Student Employees: General Introduction to Hiring

This tip sheet provides a general introduction to hiring students in PeopleSync. We recommend that you review this tip sheet prior to processing any transactions. 

Student Pool Job and SIS

All student employees have a primary job in PeopleSync. This is commonly referred to as the Student Pool job and sits in the New York University Student Pool supervisory organization.

This job is created in PeopleSync through an integration with SIS, the system of record for student status at NYU. 

The student pool job has several functions:

  1. The record sits in a centrally visible supervisory org, New York University Student Pool, therefore, all HR personnel may view the record in order to hire the student.
  2. For graduate students, it holds important information on Union eligibility.This impacts job profile selection and hourly minimum guidelines.
  3. It indicates if a student is an undergraduate or graduate. This impacts job profile selection and hourly minimum guidelines.
  4. The record prevents HR from hiring student/creating an employee record for the student as this is created automatically by SIS. Instead, HR will process an Add Additional Job transaction when appointing a student into a job. Important: HR does not use the Hire transaction to hire students.

undergraduates vs graduate student record

In PeopleSync, the term Undergraduate student employees generally refer to NYU students enrolled in Undergraduate programs and work in Work Study, Non-Work Study, and America Reads jobs at NYU.

When an undergraduate student completes the form through Albert indicating they are interested in working at NYU, they are added to the New York University Student Pool.  This record will display either a Federal Work Study (STNT01) or Non Federal Work Study (STNT03) job profile.

You will see the following on the Summary tab for an Undergraduate Student’s Pool Job:

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: 7 digit job #. For example, 5432156 Student (Federal Work Study) or 7654321 Student (Non-Work Study)
Business Title: Student (Work Study) or Student (Non-Work Study)
Job Profile: STNT01 – Student (Federal Work-Study) or STNT03 – Student Non -Federal Work Study

Graduate student employees refer to students who are enrolled in a Masters or Doctorate program and they are automatically added to the New York University Student Pool. This job will display Graduate Employee Pool Job (STNT04) job profile.

You will see the following on the Summary tab for Graduate Student’s Pool Job:

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: Job # and Title. For example, 5678910 Graduate Employee Pool Job
Business Title: Graduate Employee Pool Job
Job Profile: STNT04 – Graduate Student

Job Management Staffing Model

Students are part of the Job Management staffing model in PeopleSync. This means jobs and job requisitions are not created and approved prior to hiring.

supervisory organizations

You will add the jobs to a supervisory organization (sup org) that is designated for student job. Most schools have appended the name of the sup org with “Student” or “Student Workers” etc. For example, International Relations (Student Workers) (Doe, Paula) (WS1000).

Add Job Transaction

To appoint a student use the Add Job transaction. As mentioned earlier the Hire transaction is never used for the student population. Add Job routes to the HR Partner and Finance Partner for review and approval.

Below is a list of tip sheets for adding jobs by type of job:
Add Hourly Job – Graduate Students
Add Hourly Job – Undergraduate Students and Non-BUE Graduate Students
Add Student-Related Job (e.g. TA, RA, GA) – Graduate Students

Job Profiles

To create a job you will select a Job Profile listed in one of the following Job Families: Workstudy and Non-Workstudy, Student-Related, or Adjunct Faculty. 

The selection of Job Profile is dependent on whether the student is an Undergrad or Graduate, as well as (for Graduate Students), bargaining unit eligibility.  The tip sheets on each transaction type will assist in making the correct job profile selection. You can also refer Refer to the Student Job Matrix for a complete list of student job profiles and descriptions.

Union Eligibility (Graduate students)

Before offering a job to a graduate student, you should first determine whether the student is already bargaining unit eligible or will be bargaining unit eligible due to the job you are about to offer. Union information is listed in the Personal Tab and includes custom ids indicating eligibility on a semester by semester basis.

I-9 verification

The Wasserman Student Center will be responsible for supporting student employee onboarding, including I-9 Verification for students that apply through Albert. These guidelines are provided on the On-Campus Employment page.

Student Employee Pre-Hire Activities & Hiring

Prior to hiring a student employee, you should complete the pre-hire activities.

