Full-Time Faculty Overview

This tip sheet is designed to give an end-to-end overview of how to hire, manage, and separate Full- Time Faculty and employee data in your school in PeopleSync. Full-Time Faculty are hired and managed in PeopleSync in supervisory organizations using the Position Management staffing model, which requires that a position be created and approved before it can be filled by a Full-Time Faculty. This allows for extensive reporting and position history. Full-Time Faculty supervisory organizations have (Full-Time Faculty) appended to the supervisory organization name.

Full-Time Faculty Positions – Prior to Hiring

All Full-Time Faculty will sit in a separate, unique position in their respective supervisory organizations. As in previous years, annual staffing plans are submitted and loaded into PeopleSync by the central PeopleSync team. If a hiring need is determined outside of the annual staffing process, a new position must be created using the Create Position process prior to hiring a new Full-Time Faculty. For additional information, refer to the Create Position tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty positions may be created in PeopleSync by employees assigned the HR Partner or HR Analyst organization support role. When creating Full-Time Faculty positions, the Initiator of the Create Position process will assign the position as Academic / Deferred Pay at the Change Organization Assignments step. During the Hire process, the Initiator will assign the work period and disbursement period to ensure the position’s incumbent is paid over the appropriate schedule.

Full-Time Faculty Job Requisitions & Hiring

Job requisitions are required to be opened in PeopleSync to mark the position as available to fill. Job Requisitions should be opened for Full-Time Faculty once the final candidate for the position has been selected, as Full-Time Faculty requisitions are not sent to PeopleAdmin to be posted. For additional information related to job requisitions, refer to the Job Requisitions for Staff / Admin. & Full-Time Faculty tip sheet.

When a final candidate has been selected for a Full-Time Faculty position and the terms of the hire have been agreed upon between NYU and the final candidate, the HR Partner or HR Analyst of the organization may process the hire in PeopleSync using the Hire process. For additional information, refer to the Hire Full-Time Faculty tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty Job Requisitions & Hiring

Prior to hiring a new Full-Time Faculty employee, it is important to request a NetID for the employee through the registry. NetIDs may not be created as part of the Hire process in PeopleSync and therefore, must be requested prior to initiating the Hire process in PeopleSync in order to give the new hire access to onboarding tasks once they have activated their NetID.

Full-Time Faculty Compensation

Full-Time Faculty are paid an annual salaried amount. The Full-Time Faculty’s compensation is set as part of the Hire process. As required, the compensation details associated with the Full-Time Faculty may be edited on an ad-hoc basis using the Request Compensation Change process. For additional information, refer to the Request Compensation Change tip sheet.

In addition to base salary, a Full-Time Faculty may require additional and/or summer compensation for their position(s). To issue additional compensation to a Full-Time Faculty member or for additional information, refer to the Additional Compensation tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty Job Changes & Additional Jobs

Full-Time Faculty may hold additional jobs within or outside of their supervisory organization. If a Full-Time Faculty is going to fill another position, in addition to their primary position, reference to the Add / End Additional Title Job tip sheet for additional information. If a Full-Time Faculty is going to complete duties/activities requiring additional compensation related to their primary job, an additional compensation job should be used in PeopleSync. For additional information, refer to the Additional Compensation tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty members may be promoted, demoted, or transferred in PeopleSync using the appropriate Promote, Demote, or Transfer Employee tip sheets. As a part of these processes, Full-Time Faculty employees may be moved to a different position that is open with an open job requisition as of the job change date. When completing an Academic Promotion, the Edit Position transaction will be used, allowing the HR Analyst to edit the Full-Time Faculty member’s position details without moving the Faculty member to a different position.

Full-Time Faculty Academic Appointments

An academic appointment in PeopleSync is separate from a Full-Time Faculty member’s position. Academic appointments allow NYU to track appointment information, tenure status or eligibility, and dates associated with a faculty member’s appointment data. Full- Time Faculty members sit in specific positions in their respective school or unit. The academic appointment is an additional item, associated with their individual position, which stores information specific to faculty members.

A supervisory organization’s Academic Initiator will receive a task to Add an Academic Appointment as part of the Hire process for a Full-Time Faculty employee.

Academic Appointments may also be added, edited, or ended on an ad hoc basis. For additional details, refer to the Academic Appointments tip sheet.

The Academic Partner within the Office of Academic Affairs has visibility into all Full- Time Faculty appointments across the University. The Academic Partner may add, edit, or remove academic appointments, as required.

Full-Time Faculty Leaves

Full-Time Faculty employees may be placed on paid or unpaid leaves in PeopleSync. These leaves will either be personal leaves the employee is taking, such as paid FMLA Illness, unpaid illness, or university-sponsored sabbatical leaves.

Faculty paid leaves can be at 100% pay, 75% pay, or ‘other’ in which the Absence Partner can specify a different percentage of pay for the employee to receive. Refer to the Place Employee on Leave and Return Employee from Leave tip sheets for more information.

Full-Time Faculty Separation

When an employee decides to separate from the University, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the employee must be terminated in PeopleSync. Note that this process should only be completed when a Full-Time Faculty employee is separating entirely from the University. For additional information, refer to the Terminate Employee tip sheet.

If the employee holds any additional jobs, the additional jobs must be ended prior to processing a termination. To end an employee’s additional jobs, refer to the Add / End Additional Title Jobs tip sheet.

Last updated in May 2014.