Terminating FT Primary Position/Continuing Non-Primary PT Job


This tip sheet provides guidance on how to process an employee who has two positions/jobs — the employee is terminating from the primary Full Time position and the non-primary Part Time position (Adjunct) will continue. There is no gap in service between the FT and PT position. (A common example is employee is terminating from Full Time Administrative/ Professional or Professional Researcher position. The non-primary Adjunct job is continuing.)

  • Important Note: The steps below should not be submitted while a payroll is in progress for the employee. Please contact PeopleLink if you need assistance.


  1. On the employee record, click on actions ellipse bar > Compensation > Manage Period Activity.
  2. Select the Part Time job which is continuing (e.g. Adjunct job).
  3. On the Activity Pay Page:
    1. Change the Activity End Date and the Payment End Date to the date of the most recent completed payment. (You can review the Employee Gross Pay Report to find this date).
    2. Change the Unit and Unit Rate OR the Total Amount field so that the Total Amount is equal to the Paid to Date Amount
  4. Submit the transaction. Make sure this is approved/completed before proceeding to the next step.
  5. Process an End Additional Job. Select actions ellipse bar > Job Change > End Additional Job.
    • Make sure that the effective date is on or before the primary position’s termination date. For example, you can’t end a job effective Oct. 16, if the primary job’s termination date  is Oct 15.
  6. After the End Additional Job is approved/completed, process the termination. Select ACTIONS > Job Change > Terminate.
  7. After the termination is approved/completed, hire the employee back into the Part Time job.
  8. Select the supervisory organization where the adjunct position was located.
  9. Select Actions ellipse bar > Hire.
  10. Select Existing Applicant. Search for the employee’s name.
  11. Complete the usual steps for hiring. Refer to the relevant tip sheet. For example, Hiring an Adjunct.
  12. On the activity page enter an activity that reflects the remaining activity and payments.
    • Example: Joe Demo’s activity pay is from 9/1 to 12/31. He was paid as adjunct on the previous record from 9/1 to 10/31. In the rehire transaction, you would input the remaining dates and amount, i.e. 11/1 to 12/31 and the balance to be paid.

Hire Post Doc Fellow


This tip sheet provides steps on hiring a Post Doctoral Fellow. This employee category is managed through the Job Management Staffing Model. This means you do not need to create a position or job requisition in PeopleSync prior to hiring.

If the employee is changing from Post Doctoral Associate to Post Doc Fellow, refer to the tip sheet, Job Change: Post Doc Associate to Post Doc Fellow.

Roles & Approval

The transaction is submitted by the HR Analyst and routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for review and approval.

(Note: Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for a list of roles and function.)


Before initiating the transaction HR should complete the following steps:

Check PeopleSync to see if the employee already exists in the system.

  • Enter the N# or NetID in the Search field. Enter.
  • Click on the search category All of Workday on the left side menu.

Make sure the employee has an N# and NetID assigned.

  • If the employee is new to NYU complete the IT Onboarding Form to request these IDs. Refer to the NYU Netid page for more information.


  1. Enter the name or ID of the supervisory organization (sup org) in the Search bar. This should be the sup org containing the vacant position. 
  2. Select the supervisory organization.
  3. Click Actions Hire > Hire Employee 
  4. Select Existing Applicant and go to Step 5 or Create New Applicant and go to Step 6.
  5. Type in the employee’s name and Click OK. Go to the Hire Employee section.
  6. On the next page complete the following fields:
    • Enter the First Name and Last Name.
    • Click the Contact Information tab. One form of contact information is required. 
    • It is recommended that you enter in the Work email. Click Add in this section. Enter in the email address. Use the format netid@nyu.edu. Select Work in the Type field.
  7. Click OK.


  1. Enter the Hire Date or click the calendar icon to select a date.
  2. Click the menu icon in the Reason field. Select Hire Employee to view a list of reasons. You will typically select Hire Employee > New Hire. If the employee formerly worked at NYU and is currently terminated, select Hire > Rehire.
  3. Enter Fixed-Term in the Employee Type field.
  4. In the Job Profile field enter in Post Doctoral Fellow. Alternately click the menu icon. Select By Job Family > NYU – Academic > Post Doctoral and choose Post Doctoral Fellow.
  5. Enter Full-Time in the Time Type
  6. Enter in Washington Square or Brooklyn in the Location field.
  7. Enter in the Work Space or click the menu icon and select a Work Space by building, floor or room.
  8. Pay Rate Type This defaults to Salary.
  9. Click the arrow next to Additional Information to display more fields.
    • The Job and Business Title populate and may be modified. 
    • Default Weekly Hours will default to 35. Do not modify this field.
    • Scheduled Weekly Hours will default to 35. Do not modify this field. 
    • Enter in the End Employment Date.
    • You do not need to complete the following fields: Annual Work Period, Disbursement Plan Period, Additional Job Classifications, Company Insider Types, Worker’s Compensation Code Override, Benefits, or Company Service Dates.
  10. Complete the comment field if needed.
  11. Do not attach a document.
  12. Click Submit.
    • You may see the following alert, “The Job Profile, Business and Job Titles all match. If this is not correct please update the Business Title before submitting.” If needed edit the titles. If not, select Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Personal Information“. Click Open.


