Change Contact Information


The tip sheet provides guidance on editing Home and Work contact information, i.e. address, phone number and email.

Home contact information will default to private and not visible to all users. The Home Primary Address should match the address on the employee’s tax information.

Work contact information appears on the user’s contact card on NYU Home. Work Contact Business Address defaults to the worker’s assigned Location and should not be changed – to update Work Space / Directory Location, please use Change Work Space or Edit Position transaction.

The area code is a required field in WSQ and AD only. Although Area Code is not marked as a required field for an employee’s phone contact information, the appropriate area code should always be entered for any phone number.

Note on Student Home Information: There is a daily integration between SIS and PeopleSync to update the student’s home information. Students can access SIS/Albert and update their contact information in that system. 

As part of self-service an employee can also submit a name change. Self-service tip sheets for employees are available here.

Roles & Approval Chain

This transaction can be submitted by the HR Analyst, HR Partner or PeopleLink.

Additional Transaction Information

As part of the hire onboarding process, a new employee will receive Contact Information To-Dos in their PeopleSync Inbox so that they may also review and modify this page.


  1. Navigate to the employee record.
  2. Click Actions ellipse > Personal Data > Change Contact Information
  3. The Home and Work Contact sections display. Click the pencil icon to edit. Click the check icon to save the data. Click the Add button to add additional contract rows.
  4. Home Contact Information Home contact information will default to private and is not visible to all users. This includes: Primary address, phone and email. You will need to enter in an effective date for the address.
  5. Work Contact Information.
    • Business Location. This cannot be edited. The Business Location is based on the Location field in the Hire Transaction. For all WSQ employees, the location selected is the Washington Square Campus. New York University, New York, NY 10003. If you need to correct the location, contact PeopleLink.
    • Primary Work Location. This cannot be edited from this transaction. To edit use the Change Workspace or Edit Position > Workspace transaction.
    • Primary Phone
    • Primary Email – Enter in the format
  6. Click Submit.

Last updated in May 2020.

Change Business Title


To modify an employee’s working title, use the Change Business Title transaction.  The employee’s Business Title is the title that will appear in the NYU Directory

Note: If you are trying to change the official title  of an Administrative/Professional, refer to the tip sheet, JDXpert for HR Partners and HR Analyst.

Roles & Approval Chain

This transaction is submitted by the HR Analyst and routes to the HR Partner for review and approval.


  1. On the employee’s record click the Actions ellipse > Job Change > Change Business Title.
  2. Enter the Effective Date or click the menu icon and select the date.
  3. In the Proposed field, enter the new business title.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. The updated business title is then reflected in the employee’s record in PeopleSync.
  6. After 24 hours, the business title is the title reflected in the NYU Directory.

Last updated in August 2020.

How to Approve a Transaction

Roles which commonly approve staffing and finance related transactions on behalf of Schools are HR Partner and Finance Executive.

Many other roles approve transactions as well on behalf of the University including those involved in central HR functions. Examples of these roles are: Payroll Partner, Benefits Partner, and Compensation Partner.

When an approval task is routed the approval will go to all individuals holding that support role for the organization.

  • Only one person needs to complete the approval.
  • Once approved the task is removed from the Actions tab of the Inbox of everyone assigned to the role.

An Approver can Approve, Send back or Deny the transaction.

  • In general, the Approver does not have the ability to modify the transaction.
  • If the information needs to be updated, send back  is used to route a business process back to a specific step for updates.


  1. Locate and select the task in your PeopleSync InBox Actions tab
    • At the top of the screen you will see Review and the name of the process or transaction. It may include the employee name, position #, if applicable. This screen displays all of the details in the transaction. Some approval tasks may show a consolidated view of all the fields.
  2. Review the transaction.
  3. Review comments located at the bottom of the screen. These are provided by other roles involved in the transaction, typically the Initiator and/or other Approvers.
  4. Complete the Comments field if needed.
  5. You will see the following buttons:
    • Approve. Click Approve when you are ready to approve the transaction. A pop-up will appear which confirms the submission. If the transaction involves another approver step you will see Up Next and the name of the person or role. If you are the final approver you will see “Successfully Completed!”
    • Send Back. Click Send Back to return the transaction to a specific person or step in the transaction.
      • In the pop up window, select the name/step and input a Reason. Include any information that will help the recipient to modify the transaction.
      • Note: When sending a process back to a previous task, all subsequent steps in the process must be completed. Some information will remain populated with previous inputs, while other details will have to be re-entered.)
    • Deny. It is not recommended to use this functionality because an as alternate option you can ask the Initiator to cancel the transaction. For steps on canceling, click here. If Deny is used, the action stops the transation and a comment is required. 
    • Note on Cancel button. To discard/cancel the changes you made on this page, click the Cancel button. The page reverts back to the task’s original state. (Note: Cancel is often confused with cancelling a transaction, however see link above if you wish to stop a transaction).

