For project 2, we try to explore different materials and effects for our final project. We mainly divide the techniques into 2 parts: inflatables and servos.
I was mainly exploring the servos and Jelena was in charge of the inflatables. Our initial concept was “the powerful women”, featuring women by the symbol of flower. In our first project, we were too implicit in terms of showing the conflict of the identity of women and the fierceness of flower, the dress still looked elegant. Only the collar part showed the fierceness. So in this project, we really want to make aggressive images and obvious conflicts.
I was trying to make a flower that looks elegant when it’s closed, but when it opens, it looks dangerous and aggressive. I want to make this mechanism but encountered many obstacles:
1, the position
When I first and second made it, I was confused with the position. My first prototype was made with a cardboard and rubber-band. The draft was like this:
But it was too fragile so that it was hard for me to see the effect.
After asking Andy and Marcele, I realized that the mechanism that I imagined couldn’t work, so I tried another way with wooden sticks. But I mistakenly missed the position and made an umbrella instead. It was like this:
So I turned to the paper art, and that did work out well.
The future development for this part is that I need to make a more solid version instead of the hand-folded paper work.
2, the elasticity
As you can probably see from the video, the elasticity of the flower, the extent of which that the flower can blossom and inner part can pop out is very limited. This is also a part that we’ll need to consider.
Maybe we can use a different mechanism that is having a lifting force to lift the pedals, and then show the inner part.
The flowers will be duplicated on the whole body.
Jelena made these inflatables for the collar part, which was a big success, and Marcele also suggested that we can put these two kinds of inflatables together to make a better effect. And we will also duplicate these inflatables many places on the body.
(the pictures and videos are not loading successfully, I’ve put them all in this folder: