End Job


This tip sheet provides information on the End Job transaction which is used to end a non-primary job or position. 

Roles & Approval Chain

The transaction is submitted by the HR Analyst and routes to the HR Partner for review and approval.

(Note on who can initiate. Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for list of roles and function.)

Important Transaction Details

The End Job is often confused with Edit Job.

  • In End Job you will enter in an End Date. This inactivates the job.
  • In Edit Job when you modify the End Employment Date this signifies the end date of a fixed term job and payment. However the job will remain active.

For Adjuncts, Student-Related Jobs (e.g. TA, RA, GA), and Additional Compensation: Before processing an End Job transaction, first make sure that the end dates of the activity pay have passed or process a Manage Period Activity Pay transaction to modify the payment and end date to be on or before the job’s end date.


  1. Navigate to the employee record.
  2. Click Actions ellipse > Job Change > End Job.
  3. Select the job or position that you want to end.
  4. In the Reason select the appropriate reason. These are End Additional Titled Job, End Dual Employment or End Additional Compensation Job. You can also select among three reasons for End Research Stipend.
  5. Enter in End Date.
    • Pay/Forfeit selections. If the the job is paid via Activity Pay (e.g. Adjuncts, Ad Comp, Post Doc Fellow Stipend) and the Activity Pay has scheduled payments beyond the End Date that you entered, then a modified version of the Manage Period Activity Pay screen will display. Scroll to the right and you will see Pay or Forfeit selections for the remaining payments. Note that this page has limited functionality – you will not be able to edit all of the fields. Therefore, we recommend that instead you first process a Manage Period Activity Pay, adjusting the amount, quantity and dates as needed. Next, process the End Job transaction.
  6. If this is a position that should be closed click the Close Position check box.
  7. Click the arrow next to Additional Information to display more fields.
    • You will see the Last Day of Work, Pay Through Date and Notify By fields. These will prepopulate to match the End Employment Date. Typically you do not need to modify these fields.
  8. Enter comments if needed.
  9. Click Submit.

Last updated in August 2020

Position Available for Overlap

If an employee is vacating an Administrative/Professional, Staff, or Full-Time Faculty position you will need to indicate if this position is available for overlap. (Selecting the checkbox means yes).

Position available for overlap means the position is available for hire before it is vacated by the current incumbent. For example, Alex will leave his position on 8/15. Mallory will start in this same job on 8/11. The separating employee and new employee will both be in the same position for an overlap period of four days. A scenario such as this is typically to support continuity of services or to allow a separating employee to train a new employee.

Retirement in PeopleSync

This tip sheet provides guidance on the following transactions for retirees:

  • Retiring an Employee
  • Rehiring a Retired Employee
  • Ending the Position/Job of a Retired-Active Employee

Prior to initiating this transaction, please ensure the employee qualifies for retirement. You can review the retirement policy here. If you have questions on employee eligibility, contact PeopleLink.

Once you have determined that the employee is eligible for retirement, follow the steps below.

Steps for retiring an employee

  1. Navigate to the employee’s record.
  2. Select Actions ellipse, Job Change > Terminate Employee.
  3. In the Primary Reason field, select Voluntary > Retirement.
  4. Enter the Termination Date.
    • The Last Day of Work and Pay Through Date Fields will automatically populate based on the Termination Date.
  5. Complete the Close Position and Is This Position Available for Overlap? fields.
  6. Submit transaction.
  7. The transaction will route to the HR Partner for approval.
  8. Next, it will route to a Senior Service Advisor (SSA) in PeopleLink.
    • The SSA will update the Retiree Status. This is an important step.
    • By adding the retiree flag the record will be marked as retired.
    • The SSA will also include the start date of the Retiree Benefits. This is one day after the termination date.
  9. Once the transaction is completed, review the employee record. Next to the name, you will see (Retired) beside the name.
    • Example: Fred Doe (Retired).