If the employee is currently terminated this page is prepopulated. 

  1. On the this page complete the following fields. Click the pencil icon to edit the field. Click the check mark icon to save. (*Denotes a required field for WSQ employees).
    1. Legal Sex*
    2. Date of Birth*
    3. Race/Ethnicity*
    4. Citizenship Status
  2. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Edit IDs“. Click Open.


If the employee is currently terminated this page is prepopulated.

  1. For U.S. Citizens under the Proposed IDs section, click the + to add in a new row.
    • Type United States in the Country field.
    • Click the menu icon in the National ID Type field and select Social Security Number (SSN).
    • Enter the number in the Add/Edit ID field.
  2. For additional guidance refer to the Manage National and Goverment IDs and Manage Passport and VISA Information tip sheets.
  3. Click Approve.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Change Organizational Assignments“. Click Open.


Organization Assignments contain every organization an employee or position is associated with, and default based on the supervisory organization of the position. The org. assignments contain the chartfield, as well as additional information such as Company, Check Location, Time Sheet Approver, Time Off Approver, Compensation Type, FERPA status, etc.

  1. Review the following fields and make changes as needed. Click the pencil icon to edit the field. Click the check mark icon to save your entry.
    • Cost Center
    • Business Unit
    • Program
    • Fund
    • Project
    • Account
    • Compensation Type This is typically Regular
    • Timesheet Approver and Time Off Approver can be left blank.
  2. Refer to the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet for more information.
    • Note you will see additional fields which apply to NYU Shanghai or Abu Dhabi only and can ignore these fields for WSQ employees.
  3. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Assign Costing Allocation“. Click Open.


  1. Select Worker and Position in the Costing Allocation Level field.
  2. If the salary will be charged to the Default Costing Allocation click Submit.
  3. If the salary will be charged to more than one chartfield and/or for specific time periods click Add.
    • Enter in the Start and End Date.
    • Enter the chartfield in the Worktags section
    • Review and, if needed, edit the Distribution Percent.
    • Click the plus sign to add more rows.
  4. For additional guidance refer to Assigning Costing Allocations tip sheet.
  5. Click Submit.
    • Note: If you added in a row but did not complete the fields you cannot submit the transaction. To delete the row click Remove.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Add Activity Pay. Click Open.


  1. Click Open
    • You may also Skip this step using the link provided. 
  2. Select an Academic Period by clicking on the menu icon and selecting By Academic Year.  Select a period beginning with Non-Adjunct
    • For example, Non-Adjunct – Fall 2019 (08/01/2019 – 12/31/2019)
  3. Select the Period Activity Pay Matrix which has the same academic year as the Academic Period.
    • For example, 2019/2020 – Activity Pay Minimum & Increase Table.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click the menu icon in the Reason field. Select Period Activity > Assign Activity Pay. Select this reason.
  6. In the Activity column modify the following fields:
    • Activity: Enter STP.
    • Task: You do not need to complete this field
    • Comment. Enter in a comment if needed.
  7. In the Activity Dates column enter in the Start and End Date.
    • Once you complete these fields the check box is selected under Use as Payment Date Range and the dates are replicated in the Payments column. You can always modify the payment dates if these should be different.
  8. In the Units column enter in the Quantity and the Assigned Unit Rate:
    • In Quantity is typical to enter in “1”.
    • In Assigned Unit Rate it is typical to enter in the total amount.
  9. In the Compensation column the Amount will populate automatically.
    • This is the Quantity multiplied by the Assigned Unit Rate. For example, 1(Quantity) X 10,000 (Assigned Unit Rate) =10,000 (Total Amount)
  10. In the Payment Dates column you will see that the Payment Start and End Dates have prepopulated to match the Activity DatesModify these as needed.
    • Number of Payments is calculated based on the Payment Dates.
  11. (Optional) Use the Customize Payments button only if you need to change the disbursement amounts by payment. 
    • The payment by default will be split evenly across each period that falls within the payment start and end dates.
    • You can customize the payments to schedule differing payment amounts, even having a $0 payment for certain periods if desired.
    • If your period activity pay includes retro periods (payments with scheduled pay dates in the past), we recommend putting in $0 for the retro periods and add those amounts to the next scheduled payment.  This will ensure the payment will be included in the regular on cycle payment and not require a retro payment.
    • Example: Activity Pay for a lecture beginning on 1/16 is entered late into PeopleSync. Payroll has just closed for the 1/16 to 1/31 pay period. Instead of requesting an offcycle, add this missed payment amount to the next pay date. See sample below:
      Paydate Amount Correct amount to:
      1/16/2023 500 0
      2/15/2023 500 1000
      2/28/2023 500 500
    • Reminder – Do not use this tool to disburse all payments to a semi-monthly employee as if they were monthly. An employee should regularly be paid according to their assigned pay group.
  12. If you need to enter in Costing Overrides, select the button under Costing Overrides in the Compensation column.
  13. Enter a comment if needed.
  14. Click Submit

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: HR Partner, Consolidated Approval by HR.

  1. The transaction routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for review and approval. If you are an approver, refer to How to Approve a Transaction tip sheet.


onboarding Tasks

Once the Hire transaction is completed and the N# has updated in the employee record, the Onboarding Tasks are automatically sent to the new hire’s PeopleSync InBox. (Onboarding tasks include: Completing the I-9, Setting up payment elections, updating contact information, review & acknowledgement of various policies, etc.)

Add Graduate Adjunct Job


This tip sheet provides steps for hiring a Graduate student into a Graduate Adjunct job. You will use the Add Job transaction. Student employees are part of the Job Management Staffing Model. This means you do not need to create a position or job requisition prior to adding the job in PeopleSync.

roles & Approval chain

The Add Job transaction is initiated by the HR Analyst, and routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for final review and approval. 

(Note: Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for a list of roles and function.)


Before initiating the transaction HR should complete the following steps:

locatE the student’s Record/student pool job

Search PeopleSync for the student record:

  • Enter the N# or NetID in the Search field. Click enter.
  • Click on the search category, All of Workday, on the left side menu.

Note: If the record does not exist, contact PeopleLink. Do not proceed with the Add Job transaction until the student pool job has been created in PeopleSync.

Select the student record. Under the student’s name on the upper left you should see Graduate Employee Pool Job. You will see the following on the Summary tab.

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: Job # and Title. For example, 5678910 Graduate Employee Pool Job
Business Title: Graduate Employee Pool Job
Job Profile: STNT04 – Graduate Student

verify Local 2110 bue status

Check if the student meets the SIS eligibility guidelines for Local 2110. (For a complete overview of how bargaining unit eligibility is determined review the tip sheet, Graduate Student Employees: An Overview of Bargaining Unit Eligibility.

  1. Click Personal on the left side menu. Click IDs tab.
  • Under the Other IDs section, locate the rows with SIS_GSOC_BUE. You should see three rows corresponding to Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
  • A “Y” means yes, the student is eligible for Local 2110 for the semester indicated. Here is a sample record:
Other ID Type Description Identification # Issued Date Expiration Date
SIS_GSOC_BUE Spring Y 1/1/2020 5/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Summer N 6/1/2020 8/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Fall N 9/1/2020 12/31/2020


  1. Click Actions ellipse > Job Change > Add Additional Job.
  2. Enter the name or ID of the supervisory organization (sup org).
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Effective Date field, enter in the start date of the job or click the calendar icon to select a date. You will enter in the End Employment Date in Step 15.
    • Note: Refer to the guidelines posted on the HRO Community blog for information on Local 2110 job/appointment dates. Job start and end dates must fall within an individual semester. If the job crosses multiple semesters, you will need to create more than one job. 
  5. In the Reason field click the menu icon and select Add Additional Titled Job
  6. In the Employee Type field enter Fixed-Term.
  7. For the Job Profile field enter STNT07.
    • If you receive an alert that the student is not eligible for this job profile, refer to the Verify Local 2110 Status section above. If the student is not eligible you can hire them into a regular adjunct job profile. (Note: If you believe the BUE status is incorrect, contact PeopeLink.)
  8. In the Time Type enter Part-Time.
  9. In the Location field select: Washington Square Campus or Brooklyn
  10. The Pay Rate Type will default to Salary. Do not modify this field.
  11. Click the arrow next to Additional Details to display more fields.
  12. The Job and Business title default to match the job profile. You can change this as needed.
  13. The Default Weekly Hours will default to 35. Do not modify this field.
  14. Select the Work Space for the student employee’s job. If the Work Space is not found or unknown, assign the appropriate building.
  15. In the End Employment Date field, enter in the end date of the job or click the calendar icon to select a date. Note: Refer to the guidelines posted on the HRO Community blog for information on Local 2110 job/appointment dates.
  16. Complete the comment field if needed.
  17. Click Submit.

change organization assignments

Organization Assignments contain every organization an employee or position is associated with, and default based on the supervisory organization of the position. The org. assignments contain the chartfield, as well as additional information such as Company, Check Location, Time Sheet Approver, Time Off Approver, Compensation Type, FERPA status, etc.

  1. Click Open.
  2. Review the following fields and make changes as needed:
    • Region. This refers to the check location and is a required field. Select a check location designated for students. 
    • Cost Center
    • Business Unit
    • Program
    • Fund
    • Project
    • Account – enter SHARE-51212.
    • Compensation Type: This should be Regular.
    • Time Sheet Approver. 
    • ]Time Off Approver. Enter a timeoff approver.
  3. Refer to the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet for more information.
  4. Click Submit.

assign costing allocation

  1. Click Open.
  2. Select Worker and Position in the Costing Allocation Level field.
  3. If the salary will be charged to the Default Costing Allocation click Submit.
  4. If the salary will be charged to more than one chartfield and/or for specific time periods click Add.
    • Enter in the Start and End Date.
    • Enter the chartfield in the Worktags section
    • Review and, if needed, edit the Distribution Percent.
    • Click the plus sign to add more rows.
  5. For additional guidance refer to Assigning Costing Allocation tip sheet.
  6. Click Submit.
    • Note: If you added in a row but did not complete the fields you cannot submit the transaction. To delete the row click Remove.

