Complete Form I-9 Approvals

The purpose of this tip sheet is to help I-9 Partners complete the review and approval steps for a new employee I-9 Form. The I-9 form is to be completed in the manner set forth below through the PeopleSync online system or, if not possible, by paper.

I-9 Process Overview

The employee is responsible for filling out Section 1 of the I-9 form (no later than the first day of hire but not before he or she receives an offer letter) including:

  • Full legal name and other last names used, if applicable (e.g., maiden name)
  • Current address, including street name and number (no P.O. Box), city, state and ZIP code
  • Date of birth
  • Indication of U.S. citizen or national, lawful permanent resident of the United States, or an alien authorized to work in the United States (with applicable Alien Registration/USCIS or Form I-94 Admission number and the date employment authorization expires)
  • Signature and date (in the online form, the employee will select the I Agree checkbox and the date will automatically populate to the current date)

Note: Name, Address, Date of Birth, and Social Security Number prepopulate in PeopleSync based on information entered by HR during the hiring process. The employee can make changes to these fields as needed. 

The employee then submits Section 1 online and brings in appropriate supporting documentation on his or her first day (or prior to their first day, if arranged with HR). HR uses these documents to verify identity and employment eligibility and to complete the I-9 form approvals.

Additional information on I-9 and support documents:

Reviewing Section 1 of the Form I-9 and Completing Section 2 of the Form I-9

  1. When an employee comes in on their first day, or submits documentation prior to joining, locate the appropriate task in your PeopleSync inbox.
    • Before proceeding, ensure the employee has provided original documents based on the I-9 Documents List.
    • If original IDs are not provided, do not move forward in the process. We cannot accept photocopies.
  2. Review Section 1 Name and Contact information submitted by the employee.
    • If the information entered does not match employee documentation, use the send back function to have the employee correct.
    • HR cannot make changes to Section 1 or correct at a later time.
  3. Review Section 1 Attestation of Citizenship or Work Authorization.
  4. Review Translator/Preparer Information if applicable.
    • The new I-9 form requires an employee to indicate if a Preparer or Translator was used. If needed, additional fields may be completed for more than one Preparer or Translator.
    • You can review the updates to the new form on the USCIS website.
    • If you personally provided Preparer/Translator assistance you will complete this section when the employee completes Section 1.
    • You can no longer complete this section after the employee has submitted the form.
  5. Complete Section 2 of the I-9 form using appropriate documentation from List A OR List B and C. Details on acceptable documentation can be found on the USCIS website.
  6. After entering documentation details, complete the certification section by completing the following:
    • Enter Employee’s first date of employment.
    • Check the box for I Agree to accept the Certification statement
    • Fill in details for “overdue” reason if the date of entry is later than 3 days from noted first date of employment
    • Your Title, Name, and Address information will default from PeopleSync and should not be changed.
  7. Click Select Files to upload the I-9 related document.
  8. Click Approve to move on in the process.
  9. You will still receive the Uploading Supporting I-9 To Do in your inbox. This serves as a reminder only. If you have already uploaded the I-9 from the previous step, simply select Submit button.
    • However, if you did not upload the I-9 document, follow the steps as indicated in this To Do, from the Related Actions, click Worker History > Maintain Worker Documents.
    • Some users have experienced challenges using Internet Explorer to complete document uploads. If you are unable to upload documents in IE, please try another browser.

Viewing/Printing I-9 Form in PeopleSync

To view if a Form I-9 has been completed, please check in the following three places in descending order of likelihood.

  • Search for the task View Form I-9 for Worker and select the employee.
  • You can also go to the employee’s record, select the Related Actions ellipse > Personal Data > View Form I-9.
  • On the employee’s record select the Overview tab > Additional Data. At the bottom of the page there is an I-9 Documentation section. A checkbox indicates if a paper form I-9 exists at the University.
    • Note as referenced in the FAQ section, this location applies to employees hired and active before Spring 2014 when PeopleSync launched.
  • Search for the task Maintain Worker Documents and select the employee. A paper Form I-9 may be uploaded here. You can also go to the employee’s record, select the Related Actions ellipse > Worker History > Maintain Worker Documents or click on Personal of the left side menu and click on Documents.
  • To print a form click on Related Actions ellipse > Personal Data > Print Form I-9.

