Hire Former Student Employee Into Regular Position or Job


If you are hiring a student employee who has graduated into a regular position or job you must first terminate the student record. Once this is completed proceed with the Hire transaction. (An example of this scenario is a student employee who graduates and is hired into an Administrative Aide position).


  1. Navigate to the the employee record.
  2. If there are no non-primary jobs move on the step 5.
  3. Select the double arrow next to the employee name and review the non-primary jobs.
  4. End all jobs managed by your School. Click Actions > Job Change > End Job. Make sure the Effective Date is earlier that the Hire date of the new position.
    • If a job is managed by another School contact that HR Department and request that the job is ended. Make sure to provide the School with the Hire date so that they end the job prior to this date.
    • If a job is a Stipend Job, contact PeopleLink.
  5. Process the termination. Click on the Actions ellipse > Job Change > Termination.
  6. Once this has been approved by the HR Partner, you will see (Terminated) next the employee’s name.
  7. Navigate to the supervisory org where the new position exists. Click the Actions ellipse > Hire > Existing Employee.
  8. In the Existing Employee field enter the student’s name. Do not select Create New Applicant.
  9. Refer to the appropriate Hire tip sheet specific to the employee category. (For example if the position is Staff, refer the Hire Staff tip sheet).

common issues in transacting

Below is list of common issues or errors. 

  • Cannot locate the student in the Existing Employee field. Navigate to the employee record and check that the student is terminated. You will see “(Terminated)” next to the student’s name or if the termination’s effective date is in the future, you will see “Job vacate…”
  • Termination was processed but the student is showing as rehired back into the Student Pool. To avoid, once the termination has been approved, initiate the Hire transaction on the same day. Note that SIS hires students everyday into PeopleSync based on their status; at times a student’s graduation status may not have updated in SIS. Therefore the student will be rehired into the Student Pool sup org. By initiating the Hire transaction you will prevent the system from rehiring.
    • If the student has been rehired, contact PeopleLink. We will remove the rehire transaction.

Last updated July 2020