JDXpert for HR Partners and HR Analysts


This tip sheet explains how HR Partners and HR Analysts can complete the following actions in JDXpert, NYU’s job description system for administrative, clerical, technical, or service positions.

create a position

Select Create New Position from the JDXpert homepage and follow the steps below.

  1. Select an existing position to base the new job description on or choose a blank template.
    • Only select a blank template if there is NO comparable existing position in the university.
    • If the new position is a duplicate or similar to an existing position, search for an existing job description to populate the job description with content that can be reviewed and edited.
  2. Enter the New Job Description Name.
    • The Job Description Name is temporary and must be unique.
    • After the position is fully created, it will be assigned a unique PeopleSync Position ID.
  3. Select a reason for creating the position.
  4. Click Select Participants and Start Workflow.
    • Choose the appropriate Compensation Partner and then select Start Workflow.
  5. Complete the Job Information tab.
    • New Edit Button – Enable editing by clicking the Edit button. Typically, editing is disabled by default.
    • Select the supervisory organization. After selecting a supervisory organization, the division, sub-division, and manager fields will auto-populate.
    • Select the Availability Date and Earliest Hire Date.
    • If needed, change the Job Profile by clicking the Select Profile button.
    • New: Select a Hybrid/Remote Work Classification (Position). Changes to this classification made in JDXpert will also need to be entered into PeopleSync as part of the Create Position and Edit Position transaction. 
    • Use the PeopleSync comments field to enter comments that will appear on the Create Position transaction in PeopleSync.
    • When the Job Information is complete, advance to the Position Summary tab.
  6. Complete the Position Summary tab.
    • Select the Search to search for internal and external job descriptions.
    • After selecting a job description, use the icons at the top of the screen to replace the existing text in the job summary, add to the existing job summary or copy to your clipboard.
    • When the Job Summary is complete, advance to the Principal Duties tab.
  7. Complete the Principal Duties tab.
    • You can add or delete rows, change the order of rows, or change the percentage of a principal duty. The system will check that percentages add up to 100%. Between 4 and 8 (maximum) Principal Duties are recommended.
    • If needed, use the Search to search for Principal Duties from other job descriptions.
    • When Principal Duties are complete, advance to the Qualifications tab.
  8. Complete the Qualifications tab.
    • Important: Due to how data was imported from PeopleSync, two rows will appear per qualification. You will see one blank row and one row labeled “Current” which has the existing information from PeopleSync.
    • Any text in the “Current” rows can be copied to the corresponding qualification rows and edited as needed. To edit a section, click on the pencil icon. After removing the text from the “Current” rows, the blank “Current” rows must be deleted.
    • Additional Preferred Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities are required and cannot be edited.
    • When Qualifications are complete and “Current” rows are deleted, advance to the Scope tab.
  9. Complete the Scope tab.
    • The fields on the Scope tab are required for Administrative / Professional jobs ONLY.
    • For each section, select the statement that best describes the position. If the section has an additional question, provide a response in the text box.
    • Click on the Help text next to each factor for the definition of each factor for each band (52-55).
    • When the Scope is complete, advance to the Evaluation Questions for all Positions tab.
  10. Complete the Evaluation Questions for All Positions tab.
    • Answer the questions to provide more context about the position or any changes being made. These questions have been updated to clarify the details that are required for evaluation. 
  11. Review the Compensation tab and the Job Posting tab.
    • The information on these tabs cannot be edited.
    • Review the Job Posting tab to ensure the Position Summary & Qualifications are accurate. Return to the Qualifications Tab to make necessary updates.
  12. Send the job description to an ad-hoc reviewer (Optional).
    • To share the job description with an ad-hoc reviewer (i.e. manager), select the Share with Ad Hoc Reviewer icon from the top menu.
    • Share with an NYU employee by clicking Select an Existing Employee, or define a new ad-hoc reviewer.
    • Select an employee and click Next to generate an email that will be sent to the ad-hoc reviewer.
    • Review and edit the email, if needed, and click next to send.
  13. Receive email confirmation that ad-hoc review is complete (Optional).
    • After the ad-hoc reviewer has completed their review and made updates, an email notification will be sent back to the HR Business Partner to confirm the review is complete or to ask questions.
  14. Review changes made by ad-hoc reviewer.
    • From the JDXpert homepage, select the job description.
    • Click on Compare to Base to view all revisions made to the job description.
    • The side-by-side view shows before and after versions on the same screen.
    • The revision history shows who made changes to the job description and when.
    • Select close form to return to the job description.
  15. Submit the job description to Compensation for Approval.
    • Select the Thumbs up icon from the top menu to Approve the Current Workflow Step.
    • If any information is missing, an error message will list the missing fields. Make sure all required fields are complete before submitting them.
    • Follow instructions in pop-up window to approve the step.
  16. Complete Create Position in PeopleSync.
    • When the position is approved by Compensation in JDXpert it is sent to PeopleSync. A PeopleSync task is sent to all HR Partners and HR Analysts for the position. An HR Partner or HR Analyst can then complete the Create Position process in PeopleSync. (Note: See step 5, you will also complete a new step in PeopleSync –  Edit Additional Data – to update the Hybrid/Remote Classification (Position) field.)