Steps for rehiring a retired employee

  1. Navigate to the supervisory organization where the new position exists.
  2. Select Related Actions > Hire > Hire Employee.
  3. Choose Existing Applicant.
    • If you cannot find the employee’s record, contact PeopleLink.
    • Do not select Create New Applicant.
  4. Follow the regular hire steps. In the Reason field, be sure to select Reason>Hire Employee – Rehire (Post Retirement).
    • You will find that the Personal ID pages are pre-populated with data from the employee’s previous record.
    • Fields such as gender, DOB, citizenship, government ids will be completed but should be modified as needed.
  5. Please take note when updating the Effective Date or Start Date for Adjuncts.
    • When rehiring a retired FT faculty member into an adjunct position, ensure that the effective date or start date of the rehire is after the retirement date. This ensures the continuation of benefit coverage.
    • The retirement date is entered in by a Senior Service Advisor at PeopleLink during the termination process. It is one day after the termination date.
    • To find this date, navigate to the employee record. Select Job > Worker History > View Worker History by Category button.
    • Select the Staffing tab.
    • Find the Add Retiree Status transaction in the business process column. Select the transaction – you will see the Entry date.
    • Example: Ann Doe retired on 8/31. His retirement date entered by PeopleLink is 9/1. She is rehired as an adjunct. The start date is 9/2.
  6. The transaction will route to the HR Partner and Finance Executive for approval.
  7. Once the rehire transaction is completed, review the employee record. Next to the name, you will see (Retired – Active).
    • Example: Ann Doe (Retired – Active).

Steps for Ending the Job or Position and terminating a Retired – Active Employee

When the job or position of a Retired – Active employee ends

Navigate to the employee record.

  1. End all non-primary jobs. Refer to the End Job tip sheet.
  2. Click the Actions ellipse > Job Change > Terminate Employee
  3. Choose the Primary Reason – >Voluntary Post Retirement
  4. Follow the normal termination steps. Refer to the Terminate Employee tip sheet.

Note: it is important that the Termination Date be set as today or future dated, meaning no retro terminations.

After this transaction is completed the record will appear as “Retired” e.g. (Doe, Jane (Retired). Using this process will not have a negative effect on the employee’s benefits.

Last updated in October 2023.

Terminate Employee


This tip sheet provides steps on processing a termination in PeopleSync.

roles & approval chain

The transaction is initiated by HR Analysts and routes to the HR Partner and Finance Executive for review and approval. Based on the reason listed below, the transaction may also route to Employee Relations for review. 

(Note on who can initiate. Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for list of roles and function.)

After the transaction is completed this process may trigger one time payment tasks or to-dos. (See Post-Termination section)

pre-termination steps for specific employee categories or scenarios

  • Employee with non-primary jobs. Prior to submitting the termination, make sure to end all non-primary jobs. Refer to the End Job tip sheet. (Note: If the job is with another school or unit, contact HR from that school and ask them to end the job.  Tip: On the employee record click on Overview > Jobs. This will show a list of all jobs and the supervisory organization/manager. If you need assistance contact PeopleLink.)
  • Employees paid through Activity Pay (i.e. Adjuncts, Students in Student-Related positions, and Post-Doc Fellows, Additional Compensation Jobs). The Activity Pay dates must be on or before the termination date. 
  • Employees on Leave. If an employee is currently on leave but will be terminating, process a Return from Leave transaction prior to the termination transaction.
  • Faculty members with active academic appointments. Request that the Academic Initiator end the active academic appointments. The initiator will receive a reminder post-termination.
  • Employees with PeopleSync Roles. If the employee  has incomplete tasks in their PeopleSync Inbox, you should ask them to review these items prior to termination. The initiator will receive a to-do post-termination. This step is important for separating employees who had PeopleSync roles, i.e. HR or Finance personnel.
  • Employees who are Timesheet Approvers or Timeoff Approvers. If the employee is has been assigned as timesheet approver or timeoff approver to an employee/position, make sure to update the Organization Assignments Page with the new TSA or TOA.
  • Position available for overlap. See step 6. It is helpful if you know whether the position should be made available for overlap prior to processing the termination so that you may complete this field accordingly.
  • Important: If the employee is eligible for a vacation payout make sure to review the Vacation Balance. If you would like to preview the amount to be paid out, run the Time Off Liability report on the employee’s organization for the termination date. After the termination is completed, use an effective date one day prior to the term date when running the report.