add activity Pay

  1. Click Open
    • You may also Skip this step using the link provided. 
  2. Select an Academic Period by clicking on the menu icon and selecting By Academic Year. Next select the academic year. For example 2020. Next select the Academic Period beginning with Adjunct
    • For example, Adjunct – Fall 2020.
  3. Select the Period Activity Pay Matrix which has the same academic year as the Academic Period.
    • For example, 2020/2021 – Activity Pay Minimum & Increase Table.
  4. Click OK
    • On the  Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments screen complete the Reason field. You will see two reasons:
      • Select Period Activity pay > Assign Activity Pay > Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice). (Note this reason is only applicable to Adjuncts, PT Faculty and Non-Hourly student employees, i.e. those hired into Student-Related jobs.) who work in New York. 
      • If you do not need to generate the form select Period Activity pay > Assign Activity Pay > Assign Activity Pay.
      • Refer to the Labor Law Form tip sheet for more information.
    • In first column, Activity, you will see the following fields listed below. 
      • Eligible Activity –This field is for Adjuncts who have been assigned to course(s) in SIS. (See the Important Transaction Notes section above). Click the menu icon and select All Eligible Activities and select the course/section. Notice the Activity and Task fields now prepopulate. 
      • Activity – If you do not see the field above or the course/section is not listed complete the Activity field. Refer to the Activity Pay Map. This provides a list of applicable activities by employee category or job profile. Click the menu icon and select By Category.
      • Adjuncts can only be assigned to Activities with one Letter/one number combinations. An example is A1- Lecture.  For Local 2110 Graduate Adjuncts  they must be assigned to teaching activities. (For example, A1 – Lecture). Note: As of 9/1/2019, TRN2110 – Grad Student Adjunct Training is a new activity for graduate student adjuncts. It is used for contractual training pay. This new activity represents an exception to the teaching-only guideline and was created because many grad adjuncts are required to take training courses in preparation for their appointments.
      • Task – In the task field enter the course/section for Adjuncts. It is recommended that you enter in part of the course/section and allow the system to find this item. Do not click the menu icon because there are too many courses to load. The Task field is required if the Activity is course-based. For example, if you select A-1 Lecture in Activity you will need to complete the Task field. If this is left empty you will see an alert. 
      • Comments – Enter in comments if needed. (Note: If an H activity is selected you will receive an alert to complete the Comment field.  This is a soft warning and the transaction can still be submitted if the field is left blank.)
    • In the next column, enter in the Activity Start and End Dates. Enter the dates or click the calendar and select dates. Notice that once you click enter, the system prepopulates the dates fields in the last column marked Payment. The Use as Payment Date Range is now selected. However, you can modify the Payment Start and End Dates if needed.
      • Guidelines for Payment dates. We recommend that you use start /end dates which align with pay periods. Graduate Adjuncts are assigned to the Semi-monthly employee pay period. An example of dates would be 9/1 to 12/15 not 9/3 to 12/5.
    • In the Units review or enter the Quantity and Assigned Unit Rate.
      • These fields will prepopulate if the Adjunct was assigned to the course in Albert and contact hours were assigned, however you can also modify the fields. For adjuncts the Quantity is typically the number of contact hours. Assigned Unit Rate is the Hourly Rate. (New! We have added validation rules which will require that you enter in a Quantity that is greater than 1 for adjunct activities based on contact hours. An example is A-1 Lecture will require hours greater than 1.)
    • Once these fields are completed, the Compensation column displays the resulting Total Amount. The system multiplies Quantity X Assigned Unit Rate. For example,  30 contact hours X $100 = $3,000.
    • (Optional) Use the Customize Payments button only if you need to change the disbursement amounts by payment. 
      • The payment by default will be split evenly across each period that falls within the payment start and end dates.
      • You can customize the payments to schedule differing payment amounts, even having a $0 payment for certain periods if desired.
      • If your period activity pay includes retro periods (payments with scheduled pay dates in the past), we recommend putting in $0 for the retro periods and add those amounts to the next scheduled payment.  This will ensure the payment will be included in the regular on cycle payment and not require a retro payment.
      • Example: Activity Pay for a lecture beginning on 1/16 is entered late into PeopleSync. Payroll has just closed for the 1/16 to 1/31 pay period. Instead of requesting an offcycle, add this missed payment amount to the next pay date. See sample below:
        Paydate Amount Correct amount to:
        1/16/2023 500 0
        2/15/2023 500 1000
        2/28/2023 500 500
      • Reminder – Do not use this tool to disburse all payments to a semi-monthly employee as if they were monthly. An employee should regularly be paid according to their assigned pay group.
    • If you need to enter in a Costing Override click on the button under Costing Override in the Compensation column.
      • A pop-up screen displays where you can enter in the costing in the Worktags section.
      • Click the plus icon to enter in more chartfields.
    • Lastly, if you need to enter in more courses or assignments, click the plus icon to add in a new row and repeat the steps above.
    • Enter a Comment if needed.
    • Click Submit.
  5. The transaction routes to the HR Partner and the Finance Executive for review and approval. If you are an approver, refer to the How to Approve a Transaction tip sheet.

pay group

Graduate Adjunct Jobs are assigned to the Semi-Monthly Employee pay group. You can review a list of pay periods and dates on the Payroll Calendars & Schedules webpage.


Last updated March 2023

Labor Law Form


This tip sheet provides guidance on how to process in PeopleSync the Notice and Acknowledgement of Pay Rate and Payday Under Section 195.1 of the New York State Labor Law (otherwise known as the Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) Notice, Form 195).

This Notice is provided to employees: (1) upon hire, rehire, or when adding an additional job; (2) for a change in pay frequency; and (3) for a demotion resulting in a decrease in pay. The Notice does not need to be regenerated for an increase in the employee’s wage rate, provided that the new rate is shown on the next payment of wages.

  • PeopleSync WILL generate this Notice for Hourly and Salaried employees, including Administrative/Professionals; Staff; Professional Research Staff; Full-Time Faculty; and Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York.
  • PeopleSync WILL generate this notice for Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty; Non-Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York only if the appropriate reason is selected when processing a Manage Period Activity Pay.
  • PeopleSync WILL NOT generate this notice for employees hired to locations outside of New York.  Please review this tip sheet for more information about the process.

How to Administer the Process

For Administrative/Professionals, Staff, Professional Researchers, Full-Time Faculty and Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York: 

When processing a Hire; Add additional job; or Change Job transaction which results in a change in pay frequency or demotion in pay, the Notice is automatically generated and sent to the employee via a task in their PeopleSync Inbox.

  • For Hires, the task will be included along with their onboarding tasks.
  • For other transactions, it is an additional task for them to complete after the transaction in PeopleSync is completed. The employee will need to read, DocuSign the Notice and submit the task.

