Orphans 9 program (2014)

NYU Cinema Studies  &  Eye Filmmuseum

Sunday, March 30:

7:00pm  An Eye Opening Reception
Libations by Haghefilm Digitaal

8:00pm An Evening Film Concert

• Greetings from Sandra den Hamer & Giovanna Fossati (EYE), Marijke de Valck (UvA), & Dan Streible (NYU)

• Experimental film curator Simona Monizza introduces animated abstract films by Maarten Visser: Labyrinth (1974), Oblique (1980), Spiraalmotief (1987), Bis (1983), Centrifuga (1982), Horizon (1981), Optisch getekend geluid (1975)

New music performed by composer Marcel Worms.
Commissioned scores by Ron Sadoff’s NYU Film Scoring Program students Erica Jung, Aaron Kenny, Massimo Sammi, and Joseph Twist.

• Silent film curator Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi presents the premiere of EYE’s restoration of the feature film East Is West (1922), starring Constance Talmadge. Musical accompaniment by Stephen Horne.

Monday, March 31:

9:45am Orphans Orientation on Obsolescence

• Outtakes of Josephine Baker Visit Volendam (Fox Movietone News, 1928) U of South Carolina Moving Image Research Collection

• Giovanna Fossati Why the Future of Obsolescence?
• Dan Streible (NYU) A New Look at an Old Sneeze: Edison Kinetoscopic Record of a Sneeze (W. K. L. Dickson, 1894)
Keynote by Thomas Elsaesser (UvA) On Obsolescence

11:30am Transmitting Archival Knowledge
• Giovanna Fossati (EYE / UvA) Restoring the Colors of Early Cinema
• Julia Noordegraaf (UvA) & Simona Monizza (EYE) Hacking the Bart Vegter Collection 
• Eef Masson (UvA) moderates a roundtable with the speakers + Bill Brand (NYU MIAP), Snowden Becker (UCLA MIAS), & Martin Koerber (Deutsche Kinemathek)


2pm Media Archaeology
• Susan Aasman (U of Groningen) Staging the Amateur Dispositif, a performance with Andreas Fickers (U of Luxembourg), Tom Slootweg (U of Groningen), Tim van der Heijden & Jo Wachelder (U of Maastricht)
• Monika Supruniuk (Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw) Kazimierz Prószyński and OKO: The first Polish amateur movie camera (1914) <Muzeum Kinematografii video, 2019>
• Alexandra Schneider (UvA) Children as Media Archaeologists

4:15pm Reassemblage
• Matt Soar (Concordia U, Montreal) The Lost Leaders Project
• Benedict Salazar Olgado (National Film Archives of the Philippines) & Bill Brand (BB Optics) Restoring the Fragments of On the Way to India Consciousness, I Reached China (Henry Francia, 1968) 
• Walter Forsberg & John Klacsmann (Anthology Film Archives) Technicolor NG (1967/2014) projection performance


8:15pm The Helen Hill Award for Independent Filmmaking
• Bill Morrison premieres La Trochita (Narrow Gauge) (2014)
• Doug Goodwin (Cal Arts) On Illusion, Magic, and Detour de Force (Rebecca Baron, 2014)
• Becky Lewis (Columbia, South Carolina) and filmmaker Jodie Mack (Dartmouth College) present the Helen Hill Award and Kodak prize to Werner Nekes
Start (Nekes, 1966) restored by Deutsche Kinemathek & EYE
• Franziska Latell (Berlin U of the Arts) On Werner Nekes: Filmmaker and Collector
• awardee Werner Nekes talks about Start + demonstrates his collection of optical devices [watch ]  

Tuesday, April 1

9:45am Remarks (and Movies) for the Good of the Order
10am New Research Networks for Obsolete Media
• Mark G. Cooper (U of South Carolina) Metadata and the Future of the Humanities
• Karen Cariani (WGBH Archive) Working with Scholars to Improve Access to Media Archives
• Mark J. Williams (Dartmouth College) The Media Ecology Project: More and Better Scholarly Access to Historical Media
• Scott Curtis (Northwestern U in Qatar) moderator

11:45am Digital Decay and Remobilization
• Bill Morrison introduces Egyptian (Whirling Dervishes) Dancers — outtakes (Fox Movietone News, 1928) 
• Evan Meaney (U of South Carolina) de_ca/sia.py: ArchivalEncryption, Encoding, and Error as Narrative
• Heidi Rae Cooley (U of South Carolina) Finding Augusta in a Digital World: The App. + Scott Nixon films [The Other Augustas] (195?)   