  1. Locate the student’s New York University Student Pool employee profile page by searching for the student’s name or N# in PeopleSync’s Search bar.
  2. First, note which job profile is assigned to the student’s primary job in the New York University Student Pool to determine the student’s Work Study status. You may also run the Work Study Low Balance report in PeopleSync to determine the student’s Work Study balance as of the last payroll run. For additional information on running reports in PeopleSync, refer to the Reporting in PeopleSync tip sheet.
  3. The initiator must ensure the student has completed their I-9 information and it has been processed in PeopleSync.
  4. For students who have entered their I-9 information in PeopleSync and had the necessary supporting documentation verified by a Student Employment Partner in Wasserman, the HR Partner or HR Analyst will see the status of the verification on the Personal tab of the student’s profile page under the Form I-9 IDs tab.
  5. For students who have completed their I-9 Form and had it validated by Wasserman prior to April 2014, verify the student has a valid I-9 by checking the Additional Data section of the Student’s employee profile page in PeopleSync
  6. If you find that the student you wish to hire has not completed the necessary information in PeopleSync, you should instruct them to complete Section 1 of the I-9 Form in PeopleSync and take the necessary supporting documentation to Wasserman prior to adding a job in your organization
  7. Once the I-9 has been verified, the Initiator should review the student’s Organizations tab to note:
    • FERPA: The student’s FERPA status is brought into PeopleSync from SIS. If the student has Yes for their FERPA assignment, this should be replicated when completing the Add Additional Job process to hire the student in your school/unit
    • Region: The region denotes the check location for the student if the student is not using Direct Deposit. If you are adding the first job to the student in PeopleSync, you should update the student’s check location using the Change Organization Assignments process. For additional information, refer to the tip sheet. If the Region has been updated for the student employee, the same Region should be selected when adding an additional job to the student in your school/unit.
  8. Once the appropriate information has been collected and reviewed, the HR Partner or HR Analyst of the organization may process the student’s employment in PeopleSync using the Add Additional Job process.

compensation, timesheet & pay group

Students appointed into Workstudy and Non-Workstudy jobs (i.e. hourly paid jobs) are assigned the Student Hourly salary plan. In the Add Job transaction you will enter in a hourly rate. Refer to the minimum hourly rates on the student hiring page.

When a job is created, a timesheet is created . Hourly paid students log hours and timesheets are approved in order for the student to get paid.

All hourly paid student jobs are assigned to the Biweekly pay group.

Students appointed into Student-Related jobs or Graduate Adjuncts are assigned to Activity Pay. In the Add Job transactions you will select among specific activities designated for these employee categories. Refer to the Activity Pay Map for more information.

All Student-Related jobs are assigned to the Semi-Monthly Student pay group. Graduate Adjuncts are assigned to the Semi-Monthly Employee pay group.

scheduled weekly hours

Scheduled Weekly Hours are entered in the Add Job transaction.The hours for all jobs may not exceed 20 hours with the exception of J-Term and Summer. (During these semesters a student may work beyond this amount, refer to the tip sheets on hiring students into hourly jobs for more information.)

Student Data

Although student data will populate an employee profile in PeopleSync, student’s information will continue to be managed in SIS.

Any changes a student enters in SIS related to their personal / contact information will flow to PeopleSync. Students will not have the ability to edit their information in PeopleSync.

PeopleSync will not stop you from editing a student’s data in the system. However, any changes made in PeopleSync will not carry over to SIS.

Separating student employees

HR Partners and HR Analysts should not use the Terminate process to separate a student employee. When ending a Student employee’s employment in a school/unit, use the End Additional Job process in PeopleSync. Ending a student’s additional job in your organization will not affect their jobs in any separate organizations.

If a student graduates or becomes ineligible to work this status change passes from SIS to PeopleSync and triggers a termination from the New York University Student Pool.

additional resources

Student Job Matrix
Activity Pay Map
NYU Hiring Student Employees webpage
Student Pay check Pickup Locations

Last updated in May 2020.

Budget Office: Approving Proposed Positions

The purpose of this tip sheet is to guide Budget Office Analysts in how to send back, approve, and deny proposed positions in PeopleSync. Proposed positions are:

  • Created by schools and units as part of the planning process during the NYU Annual Staffing Process for Staff / Admin and Full Time Faculty
  • Always created for the upcoming Fiscal Year
  • Created for review and approval at the Principals Meeting and cannot be hired into until after approval at the Principals Meeting
  • Do not count towards headcount until after the proposed position becomes a completed position (after approval by the Finance Executive)

Create Proposed Position Process Overview

Create Proposed Position Process Overview

Your Role in the Proposed Position Process

Budget Office Analysts approve or deny proposed positions based on decisions made in Principals Meetings.

Occasionally, schools/units may need to make a correction to a proposed position that they submitted. In this case, the school or unit will contact the Budget Office Analyst to have the proposed position sent back to the initiator.

How to Approve, Deny, or Send Back a Proposed Position

  1. In your Inbox, you can view all Proposed Positions that are currently awaiting your action. Select the appropriate position.
  2. Based on decisions made during the Principals Meeting, select Approve or Deny to approve or deny the position.
  3. If a school or unit requests to have the proposed position sent back, click Send Back.
  4. Then, click the appropriate step to send the process back to, enter a reason, and click Submit.

Proposed Position Reporting

Budget Office Analysts and Budget Office Managers can view details about the proposed positions in supervisory organizations they support using the Proposed Positions report.

To locate the report, search for Proposed Positions in the search bar.

Last updated in August 2015.

Job Requisitions


This tip sheet provides steps on Creating, Editing, and Closing a Job Requisition. Job Requisitions are used to mark positions as available to fill for Staff, Admin/Professionals and Full-Time Faculty. (Note: Job requisitions are not required for Professional Researchers, Adjuncts, or Students). 

HR must complete the job requisition step prior to submitting the Hire transaction. A position must already exist in PeopleSync before you can open a Job Requisition. If a position does not exist, refer to the Create Position tip sheet.

Roles & Approval Chain

These transactions are submitted by the HR Analyst or HR Partner. For Admin/Professional and Staff positions, the transaction does not require approval. Once submitted by the initiator, the transaction is successfully completed. For Full-Time Faculty positions, the transaction may route to the Academic Staffing Approver (Office of the Provost) for review and approval.

create job requisition

  • Full-Time Faculty positions: Completing a PeopleSync job requisition creates a position in Interfolio – When you are ready to begin recruiting for a faculty position, complete the job requisition for the position in PeopleSync.
  • Staff and Administrative/Professional positions: Job requisitions are created prior to recruitment activities and initiate the integration with iCIMs.
    • Review the position details prior to opening a job requisition.
    • If you need to modify any position details, such as Job Profile, Time Type, etc., you must first submit an Edit Position in JDX.
    • The information on the position and associated job requisition will be in iCIMs for recruitment and drives the information available during the Hire process.
  1. Enter the name of the Supervisory Organization (sup org) of the position for which you want to open the Job Requisition in the Search bar.
  2. Select the Supervisory Organization from the search results. You can also search for the position using the position’s name or position number.
  3. On the sup org page, click on the Unavailable to Fill tab. 
    • Only unfilled positions without active requisitions appear on this tab. Once a job requisition is created, it may be found in the Staffing tab.
    • Positions which are filled but will be vacant in the future due to a job change or termination can be found on the Staffing tab.
  4. Hover mouse over the position. The actions bar will appear. Click on this bar and click Job Change > Create Job Requisition.
  5. The Create Job Requisition screen displays.
    • For Existing Position will show the position # and title.
    • Worker Type will default to Employee.
    • Click OK.
  6. Recruiting Information:
    • Reason: Select a reason. Note: For Job Requisitions to be sent to iCIMs or interfolio, Send to ATS must be selected as the reason.
    • Replacement For: This will default (if applicable) to the name of the previous employee.
    • Recruiting Instruction
    • Recruiting Start Date
    • Target Hire Date: Enter the Target Hire Date to indicate the earliest date the position may be filled. The Target Hire Date must be on or after the Recruiting Start Date and both dates must be after the date available of the Create Position.
    • Target End Date
  7. Click Next.
  8. Job:
    • Job Posting Title: For Staff and Administrative/Professional, this is the title that will route to iCIMs for the position’s posting. It should match the job profile / position title that was approved by Compensation when the position was created. (Note: In the Hire process, a separate business title may be assigned to the employee.)
    • Justification: You do not need to complete this field.
    • Job Profile: For Staff and Administrative/Professional positions this will default to the job profile that was entered in the Create Position transaction or, if applicable, the Edit Position Restriction transaction. You should not change the job profile here. For Full-Time Faculty, enter the name or number of the job profile, or click the menu icon > By Job Family > NYU Academic. Select among the job families for Full-Time Faculty (i.e. Academic Administration, Non-Tenure Track, or Tenure/Tenure Track Full-Time Faculty)
    • Job Description Summary: You do not need to modify this field. This will prepopulate for Administrative/Professional positions.
    • Job Description: You do not need to complete this field.
    • Worker Sub-Type, Time Type, Primary Location, and Scheduled Weekly Hours will default based on the position details.
    • Note: If these details require edits, the Edit Position Restrictions process must be used prior to opening the job requisition. 
    • Click Next.
  9. Qualifications.
    • You do not need to complete this tab. The information entered in the Create Position transaction will not be visible on the Qualifications tab of the job requisition. The information will pull through from the position once the requisition is opened in iCims.
    • Click Next.
  10. Organizations:
    • Organization Assignments will prepopulate.
  11. Attachments:
    • Do not add Attachments. Click Next.
  12. Summary:
    • You will see a consolidated view of the previous pages. Review the information and make changes as needed. 
    • Enter a comment if needed.
  13. Click Submit.

