Our project is called Plastic Fish. It’s purpose is to convey the idea of protecting the marine environment by cutting down the amount of pollution people poured into the sea. According to Wekipedia, Marine pollution is a combination of chemicals and trash, most of which comes from land sources and is washed or blown into the ocean. This pollution results in damage to the environment, to the health of all organisms, and to economic structures worldwide. There are 6 types of marine pollution, they are pollution from marine debris, plastic pollution, including micro-plastics, ocean acidification, nutrient pollution, toxins and underwater noise.
We planned to build an interactive game involving two players. Each representing a fish. They can use sensors(potential meters/pressure sensors/sound/movement)to control the movement of the fish. The processing will have a background of blue ocean with micro plastic(or actual plastic products) and fish food(maybe like little shrimps) bouncing around the whole page. For the micro plastic, it will start with one, and then double once 20 seconds. And the two players will need to avoid the micro plastic. By eating the little shrimps, they will grow bigger, and the player that is bigger at the end of the game will “win” the game. However, I add these quotation marks because that actually, there will be no winner in the game. We will also design a rising “pollution layer” that rises from the bottom of the sea and will reach 7/8 of the pages at the end. The fishes can only swim above this layer, so eventually the two players will find themselves stuck on the top. With the limited space and continuously doubling plastics, there’s no way that the fishes can still avoid touching them. So these two fishes will both die, no matter how much they struggle to survive.
In the previous reading of 《Newton’s Sleep》, it describes a world that is “prototype of the Special Earth Satellite itself” because the earth is already over-polluted. This also stimulates us to develop the idea of reminding people we can’t consume the earth too wildly, it’s important that we appreciate all we’ve got and limit our pollution and harm to the earth. After all, what we’ve done to the earth will result on ourselves eventually, for the earth’s good, our own good and our latter generation’s good, we should be cautious of our actions now.