PeopleSync Newsletter – Issue 4: May 2016

Faculty and Researcher Pre-AMI Launch Activities are to Be Completed by the Respective School or Unit by May 20, 2016.

Go to: for details on these pre-AMI launch activities.

If you are appointing Students or Adjuncts for one semester, please use the standard dates below:

  • Summer 2016 – 5/23/2016 to 8/31/2016
  • Fall 2016 – 9/1/2016 to 12/31/2016
  • J-Term 2017 – 1/1/2017 to 1/22/2017
  • Spring 2017 – 1/23/2017 to 5/21/2017
  • Summer 2017 – 5/22/2017 to 08/31/2017

Graduate employees who are eligible for Local 2110 can have their current appointments extended through the summer; however for the upcoming academic year remember that you will have to reappoint them to new job.

New Job Profiles

Two new Additional Compensation job profiles are available in PeopleSync:

  • Faculty Additional Compensation – use for additional compensation related to faculty.
  • Non-Faculty Additional Compensation (renamed from Additional Compensation) – use for additional compensation related to non-faculty (i.e. staff/admin).

How does this impact me?
When entering Additional Compensation for an employee during the Add Job process, HR Analysts and HR Partners will need to select the appropriate job profile, based on the descriptions above. For more information, use the Additional Compensation tip sheet.

Updates to Existing Additional Compensation
All additional compensation in your organization using the current Additional Compensation job profile have been automatically converted to one of the new job profiles based on the primary job of the employee.

Alerts in Transactions

When submitting transactions you may see alerts that will guide you in entering the correct values based on HR policies. Please note two of these below:

Adjunct Alert for incorrect Activity Usage
When creating an Activity Pay for Adjuncts, use ‘Adjunct Activities’. This is denoted by a one letter/one number code (e.g. A1 – Lecture). A complete list of the adjunct activities is listed here in the Activity Pay Matrix.

  • Adjuncts cannot have additional compensation jobs. You will receive an error if you try to submit an additional job using the Additional Compensation job profile.

To pay an adjunct for other types of non-teaching duties you can use the activity:
 “H” for bargaining unit eligible adjuncts
 “X” for non-bargaining unit eligible adjuncts

  • Graduate Adjuncts (indicated by profile STNT07) cannot have H or X adjunct activities. If you try to submit this type of activity for a Graduate Adjunct, you will receive an alert. Please choose among the teaching-related Adjunct Activities listed in the Activity Pay Matrix.

Scheduled Hours for Professional Researchers
When assigning the ‘Scheduled Hours’ to Professional Researchers you will receive an alert if the hours do not follow the guidelines below:

  • Full-Time Professional Researcher hours are 35 per week.
  • Part-Time Professional Researcher hours are 27 or less per week (and greater than 0).

Please edit the ‘Scheduled Hours’ field accordingly if you see the alert. Note: do not modify the default hours.