Edit Job Requisitions

The Edit Job Requisitions process may be used to edit the details contained in an open job requisition in PeopleSync, based on the associated position restrictions. If edits are required to a requisition in iCIMs, the requisition must first be closed in iCIMs and in PeopleSync using the Close Job Requisition process. The requisition may then be opened again with the updated details, as allowed by the position restrictions set when creating the position or the Edit Position Restrictions process may be used to edit a position’s details prior to launching a new requisition.

  1. Enter the Supervisory Organization of the position for which you want to close the Job Requisition in the Search bar.
    • You can also search for the position or the open job requisition.
  2. Select the Supervisory Organization from the search results.
  3. Click Staffing.
  4. Click the Actions button next to the position and select Edit Job Requisition under the Job Change menu.
  5. Enter the necessary edits on the job requisition.
  6. Edits made to the job requisition in PeopleSync will not be sent to iCIMs. In order to have edits sent to iCIMs, the posting must be closed in iCIMs, closed in PeopleSync, and re-opened with the appropriate details.
    • The details in the job requisition may only be edited based on the position restrictions defined when the position was created. If changes beyond the available restrictions are required, the job requisition must be closed, and the position restrictions must be edited using the Edit Position Restrictions process. For additional details, refer to the Edit Position Restrictions tip sheet.

Close a Job Requisition

Prior to closing a position or editing an existing position’s hiring restrictions, any open Job Requisitions must be closed using the Close Job Requisition process. Once the requisition is closed, the position will appear in the Unavailable to Fill tab. For requisitions posted in iCIMs, the posting must also be closed in iCIMs.

  1. Enter the name of the Supervisory Organization of the position for which you want to close the Job Requisition in the Search bar.
    • You can also search for the position or the open job requisition.
  2. Select the Supervisory Organization from the search results.
  3. Click Staffing.
  4. Click the Related Actions icon next to the position for which you want to close the Job Requisition.
    • You may use the Related Actions icon next to the position under either the Position Restrictions or Open Job Requisitions column.
  5. Select the Close Job Requisition task within the Job Change menu.
  6. Click the dialogue box icon to select the Reason for closing the Job Requisition.
  7. Enter the Close Date.
  8. Click Submit.

Create a Job Requisition for an Occupied Position

If you need to recruit for a position prior to the current incumbent’s termination, you can still open a job requisition. You are not required to process a future-dated termination prior to opening a job requisition on the position, however, the position will not appear under the Staffing tab and you will not be able to hire the new employee into the position until a termination or future-dated termination has been processed.

