The Program

NYU Cinema Studies presents the
11th Orphan Film Symposium, April 11 – 14, 2018
 Museum of the Moving Image
Theme: Love. 

Wednesday, 7:00 pm Opening Reception made possible by Kodak

Wednesday, 8:00 pm Opening Screening
Becca Bender (Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts / NYU MIAP) Discovering the Leopold Godowsky Jr. Collection: Elsa and Albert Einstein visit Hollywood (1931) and the Home Movies of the Co-inventor of Kodachrome
Frannie Trempe (NYU MIAP) World Conference of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (1926)

Karen Falk (The Jim Henson Company) & Craig Shemin (The Jim Henson Legacy) The Idea Man: Early Films of Jim Henson, including the newly-restored Time Piece (1965) 
Anna Tantillo (NYU) moderator

Thursday, April 12, 9:30am  Introductions
David Schwartz (Museum of the Moving Image) & Anna McCarthy (NYU Cinema Studies) Welcomes
Dan Streible (NYU) Why Love? 

Thursday, 10:00 am Keynote
Jennifer Peterson (Woodbury U) Love, Loss, and Climate Change: Watching the Historical Nature Film Today
Nature’s Handiwork (1921), Four Seasons: Summer (1921), Alaska’s Eighth Wonder (ca. 1925)

Thursday, 11:20 am An Amateur League of Nations: A Database 
Charles Tepperman (U of Calgary) A Soldier’s Story (Čeněk Zahradníček & Vladimír Šmejkal, 1934) and the 1938 International Amateur Movie Show

Alexander Stark (Philipps U, Marburg) “Help Us Help!”: German Postwar Charity Films by Elisabeth Wilms. Schaffende in Not (Working People in Trouble, 1948)
Eva Näripea (National Archives of Estonia) Forbidden[?] Love Behind the Iron Curtain: Peeter Tooming’s Sentimentaalne novell (A Sentimental Short Story, 1966)
Tzutzumatzin Soto (Cineteca Nacional México) Love at the (Permanent) Time of Political Repression in Mexico: Hare Krishna (Alfredo Gurrola, 1973)

Lunch in the museum, 1:15 – 2:30 pm

Thursday, 2:30 pm  Small-Gauge Love from South American Archives 
Rafael de Luna (Federal Fluminense U, Brazil) A 9.5mm film of the Rio beach resort: Balneario da Urca (Brazil, ca. 1933) from the Collection of LUPA-UFF

Beatriz Rodovalho (U Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3) Family Films from the Alberto Sampaio Collection (1920-1930), Museu de Arte Moderna do Rio de Janeiro
Paola Prestes Penney (U of São Paolo) Fifty Years of Partnership: Dance Films from the Herbert and Maria Duchesnes Collection (1943-1990)
Isabel Wschebor Pellegrino (U de la República, Montevideo) Rescuing the Science Film Comportamiento Sexual y Reproducción de Bothriurus Bonariensis (Plácido Añón, Uruguay, 1959) 

Juana Suárez  (NYU MIAP) moderator

Thursday, 4:30 pm The Subject Is Sex
Barbara Miller (MoMI) The Variety Photo Plays Theater Collection of Posters for X-rated Movies, 1965-1983

Michael Loebenstein (Austrian Filmmuseum) Risque Super 8s and Amateur Scopophilia
Oliver Gaycken (U of Maryland) & Sarah Eilers (National Library of Medicine) Love Doctors and Medical Media: Training Films for Physicians and Psychologists Providing Counseling for Sexual Dysfunction
Danielle Ash (Helen Hill Award 2010) premieres Love in Dimension 150 (2018) in 70mm

 Dinner break 6pm

Thursday, April 12, 8:00 pm  The Helen Hill Award
Bill Brand (BB Optics) Helen Hill’s Super 8 home movies of New Orleans (ca. 2001-2005)
Susan Courtney (U of South Carolina) Helen Hill Award presented to filmmaker Nazlı Dinçel
An all-16mm program of Her Silent Seaming (2014), Solitary Acts (4, 5, 6) (2015), Inability (2016), & Between Relating and Use (2018)

Jeanne Liotta (UC Boulder) moderator

Friday, April 13, 9:30 am The Languages of Home Movies
Dwight Swanson (Center for Home Movies) Introductions: Fee (Germany, 1929)
Rob Anen (Old Westbury Gardens, Long Island) The 35mm Home Movies of John S. Phipps, 1916-1930

Louisa Trott (U of Tennessee) Picturing Himself: Walther Barth in Walther Barth’s Home Movies 
Matt Malzkuhn (Gallaudet U) & Ted Supalla (Georgetown U)  Sign Language in Home Movies

Friday, 11:20 am Technophilia
John Froats (collector) Computer Rendering on 16mm at Bell Labs: Patterns (A. Michael Noll, 1964-65)

Candace Ming (South Side Home Movie Project) & Jacqueline Stewart (U of Chicago)  Robert Patton Filmed Helicopters, 1969-1970s
Kathleen Maguire (The Exploratorium) Ivan Dryer’s Laserium and Laserimage (1972)
Simon Tarr Evan Meaney (U of South Carolina) VRchive: Finding Archival Moving Images with Tactile Technology
Walter Forsberg (Laboratorio Experimental de Cine – CDMX) moderator

Lunch in the museum, 12:50 pm

Friday, 2:15 pm Amateur Collectors and Collections
Brigitte Paulowitz (Lichtspiel / Kinemathek, Bern) The Richard Ernst Collection of 17.5mm and 35mm Family Films, 1914-1932

Brian Meacham (Yale U) The “Cynniewink” Sets Sail: The Films of S.W. and Cynthia Childs — I’d Be Delighted To! (1932)
May Haduong Sean Savage (Academy Film Archive) Together Un/Known: Archival Ethics and the Case of Acquisition 6130 
Charles Musser (Yale U) moderator

