Rewatching Orphans Online 2020

The 12th Orphan Film Symposium Water, Climate, & Migration May 26-29, 2020 Tuesday, May 26: WATER The Silent World Environmental Impact Water Tuesday screenings Wednesday, May 27: CLIMATE Early German Images of the Anthropocene Darkening Days The Helen Hill Awards Super Super 8s:  Films by Tatjana Ivančić Climate Wednesday screenings Thursday, May 28: MIGRATION Great Migrations Euro Migrations Migration Thursday screenings A Clockface Orange performs Deliquescence Friday, May 29:   Never Lost But Found in the Ocean:

Postscript to An Atlantic Voyage as Bon Voyage

 A postscript to the post about Anke Mebold’s screening of An Atlantic Voyage, the multicolored, silent-era compilation of travelogues from the early twentieth century, produced by ?? in the year ??.  The Orphans Online program listing calls this stand-alone segment Envoi & Bon Voyage!  An excited sentiment that required the rare exclamation point. In addition to including a film literally about a ship carrying travelers on a touristic voyage, the session was a cheerful, celebratory ending to the four days of screenings and talks that characterize all the Orphan Film Symposiums heretofore. The term envoi is a rare one in English prose.

Watch: Bon Voyage, AN ATLANTIC VOYAGE (Orphans Online 10b of 10)

Streaming now: an HD recording of the final part of the final session of Orphans Online, May 29, 2020. Anke Mebold (DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum) introduces the puzzle/compilation film of uncertain date and origins.  Original music composed and performed by Stephen Horne. 24 minutes.   Click to enlarge, or watch at The Mebold metadata on the DFF film: An Atlantic Voyage: Von Hamburg zu den Niagarafällen mit dem Schnelldampfer Kaiser Wilhelm II  [From Hamburg to the Niagara Falls with the Express Steamer Kaiser Wilhelm II] (DE[?] 19?? / GB 1903[?] / FR 1906[?]); with footage from [?] Charles Urban

Watch: Never Lost But Found in the Ocean (Orphans Online 10a of 10)

Now streaming in HD, this roundtable of artist, archivist, and scholars, with extensive audience discussion.  99 minutes.  “Never Lost But Found in the Ocean: On Biographies of Film Copies.” Film historian Maria Vinogradova (NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia) conceived of the topic in collaboration with Bill Morrison, whose newest work is inspired by an unlikely recovery of celluloid from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Joining them are Peter Bagrov, curator at the George Eastman Museum; Joan Neuberger, Eisenstein scholar and professor of history, University of Texas at Austin; and moderator Marina Hassapopoulou from NYU Cinema Studies faculty.   Click to enlarge or

Watch: Thursday finale, A Clockface Orange (Orphans Online 9b of 10)

Now streaming, this HD recording of Deliquescence, a live multimedia performance by the artist known as A Clockface Orange (Genevieve HK & Rachael Guma, liquid-light projection) with Lea Bertucci (sound) and Bradley Eros (light).  Their multilayered triptych also incorporate footage found in Prelinger Archives.  The 14-minute piece is followed by discussion with the artists.  Click to enlarge or watch at  A Clockface Orange:presents live liquid-light performances to accompany musicians, artists, and recordings of all genres. Its work showcases an appreciation for ephemeral, experiential art inspired partly by Fluxus and 1960s experimental culture, incorporating the use of liquids on glass to

Watch: Climate Wednesday screenings (Orphans Online 6 of 10)

Watch this full-length screening (142 minutes with all the intros).  The internationalism is inspiring, as is the temporal spread (from 1914 to 2019). Films from Germany (pretending to take viewers “around the world”), the Danish Film Institute’s film of the Arctic of Greenland segues to the Museo del Cine’s Argentinean amateur films of Antarctica; two American films documenting and imagining a dying planet; a Ukrainian archive salvaging a Soviet-era amateur film to create a new work for an [unarchiving] project.  Two newly scored silent films. A compilation of unknown provenance. An incomplete work. Nontheatrical nonfiction. Pictures both beautiful and ugly

Watch: Super Super 8s (Orphans Online 5b of 10)

