How to Request Timesheet/Timeoff Approver Role

To be able to approve timesheets or timeoff, the employee must be given the Timesheet Approver (TSA)/Timeoff Approver (TOA) role in PeopleSync. Note that this differs from assigning PeopleSync Roles such as HR Analyst or HR Partner – these are assigned by the Security Partner. To request the Timesheet Approver/Timeoff Approver role, send in a ticket to PeopleLink.

How to check if someone has this role in PeopleSync:

  • Search for the employee by the netid in PeopleSync.
  • If the employee has been assigned this role you will see the following:
    • DEMO, ANN – NETID – TSA – Time sheet Approver
    • DEMO, ANN – NETID – TOA – Time off Approver

How to request this role:

  • Submit your request through a ticket using PeopleLink. (For guidance on which employee categories are eligible to have this role, contact the HRO of your school).

Additional resources

For information on how to assign the TSA/TOA to a position, refer to the following:

Time and Absence in PeopleSync for HR and Finance
Change Organization Assignments

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