The Notice is in English. If the employee would like to receive the Notice in one of the alternative translations provided by New York State, instructions are provided in the PeopleSync task to contact PeopleLink at askpeoplelink@nyu.edu or by phone at 212-992-LINK (5465). PeopleLink will provide the Notice in the alternate language (if available) to the employee and will cancel the Wage Theft Prevention Notice task in PeopleSync. For information about forms in other languages, please visit New York State’s Department of Labor’s website:


For Adjuncts & Part-Time Faculty, and Non-Hourly student employees (i.e. those paid via activity pay) in New York:

The system will only generate the Notice for adjunct and part-time faculty or for non-hourly student employees when processing a Manage Period Activity Pay and selecting the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice). This can be a part of the hire/add job or a standalone transaction.  Select the other reason to process the transaction without generating the notice.

The compensation information included in the notice is only for the position and the Academic Period being processed (i.e. Adjunct – Fall 2021).

When hiring, rehiring or appointing an employee:

  1. Choose the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice) when processing their Manage Period Activity Pay.
  2. OR When the transaction is being processed via EIB or ServiceLink form, utilize their respective options.
  3. Make sure that the payments you have entered are in full, and don’t anticipate any additional compensation of substance to be added for the appointment/semester which might warrant sending another notice.

It is recommended to audit this population regularly to ensure notices are sent out, signed and submitted as expected and required. This custom report is built specifically for auditing this population.  A reminder that you can schedule this report (and any other PeopleSync report) to run for you on any frequency desired.

Employees Performing Work in Other States:

 For employees who do not perform work in New York State, you will need to email the employee a wage notice form from the relevant state (if the state requires a notice). For more information on other state requirements, please contact the Office of Talent Management.


Launching the Form on an Ad Hoc Basis


To generate a new notice, process a Manage Period Activity Pay transaction selecting the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice).  You may process this transaction with or without additional changes to their payments.  Ensure that you are choosing the correct academic period and position desired when processing the transaction.


If you need to provide the Notice for these employees outside the original transaction (e.g., when you’ve made a correction to the pay rate after the original appointment has been processed) use the task Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice.

The Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice action can be initiated by the following roles: HR Analyst, HR Partner, HR Executive, and Onboarding Specialist

Type the task name, “Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice” in the search bar. Select the task. Next enter the following information:

  • Request Name – Type in the title “Wage Theft Form” or similar to label your request.
  • Reason – Select the reason: Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice > Ad Hoc and either the Hire/Rehire or Existing Employee reason.
  • Notice Language – Only the English version of the form will be generated. Leave blank or select English.
  • Select Workers – Only use the “By Selected Workers” prompt. Select the applicable worker type for whom you need to generate the notice.

This task will generate a form that contains the data as of that day with the details related to the employee’s primary position only.

Note: The form is generated with data as of the current date. If the hire is future dated, we recommend that you initiate this task on the employee’s start date.

The above is the process for generating the document within PeopleSync and having it signed electronically.  If you instead generated a notice outside of PeopleSync and sent it to the employee, you should also scan and load the Notice to that employee’s Worker Documents within PeopleSync once it is signed and returned.  See the steps to access an employee’s Worker Documents below under the “Viewing a copy…” section.


Currently, PeopleSync does not allow you to general an ad hoc notice for students in hourly paid jobs. Complete this process outside of PeopleSync, providing a manual form.

Viewing a Copy of the Signed Notice

Once the Notice is signed by the employee and the DocuSign integration has been completed, the signed Notice can be viewed, saved, downloaded or printed from Worker’s Documents on the worker’s profile in PeopleSync. 

HR and other authorized roles can find Worker Documents by navigating to that employee’s record in PeopleSync, and from the Actions ellipse button, click Worker History > Maintain Worker Documents.

Employees can find their own documents from the PeopleSync home page, clicking on the Personal Information icon, and under View select Worker Documents.

Last updated in July 2021

Add Student-Related Job (e.g. TA, RA,GA) – Graduate Students


This tip sheet provides steps for hiring a Graduate student into a Student-Related job. (For example, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, or Graduate Assistant). You will use the Add Job transaction. Student employees are part of the Job Management Staffing Model. This means you do not need to create a position or job requisition prior to adding the job in PeopleSync.

Effective 9/1/2020, we have new job profiles and guidelines for appointing Research AssistantsSee updates in Step 7 below. (For a background on these changes and the memo released in August refer to the HR Blog post here.)

roles & Approval chain

The Add Job transaction is initiated by the HR Analyst and routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for final review and approval. 