2pm When Workers Leave the Factory: Amateur Films in the Eastern Bloc   <screening list PDF  here>

• Chris Wahl (HFF Potsdam) “Grab the Camera, Pal!” The Film Studio of Ironworks Combine Eisenhüttenstadt
• Ralf Forster (Filmmuseum Potsdam)Useful Humor and Releasing Laughter: Satirical Shorts in Amateur Cinema of the GDR
• Jiří Horníček (Czech National Film Archive) Against the War and Totalitarian Power: Two Examples of Socio-Political Reflection in Amateur Animated Films
• Maria Vinogradova (NYU) “Soviet Amateurs Are So Serious”
• Katerina Loukopoulou (Panteion U, Athens) moderator

4pm Transportation Technologies
• May Haduong (Academy Film Archive) Aloha Wanderwell: To See the World by Car (1935-37)  
• Yvonne Zimmermann (Philipps-Universität Marburg) Hans Richter’s Die Eroberung des Himmels (Conquest of the Sky) (1938)
• Reto Kromer (reto.ch) In-flight Entertainment: Kodak two-audio track film prints for airlines
• Paul Spehr & Mark-Paul Meyer (EYE) Mutoscope and Biograph 68mm films (1897-1902)

8pm Silent Night with music by Stephen Horne 
• Elif Rongen-Kaynakçi & Jeff Lambert (NFPF) Repatriation Report
• Ned Thanhouser introduces Clarence Cheats at Croquet (Thanhouser, 1915) 
• Ron Magliozzi & Peter Williamson (Museum of Modern Art, New York) present rediscovered rushes from the unreleased Darktown Troubles (Biograph, ca. 1914), starring Bert Williams
• Jacqueline Stewart (U of Chicago) a segue to A Frontier Post (Fox Varieties, 1925) a day-in-the-life documentary about the “buffalo soldiers” of the U.S. Army’s 10th Cavalry.

Wednesday, April 2

9:45am Gregorio Rocha (Archivia Films) A Note about the Mexican Revolution

10am Detritus
• Antonia Lant (NYU) on Teclópolis (Can Can Club, 2009)
• Charles Musser (Yale U) on Industry’s Disinherited (Unions Films, 1949)
• Grover Crisp (Sony Pictures Entertainment) How Death of a Salesman (1951) Became an Orphan Work
+ the never-released Career of a Salesman (Columbia Pictures, 1951)

FORWARD: The EU Directive for a Registry of Audiovisual Orphan Works <project-forward.eu>
Nicola Mazzanti (Cinémathèque Royale de Belgique), Géraldine Vooren (EYE legal counsel), & Thomas Christensen (ACE / Danish Film Institute), Howard Besser (NYU)

12:00pm Restorations
• Rob Byrne (San Francisco Silent Film Festival) Not Gone but Definitely Forgotten: Resurrecting The Last Edition (1925)
• Martin Koerber (Deutsche Kinemathek) & Andrea Krämer (Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft, Berlin) Digital Restoration of 1930s Gasparcolor Films
• Gary Rhodes (Queen’s U Belfast)


2:15pm Archivos de América Latina
• Juana Suárez (Proimágenes Colombia / Fundación Patrimonio Fílmico Colombiano) Outtakes from Gloria Triana’s Yuruparí (FOCINE-Audiovisuales, 1983-86) documenting Colombia’s Afrodescendant and indigenous cultures
• Paula Félix-Didier & Andrés Levinson (Museo del Cine, Buenos Aires) Cine Amateur Argentina:  Caperucita Roja (Little Red Riding Hood, Jorge Mendez Delfino, 1933); Caperucita Roja Inesita (Inés Mendez Delfino, 1960); Perros en paracaidas [Dogs in Parachutes (in Antarctica!)] (Gustavo Giró, 1963)
• Mona Jimenez (NYU MIAP APEX) moderator, with respondent Pamela Vizner Oyarce

4:45pm Eastern European Archives
• Elvira Diamanti, Eriona Vyshka, & Andi Lubonja (Albanian Film Archive) with Thomas Logoreci The Albanian Cinema Project: Preserving and Restoring Albania’s Cold War Era Cinema (1944-1991)
• Elżbieta Wysocka (Filmoteka Narodowa) Restoring the Non-camera Movies and Techniques of Antonisz 

3 films by Julian Józef Antonisz:
Polska Kronika Non-Camerowa nr 1 [The Polish Non-Camera Newsreel No.1] (1981)
Ostry film zaangażowany [A Hard-Core Engaged Film] (1979)
Światło w tunelu [A Light in the Tunnel] (1985)


8:30pm American Independents
• May Haduong (Academy Film Archive) introduces Autumn Spectrum (Hy Hirsh, 1957)
• Jeff Lambert (NFPF) introduces the launch of the DVD set Treasures 6: Next Wave Avant-garde, and a 35mm screening of Chicago Loop (James Benning, 1976); restoration by Academy Film Archive and Austrian Film Museum
• Frank Scheffer & Paul Cohen introduce their new work Zoetrope People (1980/2014)
• Dennis Doros (Milestone Films) & Mary Huelsbeck (Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research) Project Shirley: A Joint Rediscovery of Shirley Clarke
+ surprise rediscovery and sneak preview from Eye: Betty Balfour in Love, Life and Laughter (1923) 
• Frank Roumen (EYE) emcee

Scan of the printed program courtesy of #retoch.
See: retokromer.ch/publications/orphans9_programme.pdf.

Image: A Frontier Post (1925) Fox Movietone News Collection, Moving Image Research Collections, University of South Carolina