How to Request Reassignment of a Task (Approvers)

If you are in a role which approves transactions, for example, HR Partner or Finance Executive, it is helpful to know how to request a task reassignment.

If you receive a task in your PeopleSync InBox which should be assigned to another member of your team, you can request that the task is reassigned.

Here is an example. Louise Doe is a Finance Executive for sup org WS0000; she receives a Review Hire task for new employee, Jimmy Doe, however, this hire transaction should be reviewed by Brandy Doe. Louise requests that the task to reassigned to Brandy.


  1. Submit a ticket to PeopleLink. Provide the details on the specific task and the name of the recipient. Example: “Reassign the New Hire review task for Jimmy Doe to Brandy Doe.”
    • The new recipient of the task must have the same role or one with similar review/approval functions in order to receive the task. In the example above, Brandy Doe is a Finance Partner, therefore she can receive the task. However, if her role was I-9 Partner, we would not be able to assign the task to her. You can review the roles here
  2. Before making the request, review the Worker History to see who else in your organization has received the task.
    • Navigate to the employee’s record. Select Job > Worker History.
    • Select the transaction in the Business Process column.
    • Next select the Process tab.
    • Scroll down to view the approval process. You will be able to see all the recipients of the task.
  3. Lastly, consider contacting your Security Partner if you need to make more permanent changes to who receives tasks so that you do not need repeat this request.