Create Proposed Position


Proposed positions are created as part of the planning process during the NYU Annual Staffing Process for Staff, Administrative/Professionals, and Full Time Faculty. It is important to remember that proposed positions:

  • Are always created for the upcoming Fiscal Year (If you have an immediate need to create a position for the current Fiscal Year, you can create an ad-hoc position).
  • Are created for review and approval at the Principals Meeting and cannot be hired into until after approval at the Principals Meeting.
  • Do not count towards headcount until after the proposed position becomes a completed position (after approval by the Finance Executive).

The Create Position transaction for Administrative/Professionals and Staff is initiated in JDXpert. Refer to the JDXpert for HR Partners and HR Analysts tip sheet for steps.

For Full Time Faculty refer to these steps in this tip sheet.


Steps Role
1. Enter Initial Create Position Details HR Analyst / HR Partner
2. Enter Restructure Details (Restructured Positions Only) Initiator
3. Change Organization Assignments Initiator
4. Enter Split Costing Details (Split Costing Positions Only) Initiator
5. Request Default Compensation Initiator
6. Provost Office and Budget Office Approvals Academic Staffing Approver / Budget Office Analyst
7. Complete Create Position Process Initiator
8. Position Request Review (Staff / Admin. Positions only) Compensation Partner
9. Assign Pay Group Initiator
10. HR Partner and Finance Executive Approvals HR Partner / Finance Executive
11. OPTIONAL: Assign Costing Allocation at Position Restriction Level Initiator

Enter Initial Create Position Details

  1. Enter the name of the supervisory organization in the Search bar.
  2. Click the supervisory organization in which you would like to create a position.
  3. On the organization details page, click the Actions button. Scroll to the Staffing menu and click Create Position.
  4. Select the Position Request Reason.
    • Select 2) Academic Staffing Plan Positions (Provost) to create a proposed position for
  5. Select a sub-reason.
    • Select Non-Restructure if the position is not tied to a prior position.
    • Select Restructure if the position is a result of a restructure (i.e. replacement, consolidation or split) of a prior position.
  6. Enter the position title in the Job Posting Title field to be shown in PeopleAdmin. The Title entered here will be used to recruit. The working or business title may be assigned at the point of Hire.
  7. In the Number of Positions field, enter 1. Do not create multiple proposed positions. Multiple proposed positions must be created individually.
  8. Under the Hiring Restrictions tab, input the Availability Date and the Earliest Hire Date.
    • For Availability Date, enter the earliest date you would open a job requisition for the position.
    • For Earliest Hire Date, enter the earliest date an employee would be hired into the position (typically the upcoming Fiscal Year for Proposed Positions).
    • Do not select the “No Job Restrictions” checkbox.
  9. Next, select the appropriate Job Family.
    • For FT Faculty, fill in Job Family ONLY (do not enter a Job Profile)
  10. In the Job Description Summary field, enter the specific position summary. Do not enter details in the Job Description Summary field.
    • Note: For Staff / Admin positions, this is the position summary that will populate the PeopleAdmin posting.
  11. Use the prompt icon to select the Location for the new position.
  12. Use the prompt icon to select the Time Type for the new position.
  13. Use the prompt icon to select the Worker Type for the new position and Worker Sub Type.
    • Fixed Term employee should be selected when the position has a projected employment end date. Regular should be selected for open-ended positions.
    • Do not use Contingent Workers.
    • This step is optional for proposed positions and can be added later in the Create Position process.
  14. After completing all required fields on the Hiring Restrictions tab, click Submit.
    • You are not required to complete the Qualifications tab for proposed positions.

Enter Restructure Details

If a Restructure sub-reason was selected, the initiator will be routed to the Edit Additional Data step to Enter Position Restructure Details. Select the Position Restructure Type, using the following instructions.

  • Replacement: Enter the 7-digit Position ID of the prior position in the Prior Position ID 1 field.
  • Split: Enter the 7-digit Position ID of the prior position into the Prior Position ID 1 field.
  • Consolidation: Enter the 7-digit Position IDs of the prior positions in the Prior Position ID 1, 2 (and 3 if applicable) fields. If you are consolidating more than 3 positions into 1, multiple Position IDs, separated by commas, can be entered into the Prior Position ID 3 or More field.
  • To find a Position ID, navigate to the Supervisory Organization of the position in a new tab. View the Members tab and look at the Position column to find the 7-digit Position ID.

change organization assignments

The initiator will receive the task to Change Organization Assignments. Enter the organization assignments for the position by following the instructions in the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet.

