PeopleSync Newsletter – Issue 6: August 2016

New PeopleSync Training Video

We are pleased to announce a new eLearning video, Introduction to PeopleSync, is now available in NYU iLearn. This self-paced training course is part of the new HRS 300: PeopleSync eLearning Course. NYU iLearn users who previously began the HRS 000 course and anyone in the HR Job
Family are now enrolled in the new course. If you are not enrolled, you can easily do so in NYU iLearn.

To find the course, log into NYUHome and launch NYU iLearn from the Work tab. Then, type “HRS 300” in the search field and choose the HRS 300: PeopleSync eLearning Course. Currently, Introduction to PeopleSync is the only module available, but new videos will be added to HRS 300: PeopleSync eLearning Course as they become available.

HRS 300q: Introduction to PeopleSync Quiz is a standalone quiz, separate from the eLearning course. Please complete this quiz after you have taken the Introduction to PeopleSync course module.

If you have any issues or feedback on the course, please email

Semester Dates for Students and Adjuncts

In our May newsletter we provided the standard semester dates for jobs if you are appointing Students or Adjuncts for one semester. As a reminder below are the dates:

  • Summer 2016 – 5/23/2016 to 8/31/2016
  • Fall 2016 – 9/1/2016 to 12/31/2016
  • J-Term 2017 – 1/1/2017 to 1/22/2017
  • Spring 2017 – 1/23/2017 to 5/21/2017
  • Summer 2017 – 5/22/2017 to 08/31/2017

Submitting New Jobs for Students

Please note the following on new rates:

Undergraduate Student Employees
As presented by Paula Lee from the Wasserman Center during the July 13 HRO/FO Meeting:

Undergraduate students will now have required minimum hourly rates. The required minimums per fiscal year will allow undergraduate students to earn the necessary $15/hour by FY19 or September 1, 2018. The schedule of increases is as follows:

  • FY17 Commencing on September 1, 2016 – $12/hour
  • FY18 Commencing on September 1, 2017 – $13.50/hour
  • FY19 Commencing on September 1, 2018 – $15/hour

For FY17, PeopleSync will be configured for the existing student profiles (federal work-study and non-federal work-study) to ensure no student is hired below the $12/hr minimum salary (and will be updated annually as per the schedule above).

Local 2110 Graduate Employee Compensation for AY 2017

  • Teaching (Instructor of record, recitation or laboratory sections): Follows applicable rates for UAW Local 7902 – NYU collective bargaining rates governing adjunct faculty for AY2015-2016 as rates for AY2016-2017 have not yet been determined by NYU and the UAW.
  • Research Assistants (Ph.D. students who have formal 20 hours/week appointments for a semester or academic year): 2.25% increase
  • Hourly Bargaining Unit Work:
    • $16.00/hour
    • Graduate employees carrying higher rates shall receive a 2.25% increase.
    • Caveat: In a single department, if the initial appointments of two (2) or more new graduate employees carry higher pay rates than the rates of incumbent graduate employees performing exactly the same work, the rates for the incumbents shall not be lower than those initially appointed.
  • Fully-Funded Ph.D. Candidates Assigned to Teach: The combined stipend payments and adjunct faculty compensation shall be increased by a minimum of 2.25%.
  • Please remember that Graduate employees who are eligible for Local 2110 can have their current appointments extended through the summer; however for the upcoming academic year remember that you will have to reappoint them to a new job.

FY17 AMI Process Reminders

August 8th to August 31st

Upon approval of AMI submissions, notify employees of their new fiscal year base salary and annual bonus, if applicable, including pay group and benefits tier change as a result of AMI. As in previous years, any employee with a pay group change and/or benefits tier change should be notified as expeditiously as possible to ensure pay expectations are appropriately managed.

As is customary, commencement of blackout period on submission of seated incumbent salary or job changes (role enhancements, promotions, transfers, etc.) in PeopleSync for employees with an approved merit transaction (non-new hires) to allow for audit of annual merit increases, bonus submissions, and pay group changes. Any changes will require a request to PeopleLink to rescind the AMI before another transaction can be processed. The blackout period also allows for thorough review and approval of position budgets in PeopleSync. Blackout period is not applicable for new hire transactions. You may continue to consult with the Compensation Team to review requests offline.

Position Management Key Dates

As we prepare for Position Management go live, please note the following important dates and

  • August 8 – 10: Draft position budgets generated in PeopleSync by Budget Office and Payroll teams. Please enter any future-dated transactions or costing for the upcoming Fiscal Year prior to August 8.
  • August 8 – 31: Customary blackout period on submission of seated incumbent salary or job changes (role enhancements, promotions, transfers, etc.) in PeopleSync for employees with an approved merit transaction
  • August 11 – 17: Finance Executives review and update draft position budgets in PeopleSync
  • August 19 – 24: Fiscal Officers review and update overall budgets and contingency accounts in Hyperion
  • September 1: Budgets loaded to FAME and position budgets available in PeopleSync

Activity Pay – AY 2017 is Available

In Manage Activity Pay, the Academic Period and Period Activity Rate Matrix for AY 2017 are available in PeopleSync. We keep the current and previous AY in the system. This means that by August 31, we will remove AY 2014. If for some reason you need to submit an AY 2014 activity
pay, please contact PeopleLink.

Legal Name changes in PeopleSync

When processing a legal name change of an employee please remember that you will need to see a copy of the employee’s new social security card. This ensures records are compliant with Social Security Agency and in PeopleSync.

Change in Form to Payment Elections for Employees and One Time Payments

As a result of the NYU Shanghai integration there are two changes to transaction pages.

Update to Payment Elections
All employees, including US-based, will see an “NYU Shanghai ONLY – Payroll and Expense Payments” box that is preselected on the Payment Election form in PeopleSync. US employees should deselect this box when submitting this task. We have included help text in the task to assist

However should the US employee submit this form with the Shanghai option selected, it will not negatively impact payment elections

Update to One Time Payments

When Requesting a One Time Payment, the Fund is now required. Please enter the Fund under the Worktag section by copying the Fund directly from the Current Organizational Assignments on the top of the page.