Last updated in March 2021.

Manage Employee Retiree Status

The purpose of this tip sheet is to help you manage the retiree status for an NYU employee. This includes the process to add and remove retiree status for an employee.

In PeopleSync, an employee’s retiree status will be managed by the Benefits Partner and Retiree Partner depending on when the retiree status is being added or removed. When retiree status needs to be updated, the Benefits Partner should always be the first point of contact who only escalates the request to the Retiree Partner as needed. Once the retiree status of the employee has been updated, this information will automatically be routed to ADP.

If the employee meets the appropriate criteria, his or her NYU retiree status will be added or removed as a sub-process within the following business processes in PeopleSync:

  • Termination (Add Retiree Status)
  • Hire (Rehire) (Remove Retiree Status)

Add retiree status

If adding an employee’s retiree status ad hoc, begin with step 1 in the table. If adding an employee’s NYU retiree status as part of a staffing transaction, begin with step 5 in the table.

In some scenarios, the Benefits Partner will be required to look at prior employee history outside of PeopleSync to determine retiree status.


  1. Enter the name of the employee you are placing on leave into the Search bar.
  2. Locate and click the employee’s name in the Search results.
  3. Click the Actions ellipse button next to the name of the position.
  4. Select the Add Retiree Status task under the Retirement menu.
  5. The Add Retiree Status page displays. Enter the Effective Date, Reason, and Retiree Organization.
    • In the unfortunate event of an active employee passing away during his or her service, retiree status may be added for his or her survivor(s). There is a separate reason for this scenario.
    • Retiree Org is the only organization to select from and the employee will be placed into the Retiree organization.

remove retiree status

If removing an employee’s retiree status ad hoc, begin with step 1 in the table. If removing an employee’s NYU retiree status as part of a staffing transaction, begin with step 5 in the table.


  1. Enter the name of the employee you are placing on leave into the Search bar.
  2. Locate and click the employee’s name in the Search results.
  3. Click the Actions ellipse button next to the name of the position.
  4. Select the Remove Retiree Status task under the Retirement menu.
  5. On the Remove Retiree Status page enter the Effective Date and Reason.
    • Retiree Org will default as the Retiree Organization and the employee will automatically be removed from that organization when submitted.

Last updated in May 2014.

Close Position

This tip sheet is designed to help the HR Analyst or HR Partner close a position in PeopleSync. When a position is no longer needed at NYU, the HR Partner or HR Analyst may choose to close the position using the Close Position process. It is important to note that once you close a position in your organization, it cannot be reopened for any reason. Once the position is closed, it may be found under the Unavailable to Fill tab within the organization in PeopleSync. It is important to note that the position close date may not occur prior to the effective date of any outstanding edits on the position or the position restrictions.

The Close Position process only applies to organizations using the position management staffing model for staff, admins, and full-time faculty positions.


  1. Enter the name of the employee you are placing on leave into the Search bar.
  2. Locate and click the employee’s name in the Search results.
  3. Click the Actions ellipse button next to the name of the position.
  4. Select the Close Position task under the Position Restrictions menu.
    • A position cannot be closed if it has an open job requisition. You must close any open job requisitions before closing a position.
  5. The Close Position page displays. Click the edit icon for the Close Reason field to select the applicable reason for closing the position.
  6. Use the calendar icon to select the Close Date for the position.
    • The position close date may not occur prior to the effective date of any outstanding edits on the position or the position restrictions.
    • You do not need to edit the Available for Hire or Hiring Freeze checkboxes.
  7. Review the details for the position to close and click Submit.

Last updated in May 2014.