Add Hourly Job – Undergraduate Students and Non BUE Eligible Graduate Students.


This tip sheet provides steps for hiring an Undergraduate or Non-BUE Graduate Student  into an hourly paid job. You will use the Add Job transaction. Student employees are part of the Job Management Staffing Model. This means you do not need to create a position or job requisition in PeopleSync.

roles & Approval chain

The Add Job transaction is initiated by the HR Analyst and routes to the HR Partner and then the Finance Executive for final review and approval. 

(Note: Many of the roles in PeopleSync share the same functionality. The HR Partner can submit the same transactions as the HR Analyst. Refer to the Organization Support Roles Descriptions guide for a list of roles and function.)


locatE the student’s Record/student pool job

Before initiating the transaction HR should complete the following steps:

1. Search PeopleSync for the student record. 

  • Enter the N# or NetID in the Search field. Enter.
  • Click on the search category All of Workday on the left side menu.

2. Select the student record. Under the student’s name on the upper left you should see Pool Job.

You will see the following on the Summary tab for Undergraduates:

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: 7 digit job #. For example, 5123456 Student (Federal Work Study) or 7654321 Student (Non-Work Study)
Business Title: Student (Work Study) or Student (Non-Work Study)
Job Profile: STNT01 – Student (Federal Work-Study) or STNT03 – Student Non -Federal Work Study

You will see the following on the Summary tab for Graduates:

Organization: New York University (Hamilton, Andrew D) >> New York University Student Pool (NYUStudent)
Job: Job # and Title. For example, 5678910 Graduate Employee Pool Job
Business Title: Graduate Employee Pool Job
Job Profile: STNT04 – Graduate Student

If the record does not exist contact PeopleLink. Do not proceed with the Add Job transaction until the student pool job has been hired into PeopleSync.

verify Local 2110 bue status (graduate students only)

Next check if meets the SIS eligibility guidelines for Local 2110. (For complete overview of how bargaining unit eligibility is determined review the tip sheet Graduate Student Employees: An Overview of Bargaining Unit Eligibility)

  1. Click Personal on the left side menu. Click IDs tab.
  • Under the Other IDs section, locate the rows with SIS_GSOC_BUE. You should see three rows corresponding to Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.
  • A “Y” means yes, the student is eligible for Local 2110 for the semester indicated. Here is a sample record:
Other ID Type Description Identification # Issued Date Expiration Date
SIS_GSOC_BUE Spring Y 1/1/2020 5/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Summer N 6/1/2020 8/31/2020
SIS_GSOC_BUE Fall N 9/1/2020 12/31/2020
  • Important, continue using this tip sheet for the graduate student only if the semester you are hiring for is “N” for no, or you do not see any SIS_GSOC_BUE custom ids as this indicates the student is not eligible for Local 2110.

Add JOB 

  1. In the student record click Actions ellipse > Job Change > Add Additional Job.
  2. In the Supervisory Organization field enter in or select the supervisory organization that the student will be hired into. 
  3. Click OK.
  4. In the Effective Date field, enter in the start date of the job or click the calendar icon to select the date. Review these Date Guidelines:
    • The job start and end dates must be within the same academic year.
    • For example: 6/1/2020 to 8/31/2020 is correct because the dates fall within AY2020; 6/1/2020 to 10/15/2020 is not correct because the dates cross AY20 and AY21.
    • For Federal Work-study jobs, refer to the annual email sent by Wasserman which provides end dates for work study or visit the Student Employee web page.
  5. In the Reason field click the menu icon and select Add Additional Titled Job.
  6. In the Employee Type field enter Fixed-Term.
  7. For the Job Profile enter in one of the following:
    • STNT01 – Student (Federal Work-Study)
    • STNT02 – Student (America Reads)
    • STNT03 – Student (Non-Work Study)
  8. In the Time Type field enter Part-Time.
  9. In the Location field select: Washington Square Campus or WSQ – Brooklyn Campus.
  10. Select the Work Space for the student employee’s job. If the Work Space is not found or unknown, assign the appropriate building.
  11. Click the arrow next to Additional Details to display more fields.
  12. The Job and Business title default to match the job profile. You can change this as needed. Note it is common to create a title that will help the student select the correct job when completing timesheets. For example, “Student Office Assistant – Spring 2020” or “Student Program Assistant, Law 20”.
  13. In Job Classifications click the menu icon and select Student Hourly-STNT01/02/02. Choose one of the following:
    • Academic
    • Administrative
    • Administrative/Operations
    • Technical
  14. Scheduled Hours – Enter in 20 hours or less. Hours for student employees cannot exceed 20 per week across all jobs. Note: During J-Term a student may work for more than 20 hours; if this is the case enter in 20 hours. See the Timesheet section for hours over 20.
  15. Enter in the end date or click the calendar icon to select the End Employment Date.
  16. Complete the comment field if needed.
  17. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Up Next: Change Organization Assignments“. Click Open.

change organization assignments

Organization Assignments contain every organization an employee or position is associated with, and default based on the supervisory organization of the position. The organization assignments contain the chartfield, as well as additional information such as Company, Check Location, Time Sheet Approver, Time Off Approver, Compensation Type, FERPA status, etc.

  1. Click Open.
  2. Review the following fields and make changes as needed:
    • Region. This refers to the check location and is a required field. Select a check location designated for students. 
    • Cost Center
    • Business Unit
    • Program
    • Fund
    • Project
    • Account – Enter in the account corresponding to the job profile:
      STNT01 – Student (Federal Work Study) SHARE-51118
      STNT02 – Student (America Reads) SHARE-51118
      STNT03 – Student (Non-Work Study) SHARE-51119
    • Compensation Type This should be Regular.
    • Time Approver. This is a required field.
    • Time Off Approver. This is a required field.
  3. Refer to the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet for more information.
  4. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Up Next: Propose Compensation Hire“. Click Open.

Propose compensation

Many of the fields in Propose Compensation are prepopulated and do not need to be modified. For an overview of all of the fields on this page, refer to the Propose Compensation tip sheet.

  1. Click Open.
  2. In the Hourly section, click anywhere or click the pencil icon.
    • Edit the Amount field.
    • The rate must meet minimum rate per university policy for students and minimum rate for graduate students who are part of Local 2110.
    • Refer to the annual email sent by Wasserman that provides the rates or the NYU Hiring Student Employees web page.
    • The Plan with default to Student Hourly.
    • Click the Check icon to save.
  3. Click Submit.

You will now see a pop up which says: “Success! Event Submitted. Up Next: HR Partner, Consolidated Approval by HR.

  1. The transaction routes to the HR Partner and the Finance Executive for review and approval. If you are an approver refer to the How to Approve a Transaction tip sheet.

post hire

email notification

Once the job is successfully completed, the student will receive a notification in the PeopleSync Inbox re: Important Information About Your New Job at NYU with reminders to complete onboarding tasks.


Hourly paid Students are automatically assigned to the USA Biweekly pay group, therefore they will complete timesheets in order to be paid.

Once the job is successfully completed, the student will receive a notification in the PeopleSync Inbox re: Recording Time for Your New Job at NYU.

If a student is scheduled to work more than 20 hours (for example for a job which occurs during J-Term) the timesheet will accept hours over 20.

Last updated April 2021.