Hiring Agency Temps


This tip sheet provides guidelines on hiring Agency Temps into PeopleSync. This type of employee works for a fixed amount of time (Fixed-Term) and is hired and paid through an outside agency. The employee is NOT paid through NYU Payroll. A temp employee is also not a student at NYU.

Agency Temps are part of Job Management Staffing Model. You do not create a position or open a job requisition in PeopleSync. 

Note: Agency temps are not required to be in PeopleSync. You should hire the employee in PeopleSync only if the employee needs access to an HR System such as, iCIMs, PeopleSync HR, or Payroll administration.


As with regular new hires, please make sure an N# and NetID have been first assigned to the employee. To request a NetID or N#, see this ServiceLink article from NYU.

In the transaction you will select the appropriate Job Management supervisory org (sup org), or request that one is created. For example, School of Rock (Agency Temporary Employees). To request a new sup org, refer to the tip sheet, How to Request Supervisory Organization Changes.


  1. Navigate to the supervisory organization.
  2. Select related actions off of the sup org and choose Hire > Hire Employee.
  3. Choose Create Applicant and complete this form. You will need to provide Last and First Name as well as one piece of contact info.
  4. On the Job Details Page, complete the following fields:
    • Hire Date: Enter the start date of the job or click on the menu icon and select a date.
    • Employee Type: Enter in Fixed Term.
    • Job Profile: Enter in 220000 – Agency Temp.
    • Time Type: Enter in Part-Time or Full-Time.
    • Location: Enter in the Location; for example, Washington Square Campus.
    • Workspace: Enter in the workspace or click on the menu icon and select one.
    • Click the arrow next to Additional Information to display more fields.
      • Job and Business Title:The fields automatically default to Agency Temp. You can modify these fields if needed.
      • Scheduled Hours: If Part-Time, enter in 27 hours or less. If full-time, enter 35 hours.
      • Employment End Date: Enter the End Date of the Job or click on the menu icon and select a date.
  5. Complete the required fields on the Personal Information Page. These are Gender, DOB, and Race/Ethnicity. 
  6. Complete the Social Security # in the Edit IDs Page
    • Under the National IDs row, select the plus (+) icon.
    • For Country choose the United States of America; for National ID Type choose Social Security Number.

Granting Access to HR Systems

Once the hire transaction is complete in PeopleSync, the N# will automatically update to the record.

Once you see this N# (located on the Job Tab > Job Details), reach out to the Security Partner and request access to the necessary roles. If you do not see the N#, contact PeopleLink.

The Security Partner then assigns the appropriate role to the employee. (If you are not sure who the Security Partner is, contact your HR Department or go any sup org in your School or Division and select the Roles Tab. Filter the roles column by Security Partner.)

Terminating Agency Temp in PeopleSync

As a best practice, please remember to terminate the employee once they have completed their assignment. Although an End Date is entered when the transaction is submitted, this does not automatically terminate the employee.

To Terminate:

  1. Navigate to the employee record.
  2. Click Actions ellipse > Job Change > Terminate Employee.

Tip: Run the Active Primary and Non-Primary Report – Casual and Agency Temps report to find a list of employees with upcoming end dates. This is a helpful report for keeping track of employees who should be terminated from the system.

Last updated in February 2017.