PeopleSync Fundamentals: Job Family Group, Job Family and Job Profile

The taxonomy for organizing data on jobs/positions is hierarchical and follows this structure:

Job Family Group 

Job Family 

Job Profile

Here are the definitions of each:

Job Family Group The broadest category of classification. Examples of Job Family Groups include Academic and Administrative/Professional. It contains a set of related job families.
Job Family Broad groupings of jobs that perform similar functions such as Human Resources. Job Family is a set of related job profiles.
Job Profile Describes general characteristics of a position and identify special skills, management level, exempt status, grade/band (if applicable) and / or other qualifications. Each position or job is assigned a Job Profile.

There are seven Job Family Groups:

  • NYU – Academic
  • NYU – Administrative/Professional
  • NYU – Union
  • NYU – Non-Exempt/Non-Union
  • NYU – Casual
  • NYU – Student
  • Additional Compensation

Within each are numerous Job Families. Here is an example for NYU – Academic which has seven job families.

  • NYU – Academic
    • Academic Administration
    • Adjunct Faculty
    • Non Tenure Track Full Time Faculty
    • Post Doctoral
    • Professional Researcher
    • Student Related Positions
    • Tenure/Tenure Track Full Time Faculty

Within each Job Family are the Job Profiles. Here is an example of the WSQ based job profiles for Tenure/Track Full Time Faculty:

    • Tenure/Tenure Track Full Time Faculty
      • 001000 – Professor with Chair
      • 001001 – Professor
      • 001002 – Associate Professor
      • 001003 – Assistant Professor
      • 001101 – Curator
      • 001102 – Associate Curator
      • 001103 – Assistant Curator
      • 001105 – Retiree (Faculty/Researcher

Run the NYU Job Profiles report in PeopleSync to view a complete list of all job profiles. This will show the job profile, job family and job family group.

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