Time and Absence in PeopleSync for HR and Finance


As of April 26, 2021, PeopleSync Time and Absence replaces myTime for WSQ Admin/Professionals, Staff, Professional Researchers and Student employees.

This tip sheet provides a list of key changes for HR and Finance users. (Note: This information was presented at the recent 3/31 PeopleSync User Group meeting.)

In this guide we review:

  • New application and reporting dashboard – Time & Absence
  • New Time & Absence Partner role and updates to security
  • Changes to key staffing transactions, field names, and functionality.
  • Change to processing of vacation payment upon termination (for eligible employees)
  • Updates to correcting Federal Work Study charges
  • Change to processing of Non-standard Time Off Types
  • How to approve time or time off on behalf of an approver using Advance Manually

To further familiarize yourself with the new timesheets, workflow, and terminology, we recommend that you review the training created for employees and approvers/managers on NYU’s Time and Absence web page.

Time & Absence Application/Reporting Dashboard

  • HR and Finance roles will now see a Time & Absence application. Click on the menu in the left corner to find the application.
  • Use this application to access a number of different tasks and reports related to  Time & Absence functionality in PeopleSync, such as viewing worker’s timesheets and running reports on time off taken over a period of time.
  • Dashboard reporting or aggregate data may be run by employee categories or supervisory organizations. At launch, Time and Absence reports are similar to those in myTime, with additional enhanced reporting planned for future. 
  • Refer to the tipsheet on Time and Absence Reports for Approvers and the report section of HRS 101 PeopleSync Time and Absence Training for Approvers.

Security updates/ Peoplesync Roles

  • myTime Access role has been renamed Time & Absence Partner. The role will give equivalent access to Time & Absence functions except for HR-specific tasks. (These include approving a vacation payout and access to exception Time Types such as Vacation Agreement).
  • HR and Finance roles (i.e. HR Executive, HR Partner, HR Analyst, HR Reporting Analyst, Finance Executive, and Costing Allocation Partner) will be given equivalent or additional access in order to support Time & Absence and view data. Note: You will not need to assign the myTime Access role to those already assigned to HR/Finance roles.
  • Refer to the updated PeopleSync Organization Roles tip sheet.

Changes to Fields and Transactions 

The fields below have been updated in the relevant staffing tip sheets.

Work Schedule Work Shift field has been renamed Work Schedule.

  • Exempt, regular employees. This field no longer appears in the Hire transaction. (A default schedule is assigned corresponding to 35 hours per week as applicable to FT, exempt Admin/Professionals, and Professional Researchers.)
  • Non-exempt, regular employees. You will see a new Assign Work Schedule step in the Hire and Job Change transaction for Staff and non-exempt Professional Researchers and Admin/Professionals. You can refer to the guide on assigning work schedules here.
Scheduled Weekly Hours and Default Weekly Hours These fields now directly impact time off accruals. While there is no change in the transaction, we stress the importance of checking that these fields reflect the correct values. 
Timesheet Approver (TSA) and Timeoff Approver (TOA) Previously we required that these fields were completed (for applicable employee categories.) You can still assign a specific TSA and/or TOA. However, if left blank, the roles are assigned by default to the manager of the supervisory organization. The staffing tip sheets have been updated as well as the Change Organization tip sheet.

Note: In this new process only the TSA or Manager may approve a timesheet. (Previously this function also extended to those in HR roles).

Note: An approver must first be assigned to the TSA/TOA role. Refer to the following tip sheet.

Effective Date on Edit Job (Student Hourly) If you need to extend a student hourly job (with no break in the job dates), we previously recommended using the job’s original Start Date as the Effective Date in the Edit Job > Extend Fixed Term transaction. This was due to how myTime processed timesheet reappointments. With Time & Absence there is more flexibility and you can use any date prior to the End Employment Date (EED). For example, if the EED is 12/31/2020, your Effective Date for extending can be 12/30/2020. 

Refer to the updated tip sheet, Extend Job of Student Employee (Hourly)

 The field below appears in the Termination transaction.

Resignation Date Completing the Resignation Date field is now required if the employee is eligible for vacation payout. PeopleSync displays a warning message confirming if a vacation payout will be issued. For exceptions, HR will be able to request a one-time payment.

Refer to the updated Termination tip sheet for more information.

Federal Work study (FWS) Corrections to Charges

  • With the launch of Time and Absence we have a new way to make corrections to FWS charges. If a timesheet is unapproved, the student’s salary is charged to the default costing. To charge the FWS program, TSAs (or HR) can edit the Time Type.  Once submitted and approved by the TSA/Manager, the accounting is corrected in the next run of retro payroll.
  • Refer to Federal Work Study tip sheet. 

Time Types – Non-standard Time offs

Some Time Off TypesVacation Agreement and Excuse Absence Unpaid–may be entered by HR only and are not available to TSA/TOAs, Managers, or Employees.

Vacation Advance may be selected by employees if eligible. The request will route to the TOA (or Manager) and then Payroll for final review.

Approve Time on behalf of someone else

Using a function called Advance Manually, HR Partners and Time & Absence Partners can approve a timesheet or time off request on behalf of an approver.  

  1. Locate the transaction:
    1. For timesheets, use the Unapproved Timesheets report in the Jobs tab of the worker’s profile (note: the timesheet must be already submitted)
    2. For time off requests, use the Worker History in the Jobs tab of the worker’s profile
  2. Click on Actions bar > Business Process > Advance Manually. (Tip: Mouse over the transaction to display the Actions bar)
  3. Enter a comment explaining why the timesheet is being approved on behalf of the approver
  4. Check the box for Suppress Notification unless you wish the regular notifications/emails to be sent to the employee/approver
  5. Check the box for Send to Completion
  6. Check the box for Confirm
  7. Click Submit