Position Budget Checks

This tip sheet provides instructions on how to recognize and resolve a Position Budget Check fail in PeopleSync.

This tip sheet applies to employees with the following PeopleSync roles:

  • Finance Executive
  • HR Partner
  • HR Analyst

Position Budget Check Overview

Position Budget: A Position Budget is the amount of money allocated for that specific position for the current Fiscal Year.

Position Budget Check: A Position Budget Check is an action triggered by a transaction in PeopleSync that looks at the existing budget for the position to confirm there is sufficient budget available for the transaction.

Transactions that include Position Budget Checks:

  • Hire
  • Request Compensation Change
  • Change Default Compensation
  • Edit Position
  • Change Organization Assignments
  • Assign Pay Group
  • Assign Pay Group for Position Restriction
  • Add Job
  • Assign Costing Allocation
  • Create Job Requisition
  • Edit Job Requisition
  • Change Job

Position Budget Check Calculation: The system completes the following calculation when checking a Position Budget:

Position Budget – Pre-Encumbrance and/or Encumbrance – Actuals = Balance

If the balance is positive or zero, the budget check passes.

If the balance is negative, the budget check fails.

Recognizing a Position Budget Check Fail – HR Partners & HR Analysts

An HR Partner or HR Analyst can see that a Position Budget Check Fail has occurred in either of the following ways.

  1. Check the next step in the transaction.
    • In the case of a fail, the next step with be with the Finance Executive for the Check Budget step.
  2. Check the process history.
    • In the case of a fail, the process history will show that the transaction has gone to the Finance Executive for the Check Budget step.
    • The transaction will only continue after the Finance Executive has taken action to resolve the position budget check fail.

Resolving a Position Budget Check Fail – Finance Executives

A Finance Executive must complete the following steps in order to resolve a position budget check fail.

  1. Finance Executive receives the Review Budget Check task in PeopleSync inbox and clicks on View button to access Budget Check Exception page.
  2. The Finance Executive can review the position budget details on the Budget Check Exceptions page.
    • The Proposed Adjustment column shows the amount associated with the submitted transaction that caused the budget fail.
    • The Proposed Balance shows what your balance would be if the transaction would go through. For budget fails the balance will always be negative. This is the same amount that the Finance Executive will have to make the budget modification for.
  3. Finance Executive submits a budget modification for the position budget in BIA BudMod.
    • Changes made in BudMod should be updated in PeopleSync within approximately 15 minutes after submission and approval.
  4. Finance Executive clicks Submit on the Review Budget Check task in PeopleSync.
  5. After the task is submitted, the system completes another position budget check. If the budget check passes, the transaction will continue as usual.

Requesting a Budget Check Override – Finance Executives

This functionality allows Finance Executives to request an override to the position budget check when required. This feature should only be used in scenarios where the budget check in PeopleSync will not pass despite having sufficient funds for the transaction or if the budget fail is for an amount less than $1.

A Finance Executive must complete the following steps to request a Budget Check override:

  1. Check the Request Override box on the Check Budget task in your PeopleSync inbox.
  2. Enter a comment explaining why you are requesting the override.
  3. Click Submit to send the override request to your Budget Office Analyst for approval.

If approved, the transaction will continue. If not, the transaction will be sent back to you by the Budget Office Analyst with an explanation. The Budget Office will approve or send back override requests within approximately 24 hours.