  1. Navigate to the employee record.
  2. Click the Actions ellipse > Job Change > Terminate Employee
  3. Complete the Primary Reason. Review the list below for assistance in selecting the Reason. Specific reasons determine how the transaction is routed and may trigger additional steps. If you are retiring an employee, refer to this tip sheet.
  4. Enter the Termination Date.
    • Date that the Termination is effective, as of midnight; termination is not visible to Employee until this date. Terminations can be future dated in PeopleSync.
    • The Last Date of Work, Pay Through Date, and Notify By date will default to the Termination Date. 
    • The Resignation Date is the date the employee submitted his / her resignation and should only be used for Voluntary termination reasons. 
      • Complete this field if the employee is eligible for a vacation payout at separation. Based on this field you will receive a confirmation if the vacation payout will be processed. See reminder on checking the vacation balance in the Pre-Termination Steps above.
      • You may see the following alerts:
        • If based on the date, the minimum amount of notice is met:
          • Soft Alert: “Be aware that this worker is eligible for a time off plan balance payout, and will be automatically processed as part of this termination…”
        • If based on the date, the minimum amount of notice is NOT met:
          • Soft Alert: “The resignation date entered is less than the…”
        • If the date is not completed:
          • Critical Alert: “Resignation Date Required…”
  5. Regrettable: Do not complete this section.
  6. Position Details: Do not use the Close Position checkbox during the Termination process, with the exception of Position Elimination.
    • If a position is to be closed after the termination process, you should complete the termination and then use the Close Position process.
    • You have the ability to mark a position as “available for overlap” if there is an intent to hire an employee while the current employee is still sitting in the same position to allow transfer of knowledge, etc.
  7. Click Submit.
  8. The transaction routes to the HR Partner for review. Once approved, it routes to the Finance Executive. As noted in step 2, additional review and approval may be required by Employee Relations.
    • The transaction routes to Employee Relations if the terminating employee is not Full Time Faculty and the termination reason is Involuntary (for any Reason excluding Death) or Voluntary > Mutual or Mutual with Agreement

Termination Reasons

Voluntary Reasons
Note: If Voluntary > Mutual or Voluntary > Mutual with Agreement is selected and employee is not FT Faculty, the transaction routes to Employee Relations for review.

Note: If Voluntary > Voluntary Post Retirement is selected it is necessary that the Termination Date be set today or in the future, meaning no retro terms.

  • Commute Time / Moved
  • Did Not Return to Work
  • Dissatisfied with Job
  • Dissatisfied with Pay
  • Family Reasons
  • Fixed Term Contract End – Resignation
  • Full Time to Part Time
  • Mutual
  • Mutual with Agreement
  • Other Employment
  • Part Time to Full Time
  • Post Retirement
  • Retirement
  • To Pursue Further Studies
  • Transfer to other NYU Site
  • Transfer to School of Medicine
  • Unknown / General

Involuntary Reasons
Note, with the exception of Involuntary > Death, if an Involuntary Reason is selected and the employee is not FT Faculty, the transaction routes to Employee Relations for review.

