PeopleSync Fundamentals: End Employment Date and Actual End Date

Fixed-Term positions or jobs require an End Employment Date.  An additional field Actual End Date is required for salaried Fixed-Term employees.

Field Description
End Employment Date The end employment date for the position or job of fixed term employees. It is a required field in the Hire, Job Change, Add Job, and specific Edit Position transactions.

To edit this date use Edit Position or Job > Extend Fixed Term Job transaction.

The End Employment Date for existing Fixed Term employee is located on the Job tab. Click Job on the left side menu. Click on the Job or Position link. (This is the link next to Job or Position, and shows the title and job #). The Job info displays. You will see End Employment Date on the right.

Actual End Date (AED) The date which the system uses to turn off payment. It should match the End Employment Date. It only applies to Fixed Term employees paid via Salary (not Hourly).

In the transactions listed above can view this field on the Compensation step. Click Additional Details (under the Amount field) to display this field. If this date does not match the End Employment Date you will see a red alert.

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