Enter Split Costing Details

  1. If the funding for the proposed position will be split between multiple schools, units, or funding sources (i.e. grants), you can enter general split costing.
  2. Select Edit Additional Data to enter the Split Costing.
  3. Select Skip if your school/unit will be fully funding the position.
    • This step is designed to provide split funding information for planning purposes. It does not replace the Assign Costing Allocation step.
  4. Enter the split costing details for the funding that will be provided by any organization other than your own.
    1. Select Percent or Dollar as the Amount Type.
    2. Enter the amount(s) that the selected organization(s) will fund.
    3. Select the organization(s) that you are splitting costing with for the position.
    4. Do not enter costing for your organization.

request default compensation

The initiator of the process will receive the task to Request Default Compensation. Refer to the Request Default Compensation tip sheet for directions on performing this activity. For proposed positions, the initiator is advised to budget at the 50th percentile. If the initiator plans to budget above the 75th percentile, they should consult with their Compensation manager first.

 After completing this step, the proposed positions will route to the approval step (see next step). The initiator should click Submit to send the proposed position to the approval step or click Save for Later to save the proposed position and return to the process at a later time.

Complete Create Position Process

  1. Following Budget Office Analyst approval, the position will route back to the initiator for completion.
  2. For Staff / Admin positions, click the Qualifications tab and scroll to the Training section. This is where additional position details, i.e. responsibilities, education, skills, etc., will be entered as previously entered in PeopleAdmin.
  3. Click the grey plus arrow to add a new row under the Training section. Under the Training column, indicate the percent of time dedicated to that qualification area, if applicable. If the line item does not refer to a percent of the time (i.e. required education) type N/A in the Training field.
  4. In the Training Type column, use the dropdown menu to select a position detail for the position. Note, these should be entered in the order listed.
  5. In the Description column, enter the description/qualifications for the specific training type selected. Refer to the notes below for specific details around what must be included for different types of Staff / Admin positions.
    • Admin/Professional: There are a total of 12 position description details (A-L) that must be added when creating a new Admin. / Professional position. You must enter multiple rows for “A. Principal Duties” before adding rows B-L.
    • Clerical/Technical/Service: There are a total of 7 position description details (A – G) that must be added when creating a new Clerical / Technical / Service position. You must enter multiple rows for “A. Principal Duties” before adding rows B-G.
    • There are 4 additional position description details (M-P) that should be used for role enhancements only and should not be used when creating a new position.
    • You do not need to flag any position description details as Required.
    • You can also update Position Details (i.e. Position Title, Job Description Summary) in this step.
  6. Once all position description items have been entered in the Training section, click Submit.
    • PeopleSync will not prevent you from submitting the position request if all required position details are not included. The process request routes to the Compensation Partner who can send the request back to ensure all of the necessary information is input.
  7. Next, review the Create Position details including Organization Assignments and Default Compensation. If the information entered while creating the proposed position has changed, click Send Back.
  8. Based on the information that needs to be updated, select the appropriate step to send the process back to and enter a reason.
  9. You will be returned to the earlier step of the creation position process, where you can update the position details.
    • The initiator will be required to renter the Organization Assignments and Default compensation if the process is sent back to either of those steps or to an earlier step.
  10. After updating the position information or if no updates are required, review the position to confirm all information is correct and click Approve.

Position Request REview Compensation

For Staff / Admin position requests, the position details route to the Compensation Partner for approval. The Compensation Partner will review the position details to ensure the job profile and position description attributes input accurately represent the position and compensation grade. If necessary, the Compensation Partner who will send the request back to the Initiator so that they are able to work with the Initiator to ensure all of the necessary information is input.

Assign Pay Group

The initiator of the process will receive the task to Assign Pay Group.

HR Partner and Finance Executive Approvals

The position request will then be routed for approval by the HR Partner (if the HR Partner is not the initiator) and the Finance Executive. Refer to the Approvals tip sheet for directions on performing this activity.

Optional: Assign Costing ALlocation at Position Restriction Level

  1. After the Finance Executive approval, the initiator has the option to assign costing at the Position Restriction level. A costing allocation at the Position Restriction level should ONLY be used for unfilled positions with split costing or a costing override where the Default Organization Assignments do not apply to the costing for the position.
  2. To assign a costing allocation at the Position Restriction level, click Add and follow the steps outlined in the Assign Costing Allocation tip sheet.
  3. If Costing Allocation at the Position Restriction is not required, skip the step by clicking Submit or clicking the gear icon and then selecting Skip This Task.

Proposed Position Reporting

Enter Proposed Positions in the search field to locate the Proposed Positions Report for your school/unit. This report shows all Proposed Positions and can be viewed by:

  • Finance Executives
  • HR Partners
  • Budget Office Analysts
  • HR Analysts
  • Compensation Partners
  • HR Reporting Analysts

Last updated in May 2019

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