Viewing and Uploading Attachments in PeopleSync

  • I-9 Transaction: You can upload attachments (such as copies of identification) during the I-9 transaction.
    • If you used this method you can view the attachment by navigating to employee’s record, select the Related Actions ellipse > Personal Data > View Form I-9. The documents are located at the bottom of screen.
  • You can upload documents by searching for the task Maintain Worker Documents and selecting the employee or go to the employee record, click on Personal on the left side menu. Click on Documents and click on the Add button.
  • If you need to amend or correct the I-9 and upload an additional document, see the “How can I correct an I-9?” FAQ below.
  • For uploading paper I-9s, see “Are we able to use paper I-9s forms?” FAQ below.

Canceling I-9 Documentation in PeopleSync

You can cancel an in-progress I-9 transaction when the paper I-9 will be completed or for Remote Certification. Please do not proceed with cancellation if you are not certain of the circumstances and contact PeopleLink for assistance. To cancel a Form I-9:

  1. Navigate to the Employee record and Worker History under the Job tab.
  2. Find the in progress Form I-9 transaction, hover your mouse over the transaction, and select the Related Actions button.
    • In the menu, navigate to Business Process > Cancel.
    • Input a reason why you are canceling the Form I-9 at the bottom of the page and submit.

FAQs and Exceptions

1. Are we able to use paper I-9 forms?

An electronic form will appear in PeopleSync for all U.S.-based NYU new hires. Paper forms should be used on an exception basis such as for:

  • Out of State hires who wish to remote certify I-9 form locally prior to their first day.
  • Employees who request translator help. Translator information can also be added by HR during their review if provided by the employee.

If you have an employee who requires a paper I-9 form:

  • A PDF of the I-9 form is available on the USCIS website.
  • Once the form completed, navigate to the employee record and select Related Actions > Worker History > Maintain Worker Documents and you can upload the completed form and related documents here.
  • Select the Overview tab > Additional Data and complete the I-9 Documentation section. For the I-9 Documentation Exists? field select Yes.
  • If the I-9 form is in progress, cancel this task.

2. How can I see the status of I-9 forms?

To keep track of the status of I-9 forms, you can run the following reports.

  • US New Hires Missing an Electronic or Paper Form I-9: this report can be run by hire date and shows employee records that are missing the I-9 form.
  • I-9 Transactions In Progress Audit Report: This report can be run by a given time frame and supervisory organization, and shows Form I-9s that are still in progress by date range. This report is useful for targeting a specific date range of employees or checking the status of future-dated hires.
  • I-9 Transactions Overdue In Progress Audit: This report can be run by a given supervisory organization, and shows any Form I-9s which are overdue or soon-to-be overdue. It will not include student employees, or any Form I-9s prior to 6/1/16. This report is useful for evaluating the most potentially critical I-9 issues as of today.
  • Onboarding Status Summary: This provides a status of all onboarding tasks, including the Form I-9.
  • I-9 Dashboards: You can modify your homepage to include a dashboard of I-9 metrics represented in graph/table formats. Select the gear icon located on the upper left corner of the PeopleSync homepage. Under Optional Worklets select the + sign to add a new row.
  • Form I-9 Compliance Dashboard: Select OK and Done. The homepage will reappear displaying the new icon.

3. Does the system send notifications about the I-9?

An Overdue Form I-9 in progress a daily email alert is sent to Employees and I-9 Partners when a Form I-9 is in progress in the system and past the expected due date for that Form I-9 (1 day past hire date for Section 1, 3 days past hire date for Section 2). The alert will cease when the Form I-9 is submitted, completed, or canceled.

You can also review the section on expiration alerts below.

4. Will the employee be paid if they do not complete their I-9?

If an employee’s I-9 Form (Sections 1 and 2) is not complete by the 3rd business day after the appointment start date, he or she must be suspended without pay, in accordance with applicable law. Please take note that the employee should be paid for any time worked before the suspension.

