Interactive Fashion-assignment6

This week, we try to make our own inflatables. There are several steps, I’ll add out product pictures as well as the final results along with illustrations:

1, model the shape

We learned to use rhino this time. We followed some examples in the course slides as well as create some shapes by ourselves as tempts and also tests for the project2.

As you can see in the screenshot, it’s one of our design– we want to make an inflatable collar for our second project, so we designed this shape to try out.

2, Print and cut the baking paper using vinyl cutter

For this inflation, it contains three layers: two PVC layers and in between is a layer of baking paper. We first need to export our file to canvas and adjust the size of the board and model. Then, we use USB to transfer the file into the vinyl cutter. We place the baking paper on the special pad. WE NEED TO STICK THEM TOGETHER TIGHTLY!! For we failed several times because the less tight sticking will result in the paper to fold and not able to cut the shape completely. 


Then, we need to stick the PVC layer and the baking paper together. Before sealing it with the iron, we first need to put a screw to connect one layer of PVC and the baking paper. Then we put the three layers together to seal them using the iron.

4, Connecting

We connected the circuit according to the slides and connected it to the inflatable. It was like this:

this one is following the example on the slides

and this is a cute little guy doing workout

this is a .. this is something cute

I think they are interesting especially for the space the use when they inflate, also if with enough power, they can hold thing on top, which can be how we use it in our project, it can pump out things and surprise the viewers.

One of the parts that can move in our project is the collar, but we are still hesitating whether to use the inflatables to make the collar or other materials and techniques. 


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