  1. Enter the name of the Supervisory Organization of the position for which you want to create the Job Requisition in the Search bar.
  2. Select the Supervisory Organization from the search results.
  3. Select the terminated employee’s profile.
  4. Click on the link beside Position.
  5. Select the Action button associated with Position Restrictions field.
  6. Select Job Change in the Action and click on Create Job Requisition.
    • Refer to the earlier section, Launch a Job Requisition and follow step 7 to 13 to complete the creation of a job requisition.

Last updated in May 2014.

Full-Time Faculty Overview

This tip sheet is designed to give an end-to-end overview of how to hire, manage, and separate Full- Time Faculty and employee data in your school in PeopleSync. Full-Time Faculty are hired and managed in PeopleSync in supervisory organizations using the Position Management staffing model, which requires that a position be created and approved before it can be filled by a Full-Time Faculty. This allows for extensive reporting and position history. Full-Time Faculty supervisory organizations have (Full-Time Faculty) appended to the supervisory organization name.

Full-Time Faculty Positions – Prior to Hiring

All Full-Time Faculty will sit in a separate, unique position in their respective supervisory organizations. As in previous years, annual staffing plans are submitted and loaded into PeopleSync by the central PeopleSync team. If a hiring need is determined outside of the annual staffing process, a new position must be created using the Create Position process prior to hiring a new Full-Time Faculty. For additional information, refer to the Create Position tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty positions may be created in PeopleSync by employees assigned the HR Partner or HR Analyst organization support role. When creating Full-Time Faculty positions, the Initiator of the Create Position process will assign the position as Academic / Deferred Pay at the Change Organization Assignments step. During the Hire process, the Initiator will assign the work period and disbursement period to ensure the position’s incumbent is paid over the appropriate schedule.

Full-Time Faculty Job Requisitions & Hiring

Job requisitions are required to be opened in PeopleSync to mark the position as available to fill. Job Requisitions should be opened for Full-Time Faculty once the final candidate for the position has been selected, as Full-Time Faculty requisitions are not sent to PeopleAdmin to be posted. For additional information related to job requisitions, refer to the Job Requisitions for Staff / Admin. & Full-Time Faculty tip sheet.

When a final candidate has been selected for a Full-Time Faculty position and the terms of the hire have been agreed upon between NYU and the final candidate, the HR Partner or HR Analyst of the organization may process the hire in PeopleSync using the Hire process. For additional information, refer to the Hire Full-Time Faculty tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty Job Requisitions & Hiring

Prior to hiring a new Full-Time Faculty employee, it is important to request a NetID for the employee through the registry. NetIDs may not be created as part of the Hire process in PeopleSync and therefore, must be requested prior to initiating the Hire process in PeopleSync in order to give the new hire access to onboarding tasks once they have activated their NetID.

Full-Time Faculty Compensation

Full-Time Faculty are paid an annual salaried amount. The Full-Time Faculty’s compensation is set as part of the Hire process. As required, the compensation details associated with the Full-Time Faculty may be edited on an ad-hoc basis using the Request Compensation Change process. For additional information, refer to the Request Compensation Change tip sheet.

In addition to base salary, a Full-Time Faculty may require additional and/or summer compensation for their position(s). To issue additional compensation to a Full-Time Faculty member or for additional information, refer to the Additional Compensation tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty Job Changes & Additional Jobs

Full-Time Faculty may hold additional jobs within or outside of their supervisory organization. If a Full-Time Faculty is going to fill another position, in addition to their primary position, reference to the Add / End Additional Title Job tip sheet for additional information. If a Full-Time Faculty is going to complete duties/activities requiring additional compensation related to their primary job, an additional compensation job should be used in PeopleSync. For additional information, refer to the Additional Compensation tip sheet.

Full-Time Faculty members may be promoted, demoted, or transferred in PeopleSync using the appropriate Promote, Demote, or Transfer Employee tip sheets. As a part of these processes, Full-Time Faculty employees may be moved to a different position that is open with an open job requisition as of the job change date. When completing an Academic Promotion, the Edit Position transaction will be used, allowing the HR Analyst to edit the Full-Time Faculty member’s position details without moving the Faculty member to a different position.