5. How can I correct an I-9?

  1. Correcting Section 1 of an In-Progress I-9: When the employee submits Section 1, the form is sent to the I-9 Partner for review. The I-9 Partner can select Send Back with comments. The form is then returned to the employee to make changes.
    • This only applies when the I-9 is in progress.
  2. Amending I-9 Form of a Completed I-9: If an I-9 form has been completed but necessitates a correction, navigate to the employee record. From related actions, select Personal Data > View Form I-9. If there is more than one I-9 on file, you will see a list of Completed Form I-9s; select the correct I-9. Select the Amend button.
    • Alternatively, you can also enter Amend Form I-9 in the search field. Select this task and enter the employee name or N#.
    • This only applies when the I-9 is completed. Additionally, if you do not see the Amend button, contact PeopleLink.

You will then see the following options on the Amend Form I-9:

Section 1. Employee Information and Attestation

By selecting Section 1, you can complete an Instructions for Employee field where you can include comments. You cannot modify the fields in this section; the form is then routed to the employee for editing.

Section 2. Employer or Authorized Representative Review and Verification

By selecting Section 2, you can directly correct the information in Section 2. You will also need to complete the Reasons for Change to Section 2 field.

Both Section 1 and Section 2

Selecting this option will allow access to both sections.


You will be able to upload a new document. You will also need to complete the Reasons for change to Attachments field.

6. How can the employee initiate the I-9 Form?

When the employee is hired they receive a Complete Form I-9 task in the PeopleSync inbox.

The employee can also can find the form by entering in “Complete Form I-9” in the search field.

7. How can I check on the status of the i-9 transaction?

  1. Go to the employee record and click on Job is the left side menu > Worker History > View Worker History by Category > Personal Data.
  2. Scroll down to the System User History section.
  3. Click on the Business Process column header. A pop-up will appear – filter on “Complete Form I-9”.
  4. Select this transaction. Here you can see the status, the date submitted etc, who submitted or approved the transaction.

8. How will the Re-verification Process Occur?

To reverify an I-9, navigate to the employee record. From related actions select Personal Data > View Form I-9. Select the Section 3 Reverification button and complete Section 3. Reverification and Rehires. Alternatively, you can also enter Complete Form I-9 Section 3 in the search field. Select this task and enter the employee name or N#). If you do not see the Section 3 Reverification button, contact PeopleLink.

If applicable please remember to also update the following sections in the employee record: ID/expiration date in the Personal Tab > IDs ; Citizenship Status in the Personal Tab > Personal Information, and any Attachments. For the latter, see the Viewing and Uploading Attachments section of this tip sheet.

9. Will there be expiration notifications for I-9s?

There is an I-9/Visa Expiration alert (sent to Employee and I-9 Partners) as a monthly e-mail when an Employee’s visa (as seen on their Worker Profile > Personal tab > IDs) is about to expire. An email will be sent four months prior to that expiration date, and once per month until the expiration date. This alert will cease when the Visa expiration date is updated, or once the final notification is sent on the expiration date.

10. Are there I-9s on file at the University for employees who were not hired through PeopleSync?

PeopleSync launched in Spring 2014; all employees who were hired before this period and active have a record in PeopleSync and the I-9 should be on file with the University. On the employee profile, select the Overview tab > Additional Data. At the bottom of the page, there is an I-9 Documentation Exists? section.

11. I have received an I-9 Form task or email notification of an employee whom i do not recognize, what should I do?

As an I-9 Partner you are assigned to supervisory organizations and will receive I-9 tasks and/or notifications for employees assigned to that sup org. If you receive an I-9 approval task or a reminder about a pending an I-9 for an employee who you do not recognize, first check if you are assigned the employee’s sup org. 

  1. Go to the employee’s record in PeopleSync.
  2. Click on the Supervisory Organization link.
  3. Click on Roles (located on the horizontal menu).
  4. Click on Assignable Role. In the pop-up click on Value and filter on I-9 Partner.

Note: If you are not listed as an I-9 Partner contact PeopleLink. If you are listed as an I-9 Partner and have questions about this assigned sup org please contact the Security Partner of your HR Department. Security Partners modify your access to specific departments or groups.

(To find out who is the Security Partner, select a supervisory org in your school or unit and select the Roles tab. Search for Security Partner). 

Last updated in January 2023