Friday, 4:20 pm Cameraman, Camerawoman
Marsha Gordon (NCSU) & Buckey Grimm (independent) Camerawoman Angela Murray Gibson Films Herself into History, 1921-1925

Mila Turajlic (filmmaker, Belgrade) Tito’s Cameraman: Stevan Labudović (1926-2017), Yugoslav Newsreels, and the Non-Aligned Movement in Algeria
Alia Ayman (Zawya Cinema, Cairo) moderator

Dinner break 6:00 pm

Friday, 8:00 pm  Hate and Love in Silent Cinema
Dino Everett (USC Hefner Moving Image Archive) & Allyson Nadia Field (U of Chicago) The Premiere of the Rediscovered Something Good — Negro Kiss (Selig, 1898)

Chen Biqiang (China Film Archive) & Zhang Zhen (NYU Asian Film and Media Initiative) U.S. premiere of the restoration of Laogong zhi aiqing (Laborer’s Love, 1922) the oldest surviving Chinese film
Andrés Levinson Paula Félix Didier (Museo del Cine) Premiere of the Reconstructed La Fiera Domada (1916/1923) with W. S. Hart and Bessie Love
Dan Streible
Two Three American Beauties (Edison, 1906) Museum of Modern Art & National Library of Norway
Stephen Horne (UK) piano accompaniment

Saturday, April 14, 9:30 am  Something Good 
Allyson Nadia Field (U of Chicago) & Dino Everett (U of Southern California) Black Intimacy in Early Cinema: Another Look at Something Good — Negro Kiss (1898)
Terri Francis (Indiana U Black Film Center/Archive), Charlene Regester (UNC), & Lina Accurso (Alice B. Russell Micheaux Headstone Project) Looking for Alice: Love as Film Studies Methodology
Ina Archer (National Museum of African American History and Culture) Someone to Watch Over Me: Newly Preserved Films, Discs, and Tapes

Saturday, 11:20 am Archival Education about Orphan Works
Prelude: Matt Soar (Concordia U) Love Leaders (2018)
Dimitrios Latsis, Isaac Prusky, David Emery, & Blanche Joslin (Ryerson U)
Howard Besser (NYU MIAP)

Lunch 12:20 pm

Saturday, 1:30 pm Seeing the World 
Lindsay Zarwell (US Holocaust Memorial Museum) Robert Gessner Films the Rise of Anti-Semitism in Europe and the Middle East, 1934  
Liz Czach (U of Alberta) “The Girls,” Lisa Chickering and Jeanne Porterfield: Trailblazers of Travel Lecture Filmmaking, 1959-1979
Ting-Wu Cho (NYU) Screen Representations of Taiwanese Aborigines: Wild Men of Formosa — outtakes (US, Fox, 1921), Formosa Aborigines — outtakes (Fox Movietone News, 1930); and Going South to Taiwan (Japan, 1937) & Happenings in Ali Shan (China/Taiwan, 1949) courtesy of Taiwan Film Institute & National Museum of Taiwan History
Tami Williams (UW Milwaukee) moderator

Saturday, 3:15 pm Love Thy Neighbor: Music, Peace, and Friendship Across Borders
Marie Lascu Michael Grant  (XFR Collective) Video Rescues from the Surry Opera Company, 1986-88 (and the Leningrad Amateur Opera Company)
Maria Vinogradova (Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, NYU) Leningrad Amateur Accordion Ensemble tour Scandinavia in Tvorchestvo est’ tvorchestvo (Creativity Is Creativity, People’s Film Studio of DK Proftekhobrazovaniia, ca. 1973)
Ethan Gates (NYU MIAP) moderator

Saturday, 4:30 pm A Tribute to Stephen Parr and His Oddball Films
Programmed by Skip ElsheimerGenevieve Havemeyer-King, Jeff Lambert, Andrew LampertRegina Longo, & Greg Pierce, with special guest John Coon
Oddball (Joshua Moore, 2017)
Giving an Enema (US Navy, 1944)
Blackie the Wonder Horse Swims the Golden Gate (1938)
Candy Girl (197?)
I Reminisce (Veronica Majano, 2004)
The Lovetime of Scorpions (Ergys Faja & Bertrand Shijaku, 2003)
Living in a Reversed World (Austrian Ministry of Education, 1958)
[Warhol EPI at RISD] (1967)
John Cage and Christian Marclay in performance (Stephen Parr, 1970s)
275 Capp Street (Adam Dziensinski, 2017)
+ Oddball footage of New Orleans, Tirana, Buffalo, San Francisco, and other Unessential Cinema and Undertainment

Dinner 6pm

Saturday, 8:00 pm  Last Loves . . .  and a Wow Finish
Frank Roumen (EYE Netherlands Filmmuseum) Buona Sera, Fiori! (Italy, 1909)
Jeff Lambert (National Film Preservation Foundation) with the newly preserved Cupid in Quarantine (1918)
Carolina Cappa (Museo del Cine) Domingo Filippini’s Galería Cinematográfica Infantil  (Argentina, ca. 1927)  
Katy Martin (filmmaker) Daffodils (1977), a love poem
Sarah Keller (UMass Boston) & Barbara Hammer (filmmaker) Super 8 projection of Contribution to Light (1968),  Death of a Marriage, and Aldebaran Sees (1969)
Courtney Stephens (Veggie Cloud) & KJ Relth (UCLA Film & Television Archive) premiere Mating Games (2018)
Todd Wiener (UCLA Film & Television Archive) introduces two recent restorations including the Outfest UCLA Legacy Project’s Behind Every Good Man . . . (Nikolai Ursin, ca. 1967) 
David Schwartz (MoMI) shares. . . .