Create and Complete Proposed Position

Select Propose New Position from the JDXpert homepage and follow the steps below:  

  1. Select an existing position to base the new job description on or choose a blank template.
    • Only select a blank template if there is ​NO comparable existing position in the university. If the new position is a duplicate or similar to an existing position, search for an existing job description.
    • This will populate the job description with content that can be reviewed and edited.
  2. Enter the New Job Description Name.  
    • The Job Description Name is temporary and must be unique. After the position is fully created, it will be assigned a unique PeopleSync Position ID.  
  3. Select a reason for creating the position. 
  4. Complete Job Information tab.  
    • Select the supervisory organization. After selecting a supervisory organization, the division, sub-division and manager fields will auto-populate.
    • Enter the Availability Date and Earliest Hire Date.
    • If needed, change the Job Profile by clicking the Select Profile button. 
    • Use the PeopleSync comments field to enter comments that will appear on the Create Position transaction in PeopleSync. 
  5. Complete other tabs (optional). 
    • Only the Job Information tab is required to create a proposed position.
    • All other tabs can be filled out later in the process, when the proposed position is approved by the Budget Office. 
  6. Export the position to PeopleSync.  
    • IMPORTANT: When you complete entering the details for the proposed position, click on Approve. Step, follow the prompts and then select Export to PeopleSync.
    • Exporting the proposed position to PeopleSync will trigger a PeopleSync task to all HR Analysts and HR Partners with access to the position to complete the proposed position information.  
  7. Receive confirmation of Finance Executive approval. 
    • Once the position is approved by the Finance Executive (following Principal’s Meetings), the HR Analyst receives a PeopleSync To Do instructing them to complete the position details in JDXpert.  
  8. Return to JDXpert to complete the proposed position.  
    • Select Complete Proposed Position from the JDXpert homepage.  
    • Search for the proposed position.  
    • Select “Modify Vacant – Complete Proposed Position Details” as the reason. 
    • Add the appropriate Compensation Partner as a reviewer. 
  9. Complete steps 5 – 16 in the Create Position process outlined above. 

General Tips

  • Save: Save and generate a list of errors to see which required fields are blank.
  • Save and Close: Save current progress and come back to it at a later time.
  • Split Screen: View and compare two job descriptions side by side.
  • Compare to Base: View changes between the current and original.
  • View Workflow Details: View current workflow location and next steps.
  • Add/Edit Comments: Add comments to the workflow. Comments will appear in JDX permanently and will be accessible by HR Business Partners, Compensation and any ad-hoc reviewers added to the workflow.

Additional resources

For additional resources refer to the JDXPert Job Description and JDXpert Job Description System Upgrade postings on the HRO Community Blog. This includes a training presentation. “JDXpert Training for HR Users” which provides workflows and screenshots.

Last updated in July 2023