Because it was too perfect of a match, this presentation about the films of Tatjana Ivančić was programmed adjacent to the Helen Hill Award session with Martha Colburn and Jaap Pieters. All the keywords were there for Orphans interests:  Super 8 film, experimental, amateur, woman, cine club, new preservation, restoration (and Austrian Film Museum — host of a special Orphans 2019, Radicals). The title Super Super 8s alludes to filmmaker/scholar/curator Melinda Stone, an important influence on the “orphan film movement” (a term I heard for the first time when she spoke at Orphans 2 in 2001). Her Super Super 8

Watch: The Helen Hill Awards (Orphans Online 5a of 10)

Wanna cut to the chase? Watch the replay edition of the Helen Hill Awards portion of Orphans Online here.  52 minutes.  For each Orphan Film Symposium, beginning in 2008, NYU Cinema Studies and the University of South Carolina Film and Media Studies Program celebrate independent filmmakers with the Helen Hill Awards.   The  announcement of Martha Colburn and Jaap Pieters receiving the 2020 award is here. Thanks to Eye Filmmuseum hosting (what was to have been) an Amsterdam symposium, experimental film curator Simona Monizza worked with both artists to select works to showcase, including two films restored by Eye. The live edition

Listening to Ja’Tovia Gary and The Giverny Document

May 28, 2020: On the final evening of the Orphan Film Symposium, after a screening of her new film The Giverny Document (single channel) artist Ja’Tovia Gary joined in conversation with Terri Francis (Director of the Black Film Center/Archive, Indiana University).  Watch the recording of their discussion (with the filmmaker in Dallas, the scholar in Bloomington) below.  The Giverny Document remains in its festival run and is now also a three-screen museum installation, The Giverny Suite. These are also part of flesh that needs to be loved, a sculptural installation whose exhibition at Paula Cooper Gallery in New York was cut

Watch: Darkening Days (Orphans Online 4b of 10)

Streaming now:  the second hour of the morning session on “Climate Wednesday,” May 27, 2020, Orphans Online. 71 min. Two films from the early 1960s — one British, one American — about the “darkening days” when air pollution was identified as a cause of major health problems.  11:00 am Darkening Days Sarah Eilers (US National Library of Medicine) US Public Health Service Films on Air Pollution, 1960-1969   Oliver Gaycken (University of Maryland) “The Darkening Day” National Library of Medicine Exhibition of 1970             • Sources of Air Pollution (1962) 5 min.           

Title Tiles

As a preview to the reposting of video recordings of the May 26-29 Orphans Online, we have these title cards (or tiles) designed by Valeria Kriletich (in Buenos Aires).  Each pair will appear before the video segments being prepared by Walter Forsberg (in Mexico City). The new streaming video will free from the few technical glitches we experienced during the live event. Some films screened in May will necessarily be absent from the new HD files, to honor the filmmakers’ and archives’ agreements. The new video segments will indicate what has been removed, where to find it elsewhere, and often

It takes your breath away

“It takes your breath away” Angela Saward, Research Development Specialist, Wellcome Collection, London. The title of this presentation is taken from a film made in 1964 which won a Silver Award at the British Medical Association’s Film Festival. A ten-minute introduction precedes the screening of It Takes Your Breath Away (13 min.). The 1956 Clean Air Act was implemented in the UK after the “Great Smog” of 1952, which had a devastating impact on the health of many vulnerable people: this catastrophic environmental event led to at least 4,000 people dying immediately with 8,000 in the weeks and months afterwards. In

Archives Day and Liberty

It’s International Archives Day. June 9, 1948: The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization convened a meeting of archivists who created the International Council on Archives. In 2007, ICA declared the 9th of June as International Archives Day, an occasion to raise awareness of the importance of these memory institutions. Although sometimes perceived as dead-letter offices or institutions where the Ark of the Covenant gets forgotten, archives are, advocates contend, essential for a healthy society. An ICA declaration of 2010 ends with this: “Open access to archives enriches our knowledge of human society, promotes democracy, protects citizens’ rights and

