

Screen will look like this.

Select portions of the 2022 Orphan Film Symposium on Counter-Archives can be watched live on the NYU Cinema Studies Vimeo site.

 1. Register your name, affiliation, and email address using the NYU Orphan Film Symposium registration portal. Type in $0 in payment (or a pay-what-you-will donation). If you make no payment, you will not get an automatic email confirmation.  However, we will email a PASSWORD to all registrants on Tuesday, June 14. And again June 15 and 16. Use this password to log-in to the Live Event (as Vimeo calls it). If you previously registered to attend, no need to do that again. 

2. The password will work during all sessions, June 15-18, 2022.  Go to the NYU Cinema Studies Vimeo Live Event for Orphans 2022 by copying and pasting this URL in a new browser window:

The symposium is designed as an in-person, live, in-the-theater experience. The webcast will not be integrated into flow of the program. However, most spoken presentations and individual films/files will be streamed live. Given the sensitive and difficult nature of many counter-archival documents, we will restrict items from streaming when appropriate and at the presenters’ discretion. Since this is not a festival program oriented to an interactive general audience, Vimeo viewers will see only a “not available for streaming” announcement when portions are blocked. 

For now, we can say that the Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday 8:00pm screenings will be streaming (with a couple of short exceptions).  

June 15, by 8:30pm, the Making Counter-Archives screening (8 films, 5 minutes) will play, followed by a 45-minute roundtable featuring Artists in Residence with the Archive/Counter-Archive Project.
Debbie Ebanks Schlums and Janine Marchessault (York U) introduce 
Federica FogliaInnesti Neri e Bianchi [White and Black Grafts] (2022) 
Jean-Pierre Marchant
A Life on the Borderlands (2021)
Sharon Isaac & Kelsey DiamondThunder Rolling Home (2019)  
Pamila Matharustuck between an archive and an aesthetic (2019)  
Jennifer Dysart, Caribou in the Archive (2019) and Revisiting Keewatin Missions (ca. 195?)
Chris Chong, Propaganda (2021-22)
Nada El-OmariYaffa (2019) 
Nadine ValcinOrigines (2021)
+ Roundtable with Jennifer Dysart, Sharon Isaac, Jean-Pierre Marchand, Pamila Matharu, Nadine Valcin, moderated by Janine Marchessault

June 16, 8pm, Screening: Reanimating Histories, includes Helen Hill Award recipient Kelly Gallagher showing 7 films.
Bill Morrison (Hypnotic Pictures) introduces his piece Buried News (2021, 12 min), using newsreels documenting US racial divide (1917-1920), from the Dawson City Collection. 

frame from

Phil Hoffman introduces Your New Pig Is Down the Road (Helen Hill, 1999) a hand-processed 16mm print, which Helen made at Phil Hofmann’s “Film Farm.” 
Filmmaker Kelly Gallagher presents a program of her short works including More Dangerous Than a Thousand Rioters: The Revolutionary Life of Lucy Parsons (2016), A Herstory of Women Filmmakers (2009), Ceallaigh at Kilmainham (2013), From Ally to Accomplice (2015), and three from 2021:  Pine and Genesee, We Had Each Other, and In the Future. 

Saturday, June 18, the 8:00 pm screening of silent films in a program we call Two Sons & Sales Femmes.

frame grabLouis Pelletier (U of Montreal / Cinémathèque québécoise ) introduces
Les deux fils de monsieur Dubois (Gordon Sparling, Canadian Forestry Association, 1928),
a premiere of the new restoration by the Canadian Educational, Sponsored & Industrial Film Project,
with live musical accompaniment by Andrei Castañon.  25 min.

Laura Horak (Carleton U) & Maggie Hennefeld (U of Minnesota) introduce Screening Cinema’s First Nasty Women: 

Foundation Jérôme Seydoux

• Pranks (US, 1909). Library of Congress. Music by Gerson Lazo-Quiroga.
• Laughing Gas (US, 1907, with Bertha Regustus).  Library of Congress. Music by Matt Hayes and Gerson Lazo-Quiroga.
• La Pile électrique de Léontine / Betty’s Electric Battery (France, 1910). Gaumont-Pathé Archives. Music by Gonca Feride Varol.
• Fatty and Minnie He-Haw (US, 1914, with Minnie Deveraux). Library of Congress. Music by Eliot Britton. Introduced by Kickapoo artist Arigon Starr.
• The Red Girl and the Child (US, 1910, with Red Wing). Museum of Modern Art. Music by Don Ross. Introduced by Cherokee scholar Liza Black. 

Baldwin outtakes
Yale Film Archive

Brian Meacham (Yale Film Archive) introduces
outtakes from James Baldwin: From Another Place (Sedat Pakay, 1973) filmed in Istanbul, 1970.