline, due dates and reminders to complete the process are managed by HR and are not sent by PeopleSync. HR announces the process to the employee population including guidelines, due dates, and training materials/sessions.

Common Issues or Questions

The employee was not part of the evaluation form launch, can we add the employee?

The ESM Team can launch the form for a specific employee. Submit a PeopleLink ticket with this request including the name and the N#. 

The employee did not receive the form. 

Send in a ticket to PeopleLink. This will be reviewed by the ESM Team. The form is sent to eligible employees only within designated supervisory organizations. We will review the employee’s eligibility (employee category and length of service), current sup org, and/or any technical issue that may have occurred.

The employee did not complete the goals task prior to the launch of the form. 

Employee should create the goals directly in the form. Refer the employee to the tip sheet for steps.

The manager will be out during the review process. 

If the absence is planned, encourage the manager to set up delegations for this task prior to the launch. If not, submit a PeopleLink ticket and indicate who should receive the forms in the manager’s absence.

The evaluation form went to the wrong manager.

Send in a ticket to PeopleLink including the correct manager’s name and N#. The ESM Team will reassign the task to the manager. 

The employee submitted the self-valuation form by mistake and needs the manager to send it back

In the Performance Communication Review in PeopleSync tip sheet for employees we recommend that the employee contacts the Manager first. The Manager can easily locate the form in their inbox and select “Send Back”. 

Performance Partners can also send back forms. 

  1. On the employee’s record, click on Job on the left side menu.
  2. Click on Worker History. Click on View Worker History by Category button.
  3. Click on Goals and Reviews.
  4. Hover over the Business Process. (For example: “NYU WSQ AY2018-19 Performance Communication Form for [Dept Name] [Last Name, First Name]”). The Related Actions menu will appear. Select > Business Process > Manual Send Back.

If neither option is possible, submit a PeopleLink ticket and the ESM Team can send back the form.

Where is the form? Is the form completed? The employee or manager is unable to find the evaluation form and is not sure if the form was sent or received.

HR Analysts, HR Partners, Performance Partners and the PeopleLink Team can check the employee’s Worker History to check on the status of the form. Below are the steps and an example.

  1. On the employee’s record, click on Job on the left side menu.
  2. Next, click on Worker History. Click on the View Worker History by Category button.
  3. Click on Goals and Reviews.
  4. On this page click on the link for the performance review. For example: “NYU WSQ AY2018-19 Performance Communication Form for [Dept Name] [Last Name, First Name]”.
  5. You will now see the process history. It shows the following:
    a. Step: You can view all the steps in the process
    b. Status: This is an important column. It will tell you whether the process is still pending. (When a process has been completed by all parties the status is “Successfully Completed”.)
    c. Completed On: Indicates when the action took place
    d. Person: Many processes in PeopleSync route to different people. This column tells us who the transaction went to.
    e. Comment: Each person in the process may include comments which are visible to others in the process.

How do managers find previous years’ performance reviews?

Managers can find a specific evaluation from the Team Performance application, and select under the Reports section View Printable Employee Review.

Managers and Performance Partners can also look up past reviews for a single employee from the employee’s profile.  Search by name or find the employee in the My Team Management application.  In the employee profile, click on the Performance on the left side menu, then the Performance Reviews tab.  Current and past reviews display. Click on View button next to the review.


To keep track of goal submission, HR Partners can run the following report: Goal Submission Audit – WSQ Performance Management.

To keep track of completed evaluation forms, HR Partners can run the following report: Employee Review Progress Status for Organization

TRAINING & Additional Resources

  • A PeopleSync testing tenant is available for HR to use to demonstrate the process to employees and provide training. In the demo you can show the steps from the employee and/or manager’s point of view.
  • Refer employees to tip sheets located on the Performance Communication web site
  • For HR and those who will administer the goal setting and performance review process refer to the shared resources available on NYU Box.

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