Paper Recycling in Schools, a Super 8 film from Brescia, Italy

Another thing we missed by not being able to assemble in Amsterdam for the Eye International Conference / Orphan Film Symposium in May 2020 was a presentation about film restoration by Alice Plutino and Alessandro Rizzi (University of Milan).  It was also a good match for the symposium because the rare Super 8 film they restored is also about early environmental education.  Below is the abstract and description submitted for the Orphan Film Symposium — which the program committee unanimously agreed should be part of the symposium.  Their video demonstrating the color restoration is also below, and at    The

The Helen Hill Award and the Super Super 8s

The Wednesday afternoon program of Orphans Online — the Helen Hill Awards + Super Super 8s.  Climate Wednesday 2:00 pm The Helen Hill Award (aka Super Super 8s) Susan Courtney (U of South Carolina Film and Media Studies) presents the 2020 Helen Hill Award to filmmakers Martha Colburn (Los Angeles) and Jaap Pieters (Amsterdam) [Read the announcement here.] +  a Kodak prize Bill Brand with newly preserved Super 8 home movies of New Orleans and South Carolina   Amy Sloper (Harvard Film Archive) introduces the restored Rain Dance (Helen Hill, 1990)  Interview: Simona Monizza (Eye) and Marius Hrdy (Alchemy Film & Moving Image Festival) Martha Colburn & Jaap Pieters Mark Paul

Harnessing Excess: Water in American Infrastructural Cinema of the 1930s

This research was originally paired with Bradley E. Reeves (Appalachian Media Archives) and his new compilation video, TVA: “Built for and Owned by the People” (2020). Harnessing Excess: Water in American Infrastructural Cinema of the 1930s by Joni Hayward Marcum In 1942 Educational Screen described the government-operated Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) as “harnessing the water and reclaiming the land” of the region. Founded in 1933 as part of the New Deal policies, the TVA was founded as a public corporation. Shortly after the start of the great depression, there was little trust in private companies. Thus, the public utilities run

A Town on the Yangtze

Wan-go Weng’s A Town by the Yangtze (1951) by Jonah Volk (Columbia University Libraries) Wan-go H.C. Weng (also known as Weng Wango) is a Chinese-American filmmaker, writer, art historian and collector, poet, and master calligrapher.  Born in 1918 in Shanghai, and still alive at the age of 101, he is the great-great-grandson of Weng Tonghe, a prominent 19th century Confucian scholar.  Moving to the United States in 1938 to study engineering at Purdue University, Weng later studied art at the University of Wisconsin, and had a decades-long career producing educational and sponsored films. Widely respected in the world of Chinese

The Story of the CCC (193?)

The Story of the C.C.C. (produced no later than 1937), color/bw, sound. A documentary made by the Civilian Conservation Corps documenting life and work in several Massachusetts camps. The intertitle cards tell the story of the CCC from its inception to around 1937. Commentary by Stephen Slappe, Head of the Video & Sound Department at Pacific Northwest College of Art, Portland, Oregon, for the Orphans 2020 Film Symposium.  Here on the eve of the Orphan Film Symposium on Water, Climate, and Migration, artist and film collector Stephen Slappe sends this piece for the occasion. He shares thoughts about and

The Live Program

NYU Cinema Studies & Tisch School of the Arts present   Orphans Online, May 26-29, 2020 (All times are NYC, Eastern Daylight Time; GMT -4)  #Orphans2020 The 12th Orphan Film Symposium on Water, Climate, and Migration originally to be held at Eye Filmmuseum Amsterdam in May 2020 became impossible to convene (due to the you-know-what). Most of the 60 scheduled presenters agreed to experiment with an online edition, mixing live talks and live-stream screenings with extensive texts and videos posted on this NYU website. Some of these extraordinary and polished video presentations are already posted.  The world has changed. Thanks

Why Water, Climate, and Migration?

Three of the program committee members for the 2020 Orphan Film Symposium preview Orphans Online, explaining why the three themes were selected and how orphan films in particular address them. The live streams of May 26-29 begin at 10am, 2pm, and 6pm (EDT) each day.  Still other videos continue to be placed on this blog daily.  Anna McCarthy, chair of Cinema Studies at NYU, leads a conversation with Giovanna Fossati (Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam), Jennifer Peterson (Woodbury University, Los Angeles), and Dan Streible (New York University, NYC).  Audio only: Always curating, Giovanna made for the occasion a playlist on the water