The Initiator can Cancel a transaction.
- Cancel is often used if a transaction is submitted by mistake.
- You can only Cancel transactions that are In Progress.
- A completed transaction cannot be canceled. If you need to cancel a completed transaction the ESM Team may rescind (remove) specific types of transactions. Contact PeopleLink and submit a ticket.
- If you are an Approver consider contacting the initiator and requesting a cancellation, instead of using the Deny option.
- Important. The Cancel button located at the bottom of Review tasks in your InBox is often mistaken as a way to cancel a transaction. Clicking this button navigates away from the task (so that you may restart it later).
STEPS (Initiator)
To cancel a transaction that was submitted off of the employee record:
- Navigate to the employee record.
- Click Job from the left side menu and select the Worker History tab.
- As alternate method for finding the transaction, click Worker History by Category. Click the tab corresponding to the transaction type.
- Locate the transaction in the Business Process column.
- Hover mouse over the link and click on the actions ellipse which will appear at the end.
- Select Business Process > Cancel.
- Enter in Comments.
- Click Submit.