(Note: Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for a list of roles and function.)


locatE the student’s Record/student pool job

Before initiating the transaction HR should complete the following steps:

1. Search PeopleSync for the student record. 

  • Enter the N# or NetID in the Search field. Enter.
  • Click on the search category All of Workday on the left side menu.

Important. If the record does not exist, contact PeopleLink. Do not proceed with the Add Job transaction until the student pool job has been created in PeopleSync.

2. Select the student record. Under the student’s name on the upper left you should see Graduate Employee Pool Job. You will see the following on the Summary tab.

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: Job # and Title. For example, 5678910 Graduate Employee Pool Job
Business Title: Graduate Employee Pool Job
Job Profile: STNT04 – Graduate Student

verify Local 2110 bue status

Next check if meets the SIS eligibility guidelines for Local 2110. (For complete overview of how bargaining unit eligibility is determined review the tip sheet Graduate Student Employees: An Overview of Bargaining Unit Eligibility)

  1. Click Personal on the left side menu. Click IDs tab.
  • Under the Other IDs section, locate the rows with SIS_GSOC_BUE. You should see three rows corresponding to Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
  • A “Y” means yes, the student is eligible for Local 2110 for the semester indicated. Here is a sample record:
Other ID Type Description Identification # Issued Date Expiration Date
SIS_GSOC_BUE Spring Y 1/1/2020 5/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Summer N 6/1/2020 8/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Fall N 9/1/2020 12/31/2020

Add Job

  1. In the employee record, click Actions ellipse  next name of the Student. Click Job Change > Add Additional Job.
  2. Enter the name or ID of the supervisory organization (sup org).
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Effective Date field, enter in the start date of the job or click the calendar icon to select a date. You will enter in the End Employment Date in Step 16.
    • Note: Refer to the guidelines posted on the HRO Community blog for information on Local 2110 job/appointment dates. Job start and end dates must fall within an individual semester. If the job crosses multiple semesters, you will need to create more than one job. 
  5. In the Reason field click the menu icon and select Add Additional Titled Job.
  6. In the Employee Type field enter Fixed-Term.
  7. For the Job Profile field enter in one of the following below, or click the menu icon and select By Job Family > NYU- Academic > Student-Related Positions and choose a job profile.
    • 007027 – Teaching Assistant
    • 017037 – Graduate Fellow
    • 017038 – Teaching Fellow
    • 017044 – Graduate Assistant
    • 017050 – Research Assistant
    • 017051 – Course Assistant
    • 017054 – Dental Resident
    • 018048 – Student Athletics Coach
    • 018049 – Student Reader
    • 018057 – Grader
    • 018058 – Student Laboratory Assistant
    • 018061 – Accompanist
    • For Research Assistant, refer to the chart below:
    • Job Profile Code Job Profile Name Guideline
      017050 Research Assistant The RA job is for a supervisory organization excluded from Local 2110.  Use this for certain Tandon, Courant, CUSP, and FAS organizations explicitly excluded from the 2110 union contract.
      017034 FAS/CIMS – Research Assistant RA job is at FAS or CIMS and is not for one of the excluded organizations.
      017033 Non FAS/CIMS – Research Assistant RA job is NOT at FAS or CIMs (and is not excluded from Local 2110)
  8. In the Time Type field enter Part-Time.
  9. In the Location field select: Washington Square Campus or Brooklyn
  10. Select the Work Space for the student employee’s job. If the Work Space is not found or unknown, assign the appropriate building.
  11. The Pay Rate Type will default to Hourly. Do not modify this field.
  12. In the Scheduled Work Hours field, enter in 20 hours or less.
    • Hours for student employees cannot exceed 20 per week across all jobs.
    • Note: During J-Term a student may work for more than 20 hours. If this is the scenario, enter in 20 hours. 
  13. Click the arrow next to Additional Details to display more fields.
  14. The Job and Business title default to match the job profile. You can change this as needed.
    • Note it is common to create a title that will help the student select the correct job when completing timesheets. For example, “Graduate Assistant – English Dept, Spring 2020.”
  15. The Default Weekly Hours will default to 35. Do not modify this field.
  16. In the End Employment Date field, enter in the end date of the job or click the calendar icon to select a date. Note: Refer to the guidelines posted on the HRO Community blog for information on Local 2110 job/appointment dates.
  17. Complete the comment field if needed.
  18. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Change Organizational Assignments“. Click Open.

change organization assignments

Organization Assignments contain every organization an employee or position is associated with, and default based on the supervisory organization of the position. The org. assignments contain the chartfield, as well as additional information such as Company, Check Location, Time Sheet Approver, Time Off Approver, Compensation Type, FERPA status, etc.

