Admin Professionals

On this page you will find resources for managing Administrative/Professionals in PeopleSync. 

Create and Post a position

JDXpert for HR Partners & HR Analysts
JDXpert for Managers (Ad-Hoc Reviewers)
Job Requisitions
Review & Edit Draft Position Budgets
Budget Office: Approving Proposed Positions
Request Default Compensation Change

hire an employee 

Hire Administrative/Professional
Complete Form I-9 Approvals
Manage National and Government IDs
Manage Passport and Visa Information
Position Budget Checks
Assign Costing Allocations
How Pay Group Is Assigned and Pay Group by Employee Category
Labor Law Form

edit or change Position

Job Change – Transfer, Promote or Change Job
Add Job
Edit Position in JDX
Change Organization Assignments
Edit Position or Job: Extend Fixed Term Employee (Professional Researchers, Admin/Professionals and FT Faculty)
Edit Position or Job: Work Space Change
Hybrid/Remote Work Classification (Position)
Request Default Compensation Change

edit employee information

Change Business Title
Change Contact Information
Change Employee’s Preferred Name
Change Legal Name
Change Personal Information
Manage Education for Employees

Request Compensation Change

Request Compensation Change
Additional Compensation
Extend Job of Adjunct, Post Doc Fellow, Student-Related, or Additional Compensation
One-Time Payments
Activity Pay Map
Payroll Accounting Adjustment
Labor Law Form


Terminate Employee
End Job
Close Position
Manage Business Processes for Worker
Terminating FT Primary Position/Continuing Non-Primary PT Job
Place Employee on Leave
Return Employee From Leave