  • Adjunct with Termination Pay
  • Death
  • Fixed Term Contract End – Termination
  • Misconduct / Policy Violation
  • Not Authorized to Work
  • Poor Job Performance
  • Position Elimination
  • Position Elimination with Agreement
  • Union Termination
  • Unknown / General

During Probation Reasons

  • Inability to Adapt to Work Environment
  • Inability to Perform Duties
  • Lateness / Absenteeism
  • Misconduct / Policy Violation
  • Voluntary Resignation

Academic Reasons

  • Return to Home Institution

post termination tasks or to-Dos

The following Roles will receive tasks or to-dos after the transaction has completed. All tasks/to-dos can be found in the PeopleSync MyTasks. You will only receive the to do if the termination transaction meets the scenario described.


  • End Period Activity Pay. Employee has scheduled activity pay payments past the termination date.
  • Update Date of Death in Personal Information. Reason is Involuntary > Death.
  • Request One-Time Payment for Agreement Payout. Reason is Voluntary > Mutual with Agreement or Voluntary > Adjunct with Termination Pay.
  • Request One-Time Payment in Lieu of Notice. Reason is  is Involuntary > Poor Performance, Position Elimination, Position Elimination with Agreement, or Adjunct with Termination Pay.
  • Request One-Time Payment for Severance Payout Employee is Staff or Administrative/Professional and Termination Reason is Position Elimination, or Position Elimination with Agreement

HR Partner

Payroll Partner

  • Prepare Final Check for Deceased Worker. Termination reason is Involuntary > Death.

Retiree Partner

  • Add Retiree Flag.  Reason is Retirement or employee meets criteria for retirement eligibility.
  • Retiree Eligibility Due to Death of Active Employee. Termination reason is Involuntary > Death.

Academic Initiator

  • End Academic Appointment. Faculty member has an active academic appointment.

System-Automated Steps

PeopleSync completes some actions automatically as part of the Termination process:

  • Terminating the employee’s account
  • Deactivate the employee’s payment elections after 60 days
  • End employee’s benefits

Last updated in October 2023.

Waive 12 Month Retirement Wait Period

This tip sheet provides steps for HR Advisors to allow an employee to waive one-year NYU Retirement Plan wait period.

Employees become eligible for the NYU employer contribution once they reach one year of employment with NYU. In some cases, a newly hired employee can waive the one-year (12 months) wait period if their previous employer was a college, university, medical institution or practice, or tax-exempt medical research institution and their employment with that institution ended not more than 180 days before their employment with NYU. For details on employee eligibility requirements for retirement benefits, please refer to the SPD (Summary Plan Description).

All newly hired NYU employees eligible for the retirement plan will receive an optional task in their onboarding checklist to determine eligibility to waive the NYU Retirement Plan wait period.

To do this, the following tasks must be completed prior to initiating a process in PeopleSync:

  • Review the Summary Plan Description with information on eligible job categories and to determine eligibility to waive the one -year of service requirement.
  • PeopleLink contacts previous employer to verify prior work experience.
  • If verified, the HR Advisor will initiate the process in PeopleSync. This process is initiated by HR Advisors.

First, the HR Advisor will initiate the Edit Other IDs Process. Next, the system will flag the employee as eligible to waive the 12 month waiting period. Last, the employee will receive notification from TIAA.


  1. Enter the name of the employee that is eligible to waive the 12-month NYU Retirement Plan wait period in the Search bar.
  2. Select the name of the employee from the search results.
    • Make sure to select the Employee option.
  3. Click the Actions ellipse button next to the name of the employee.
  4. Select the Edit Other IDs task within the Personal Data menu.
  5. The Edit Other IDs for Worker screen displays. To flag the employee as eligible to waive the 12- month wait period, click the plus (+) icon to add arrow and input ID information.
  6. Click the dropdown arrow for the Other ID Type column and select Waive 12 Month Wait Period.
  7. Enter 1 in the Identification column.
  8. Click Submit.

The employee will receive an email from TIAA within 3 business days to notify them that they are receiving the employer match if already contributing to the Retirement Plan. They are also eligible to receive the employer match and how to enroll, if not already contributing to the Retirement Plan.

Last updated in May 2018.