  1. Review the following fields and make changes as needed:
    • Region. This refers to the check location and is a required field. Select a check location designated for students. 
    • Cost Center
    • Business Unit
    • Program
    • Fund
    • Project
    • Account
    • Compensation Type This should be Regular.
    • Time Sheet Approver. This is a required field.
    • Time Off Approver. This is a required field.
  2. Refer to the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet for more information.
  3. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Assign Costing Allocation“. Click Open.

assign costing allocation

  1. Select Worker and Position in the Costing Allocation Level field.
  2. If the salary will be charged to the Default Costing Allocation click Submit.
  3. If the salary will be charged to more than one chartfield and/or for specific time periods click Add.
    • Enter in the Start and End Date.
    • Enter the chartfield in the Worktags section
    • Review and, if needed, edit the Distribution Percent.
    • Click the plus sign to add more rows.
  4. For additional guidance refer to Assigning Costing Allocations tip sheet.
  5. Click Submit.
    • Note: If you added in a row but did not complete the fields you cannot submit the transaction. To delete the row click Remove.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: Add Activity“. Click Open. (You may also Skip this step using the link provided.)

add activity Pay

  1. Select an Academic Period by clicking on the menu icon and selecting By Academic Year. Next select the academic year. For example 2020. Next select the Academic Period beginning with Non-Adjunct. Do not select those beginning with Adjunct.
    • For example, NonAdjunct – Fall 2019 (08/01/2019 – 12/31/2019)
  2. Select the Period Activity Pay Matrix which has the same academic year as the Academic Period.
    • For example, 2019/2020 – Activity Pay Minimum & Increase Table.
  3. OK
  4. Click the menu icon in the Reason field. You will see two reasons:
    • On the  Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments screen complete the Reason field. You will see two reasons:
      • Select Period Activity pay > Assign Activity Pay > Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice). (Note this reason is only applicable to Adjuncts, PT Faculty and Non-Hourly Student employees who work in New York. 
      • If you do not need to generate the form select Period Activity pay > Assign Activity Pay > Assign Activity Pay.
      • Refer to the Labor Law Form tip sheet for more information.
  5. In the Activity column modify the following fields:
    • Activity. Enter RST 
    • Comment. Include a comment if needed.
  6. In the Activity Dates column enter in the Start and End Date.
    • Once you complete these fields the  check box is selected under Use as Payment Date Range and the dates are replicated in the Payments column. You can always modify the payment dates if these should be different.
  7. In the Units column enter in the Quantity and the Assigned Unit Rate:
    • In Quantity enter 1.
    • In the Assigned Unit Rate enter the total payment amount.
  8. In the Compensation column the Amount will populate automatically.
    • This is the Quantity multiplied by the Assigned Unit Rate.
  9. In the Payment Dates column you will see that the Payment Start and End Dates have prepopulated to match the Activity Dates.Modify these as needed.
    • Number of Payments is calculated based on the Payment Dates.
  10. (Optional) Use the Customize Payments button only if you need to change the disbursement amounts by payment. 
      • The payment by default will be split evenly across each period that falls within the payment start and end dates.
      • You can customize the payments to schedule differing payment amounts, even having a $0 payment for certain periods if desired.
      • If your period activity pay includes retro periods (payments with scheduled pay dates in the past), we recommend putting in $0 for the retro periods and add those amounts to the next scheduled payment.  This will ensure the payment will be included in the regular on cycle payment and not require a retro payment.
      • Example: Activity Pay for a lecture beginning on 1/16 is entered late into PeopleSync. Payroll has just closed for the 1/16 to 1/31 pay period. Instead of requesting an offcycle, add this missed payment amount to the next pay date. See sample below:
        Paydate Amount Correct amount to:
        1/16/2023 500 0
        2/15/2023 500 1000
        2/28/2023 500 500
      • Reminder – Do not use this tool to disburse all payments to a semi-monthly employee as if they were monthly. An employee should regularly be paid according to their assigned pay group.
  11. If you need to enter in Costing Overrides, select the button under Costing Overrides in the Compensation column.
  12. Enter a comment if needed.
  13. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: HR Partner, Consolidated Approval by HR.

  1. The transaction routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for review and approval. If you are an approver, refer to the How to Approve a Transaction tip sheet.

pay group

Student-related positions are assigned to the Semi-Monthly Student pay group. You can review a list of pay periods and dates on the Payroll Calendars & Schedules webpage.


Last updated in December 2021.