PeopleSync for Managers

The purpose of this tip sheet is to provide an overview of the Manager role in PeopleSync. Managers can access team information, employee records, staffing activity, job requisitions and available positions, as well as reports. Additionally, if applicable, Managers can also access performance evaluations.

Manager Role in PeopleSync

First let’s review the Manager role. This role is assigned by the Security Partner at your school or unit. Managers are assigned to supervisory organizations (sup org). Supervisory organizations maps to departments or employee categories. The Manager’s name appears in the Supervisory Organization name. 

Example: John Doe is the Manager of three supervisory organizations:

  • English Department (Adjuncts) (WS1000) (Doe, John)
  • English Department (RAs, TAs) (WS1001)  (Doe, John)
  • English Department (PT Researchers) (WS1002) (Doe, John)

Once you are assigned to a sup org, you can access the following worklets/icon from the PeopleSync homepage:

  • MyTeam
  • Employee Changes
  • Hiring
  • New Hire & Onboarding Dashboard
  • Performance*

From the PeopleSync homepage, select the MyTeam worklet. You will see the following buttons:

  • My Org Chart – Provides a visual display of your sup orgs and direct reports.
  • Headcount – Provides a headcount report
  • Individual Employee – Provides access to employee’s record

Employee Record

The Manager can view the following in an employee’s record:

  • Overview: Current and past jobs/positions.
  • Job:
    • Job Details: This include the employee’s sup org, title, job profile, employee type, time type, workspace, and service dates. Select the position link to access the Position Restrictions.
    • Organization. Costing and Timesheet Approver.
  • Contact: Work contact information. Note: Work contact information for all employees is set to Public as default, including work phone and email address. Personal contact information for all employees is set to Private as default, including the employee’s personal phone, email, and address. These are only visible to the employee’s HR representatives unless the employee changes the setting to Public.
  • Performance: If applicable to your school, you may have access the employee’s Goals and Performance Reviews. See the Performance Review tip sheets for more information.
  • Managers will not see Compensation data or personal information such as SSN, DOB, or emergency contact information.

Employee Changes
From the PeopleSync homepage, select the Employee Changes worket. You will see various buttons which provide access to Staffing changes such as Hire, Job Change/Transfer, Edits to Position and Terminations.


From the PeopleSync homepage, select the Hiring worket. You will see various buttons which allow you to submit the following Actions: Create or Close Position and Create or Close Job Requisition. You can also View Job Requisitions, Open Positions, Applicants, and Position Restrictions (i.e. details on position such as Job Summary, Default Costing, Position Budget and Incumbent History)

New Hire & Onboarding Dashboard

From the PeopleSync homepage, select the New Hire & Onboarding Dashboard worket.


From the PeopleSync homepage, select the Performance worklet.


Specific reports that may be helpful in managing your direct reports and your NYU WSQ organizations, include the following.


  • Headcount and Open Position Analysis
  • Headcount Report
  • New Hire Staffing & Compensation
  • Terminations

Last updated in May 2020.