Full-Time Faculty Academic Appointments

An academic appointment in PeopleSync is separate from a Full-Time Faculty member’s position. Academic appointments allow NYU to track appointment information, tenure status or eligibility, and dates associated with a faculty member’s appointment data. Full- Time Faculty members sit in specific positions in their respective school or unit. The academic appointment is an additional item, associated with their individual position, which stores information specific to faculty members.

A supervisory organization’s Academic Initiator will receive a task to Add an Academic Appointment as part of the Hire process for a Full-Time Faculty employee.

Academic Appointments may also be added, edited, or ended on an ad hoc basis. For additional details, refer to the Academic Appointments tip sheet.

The Academic Partner within the Office of Academic Affairs has visibility into all Full- Time Faculty appointments across the University. The Academic Partner may add, edit, or remove academic appointments, as required.

Full-Time Faculty Leaves

Full-Time Faculty employees may be placed on paid or unpaid leaves in PeopleSync. These leaves will either be personal leaves the employee is taking, such as paid FMLA Illness, unpaid illness, or university-sponsored sabbatical leaves.

Faculty paid leaves can be at 100% pay, 75% pay, or ‘other’ in which the Absence Partner can specify a different percentage of pay for the employee to receive. Refer to the Place Employee on Leave and Return Employee from Leave tip sheets for more information.

Full-Time Faculty Separation

When an employee decides to separate from the University, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the employee must be terminated in PeopleSync. Note that this process should only be completed when a Full-Time Faculty employee is separating entirely from the University. For additional information, refer to the Terminate Employee tip sheet.

If the employee holds any additional jobs, the additional jobs must be ended prior to processing a termination. To end an employee’s additional jobs, refer to the Add / End Additional Title Jobs tip sheet.

Last updated in May 2014.

Reviewing and Editing Draft Position Budgets

This tip sheet provides instructions on how to review and edit draft position Budgets in PeopleSync.

Review Draft Position Budgets

The review period allows schools and units to view the draft position budgets for the upcoming Fiscal Year and identify edits that may need to be made.

To complete the review of draft position budgets, Finance Executives and Cost Center Managers use the Find Position Budgets for Organization – Detail report in PeopleSync.

  1. Search for Find Position Budgets for Organization – Detail report in PeopleSync. Run the report by:
    • A. Supervisory Organization (available to Finance Executives)
    • B. Cost Center Hierarchy (available to Cost Center Managers)
  2. Review the report to confirm:
    • All positions for your school/unit are listed (Both Filled and Vacant with requisitions)
    • The Budget Amount for each position is correct (Compensation and Fringe)

Edit Draft Position Budgets

During the review period only, Finance Executives can edit a draft position budget in PeopleSync to:

  • Increase a Position Budget
  • Decrease a Position Budget
  • Change the Budget Allocation of a Position Budget


  1. From the Find Position Budget for Organization – Detail report, hover over the magnifying glass icon.
  2. Select the Related Actions icon.
  3. Select Position Budget.
  4. Select Edit.
    • Do not select Position Budget > Cancel.

increase or decrease the position budget

  1. Update the number in the Compensation Budget field.
  2. The Fringe Benefits Budget field and budget lines (below) will automatically update.
  3. Click Submit.

Change an Existing Allocation

  1. To change an existing allocation on a draft position budget, scroll down to the Budget Lines section.
  2. Update Worktags on allocation.
  3. Verify the Compensation account and update, if necessary.
  4. Click Submit.

Add a Budget Allocation

  1. Scroll down to the Budget Lines section.
  2. Select plus sign on the existing line to duplicate line.
  3. Enter percent for new allocation and update percent on existing allocation.
  4. Enter Worktags for the new allocation.
  5. Verify the Compensation account and update, if necessary.
  6. Click Submit.

update fringe

  1. Scroll down to the Budget Lines section.
  2. Select Fringe Rate from Table (recommended) or change the Fringe Rate field directly.
  3. If the Fringe Rate from Table or Fringe Rate fields are updated, the Fringe Amount will update automatically.
  4. Click Submit.
    • Do not change the Fringe Account.

Last updated in August 2016.