PeopleSync Fundamentals: View Event

If you submit or approve transactions View Event is a helpful way to review the transaction details and check on the transaction’s status.

  1. Navigate to employee record.
  2. Click Job from the left side menu.
  3. Click Worker History tab.
  4. In the Business Process column you will see a list of processes and the employees name. An example is: Hire: Brown, Cathy. Find and click on the business process.
  5. On the next page you will see View Event at the top.
    • On the Details tab you can view the data that was submitted in the transaction.
    • Click the Process tab. This shows the following:
      • Each step in the transaction and the status (for example, “completed”, “submitted”, “in progress”),
      • The date action was taken,
      • The person the step was sent to.
      • Comments entered by each person in the workflow.

PeopleSync Fundamentals: Primary and Non-Primary Job

An employee may have more than one position or job at the University. Here are some examples:

  • Kate Doe’s primary job is Professor of Sociology. Her non-primary job is Director of Research Center.
  • Jennifer Doe’s primary job is Senior Research Scientist. She is also Adjunct Lecturer, Statistics.
  • Louis Doe is a student. The primary job is a student pool job. He has an hourly Part-Time job at one school and a Teaching Assistant job at another school.


  • In the employee record you will see the employee’s name in the upper left.
  • The primary job or position’s title is displayed under the name. If the employee has more than one job or position you will see a double arrow icon next to the title.
    • Click this double arrow icon to view non-primary job(s).
    • The non-primary jobs are listed with a (+) plus sign.

PeopleSync Fundamentals: How to Search for an Employee

To search for an employee in PeopleSync:

  1. Type in the N# or NetID in the Search field.
    • Always use unique identifiers because there may be more than one employee with the same name.
  2. Click Enter.

Below is an overview of Search Results and how various types of records display.

Current/Active Employees:
You will see both an employee record and an applicant record. If the employee does not work at your school you will see the title only and not the sup org.)

Doe, Jorge
Senior Developer |Business Affairs (Administrators) (XX1000) (Doe, Gianni)|WSQ

Doe, Jorge                                                                     

Former Employees:
When an employee separates from the University the record is marked “Terminated” (or, if applicable, “Retired”). A terminated employee record is only visible to HR of former School of employment. However, all schools can view and access applicant record. 

Doe, Kris (Terminated)                                             

Doe, Kris                                                                       

Current students/student workers:
For student workers you will see both an applicant and employee record. The record will display the NYU Student Pool sup org. 

Doe, Samantha                                                           

Student (Work Study) | New York University Student Pool (Doe, Dennis) | WSQ

Doe, Samantha                                                           

PeopleSync Fundamentals: Exempt Status, Salary or Hourly Plan and Pay Group

The following applies to regular, non-student employees:

Exempt employees are salaried. The Salary Plans are NYU Salary or NYU Salary (Academic Pay). The pay groups are Monthly or Semi-Monthly Employee.

Non-Exempt employees are hourly paid. The Hourly Plan is NYU Hourly. The pay groups are Biweekly or Weekly. Hourly Paid employee’s complete timesheets in order to be paid.

Type Salary Plan Pay group
Exempt NYU Salary or NYU Salary (Academic Pay) Monthly or Semi-Monthly Employee
Non-Exempt NYU Hourly Biweekly or Weekly

PeopleSync Fundamentals: Compensation Salary or Hourly Plans

The employee categories below are compensated through Salary or Hourly Plans. The chart below outlines the plans per each population:

Employee Category Compensation Plans
Full-Time Faculty NYU Salary (Academic Pay)
Note: Most are assigned to this plan. However refer to the Annual Work and Disbursement tip sheet as some, such as Visiting Faculty, use the NYU Salary plan.
Exempt Administrative/Professional  NYU Salary 
Non-Exempt Administrative/Professional NYU Hourly
Exempt Professional Researcher NYU Salary
Non-Exempt Professional Researcher NYU Hourly
Staff NYU Hourly
Student (Hourly Job) NYU Student