Labor Law Form


This tip sheet provides guidance on how to process in PeopleSync the Notice and Acknowledgement of Pay Rate and Payday Under Section 195.1 of the New York State Labor Law (otherwise known as the Wage Theft Prevention Act (WTPA) Notice, Form 195).

This Notice is provided to employees: (1) upon hire, rehire, or when adding an additional job; (2) for a change in pay frequency; and (3) for a demotion resulting in a decrease in pay. The Notice does not need to be regenerated for an increase in the employee’s wage rate, provided that the new rate is shown on the next payment of wages.

  • PeopleSync WILL generate this Notice for Hourly and Salaried employees, including Administrative/Professionals; Staff; Professional Research Staff; Full-Time Faculty; and Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York.
  • PeopleSync WILL generate this notice for Adjunct and Part-Time Faculty; Non-Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York only if the appropriate reason is selected when processing a Manage Period Activity Pay.
  • PeopleSync WILL NOT generate this notice for employees hired to locations outside of New York.  Please review this tip sheet for more information about the process.

How to Administer the Process

For Administrative/Professionals, Staff, Professional Researchers, Full-Time Faculty and Hourly Student Employees of NYU in New York: 

When processing a Hire; Add additional job; or Change Job transaction which results in a change in pay frequency or demotion in pay, the Notice is automatically generated and sent to the employee via a task in their PeopleSync Inbox.

  • For Hires, the task will be included along with their onboarding tasks.
  • For other transactions, it is an additional task for them to complete after the transaction in PeopleSync is completed. The employee will need to read, DocuSign the Notice and submit the task.

The Notice is in English. If the employee would like to receive the Notice in one of the alternative translations provided by New York State, instructions are provided in the PeopleSync task to contact PeopleLink at or by phone at 212-992-LINK (5465). PeopleLink will provide the Notice in the alternate language (if available) to the employee and will cancel the Wage Theft Prevention Notice task in PeopleSync. For information about forms in other languages, please visit New York State’s Department of Labor’s website:

For Adjuncts & Part-Time Faculty, and Non-Hourly student employees (i.e. those paid via activity pay) in New York:

The system will only generate the Notice for adjunct and part-time faculty or for non-hourly student employees when processing a Manage Period Activity Pay and selecting the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice). This can be a part of the hire/add job or a standalone transaction.  Select the other reason to process the transaction without generating the notice.

The compensation information included in the notice is only for the position and the Academic Period being processed (i.e. Adjunct – Fall 2021).

When hiring, rehiring or appointing an employee:

  1. Choose the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice) when processing their Manage Period Activity Pay.
  2. OR When the transaction is being processed via EIB or ServiceLink form, utilize their respective options.
  3. Make sure that the payments you have entered are in full, and don’t anticipate any additional compensation of substance to be added for the appointment/semester which might warrant sending another notice.

It is recommended to audit this population regularly to ensure notices are sent out, signed and submitted as expected and required. This custom report is built specifically for auditing this population.  A reminder that you can schedule this report (and any other PeopleSync report) to run for you on any frequency desired.

Employees Performing Work in Other States:

 For employees who do not perform work in New York State, you will need to email the employee a wage notice form from the relevant state (if the state requires a notice). For more information on other state requirements, please contact the Office of Talent Management.

Launching the Form on an Ad Hoc Basis


To generate a new notice, process a Manage Period Activity Pay transaction selecting the reason Assign Activity Pay – Generate Form 195 (WTP Notice).  You may process this transaction with or without additional changes to their payments.  Ensure that you are choosing the correct academic period and position desired when processing the transaction.


If you need to provide the Notice for these employees outside the original transaction (e.g., when you’ve made a correction to the pay rate after the original appointment has been processed) use the task Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice.

The Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice action can be initiated by the following roles: HR Analyst, HR Partner, HR Executive, and Onboarding Specialist

Type the task name, “Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice” in the search bar. Select the task. Next enter the following information:

  • Request Name – Type in the title “Wage Theft Form” or similar to label your request.
  • Reason – Select the reason: Generate Wage Theft Prevention Notice > Ad Hoc and either the Hire/Rehire or Existing Employee reason.
  • Notice Language – Only the English version of the form will be generated. Leave blank or select English.
  • Select Workers – Only use the “By Selected Workers” prompt. Select the applicable worker type for whom you need to generate the notice.

This task will generate a form that contains the data as of that day with the details related to the employee’s primary position only.

Note: The form is generated with data as of the current date. If the hire is future dated, we recommend that you initiate this task on the employee’s start date.

The above is the process for generating the document within PeopleSync and having it signed electronically.  If you instead generated a notice outside of PeopleSync and sent it to the employee, you should also scan and load the Notice to that employee’s Worker Documents within PeopleSync once it is signed and returned.  See the steps to access an employee’s Worker Documents below under the “Viewing a copy…” section.


Currently, PeopleSync does not allow you to general an ad hoc notice for students in hourly paid jobs. Complete this process outside of PeopleSync, providing a manual form.

Viewing a Copy of the Signed Notice

Once the Notice is signed by the employee and the DocuSign integration has been completed, the signed Notice can be viewed, saved, downloaded or printed from Worker’s Documents on the worker’s profile in PeopleSync. 

HR and other authorized roles can find Worker Documents by navigating to that employee’s record in PeopleSync, and from the Actions ellipse button, click Worker History > Maintain Worker Documents.

Employees can find their own documents from the PeopleSync home page, clicking on the Personal Information icon, and under View select Worker Documents.

Last updated in July 2021