Watch Reanimating Histories 2 (Phil Hoffman)

Watch Reanimating Histories 2 (Phil Hoffman)

Since 2008, each NYU symposium recognizes an independent filmmaker with its Helen Hill Award, given to media artists who share the spirit of the late experimental animator’s work and values. On this occasion, awardee Kelly Gallagher agreed we should show a Helen Hill film. We selected one of her films made during her years in Canada, and in particular one she made at the now-legendary “Film Farm” in Ontario.  When we discovered the founder would be in attendance, we of course asked him to speak — which he graciously did.  This was the only celluloid print screened at the symposium. 

Philip Hoffman (Film Farm: Independent Imaging Retreat) introduces
Your New Pig Is Down the Road (Helen Hill, 1999) a hand-processed 16mm film 

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