PeopleSync Newsletter – Issue 37: February 2023


Customize Payments – Activity Pay (WSQ Only)

As part of the workday upgrade effective March 11th, a new feature has been added which enables HR Partners/HR Analysts to change the disbursements amount for Period Activity Pay. Activity Pay normally pays in even amounts between the start and end date. Using Customize Payments, you can specify an amount to be paid for each pay period. Refer to the updated Manage Period Activity Pay Assignments tip sheet for details.

FY’24 AMI Prep: Primary Data Integrity Audits (WSQ Only)

This is a reminder that the annual AMI prep guidelines were sent to HR on March 6th. Refer to the email or HRO Community posts:

Adjunct Payment Reminders (WSQ Only)

Refer to the March 2nd email or HRO Community post on the due dates for retro adjunct payments. Additionally, a tip sheet has been distributed to HR; this shows how the employee can view activity pay (including retro pay) in PeopleSync.


Assigning PeopleSync Roles to Temp Employees

For Security Partners: When assigning PeopleSync roles such as HR Analyst to temp employees please follow new guidelines outlined in the updated Assign Roles tip sheet.

Terminated Employees and TSA/TOA Assignments (WSQ Only)

When terminating an employee check to see if the employee is a timesheet/time off approver. If so, make sure to assign a new approver to the employees/positions. Refer to the Change Organization Assignments tip sheet

I-9 Tips/Reminders (WSQ Only)

Based on recent inquiries to PeopleLink, the following are important reminders about the I-9 process.
  • Is a new I-9 needed? In scenarios where an employee is terminated and rehired with no break in service (for example when an adjunct becomes an FT faculty member) there is likely no need for a new I-9. Therefore unless the work authorization has expired, the I-9 task in progress can be canceled (review the original I-9 and IDs in these cases).
  • Who can cancel an I-9? In the event that an I-9 task needs to be canceled, for instance when a form has been manually completed by a remote authorized agent and is loaded to the Documents tab in PeopleSync, the I-9 Partner may click on the related actions bar next to the action and select Cancel Task. To verify who the I-9 Partner is, go to the Sup Org of the employee and click on the Roles tab. Then filter by the I-9 Partner in the Roles column.
  • I-9s and Add Job for Grad Students. When Adding a Job to a Graduate Student you will receive a To-Do to check for the I-9. If one does not exist, please remind the employee to complete one. 
  • Refer to the I-9 tip sheet for more information.

Timing of Termination Transactions

Please use a realistic timeframe when submitting Termination transactions. Consider the drawbacks of expediting a transaction. Terminating well before the separation date can cause system roadblocks . For example, once a termination completes, a new job (such as add comp) cannot be submitted.


MRR Data Uploaded (WSQ Only) 

The market reference ranges for Administrative/Professional job profiles have been updated in PeopleSync (applicable to Admin/Professionals). To run the report type in Market Reference Ranges (MRR) in the PeopleSync search field.


I transferred [or hired] an employee into the wrong position, what should I do? (WSQ Only)

If you transferred an FT Faculty, Admin/Professional, or Staff employee into the wrong the position you can contact PeopleLink and request a rescind of the transaction. (Note: this is only possible if the employee has not been paid on the position – please try to send in your ticket as soon as possible.)

If payment has occurred, you can typically submit a Job Change and transfer the employee into the correct position. Be sure to use the same effective date as the original transaction. Make sure to explain the reason for this transaction in the Comments so that approvers are aware. If you have questions, contact PeopleLink.