Watch: Never Lost But Found in the Ocean (Orphans Online 10a of 10)

Now streaming in HD, this roundtable of artist, archivist, and scholars, with extensive audience discussion.  99 minutes. 

“Never Lost But Found in the Ocean: On Biographies of Film Copies.” Film historian Maria Vinogradova (NYU Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia) conceived of the topic in collaboration with Bill Morrison, whose newest work is inspired by an unlikely recovery of celluloid from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. Joining them are Peter Bagrov, curator at the George Eastman Museum; Joan Neuberger, Eisenstein scholar and professor of history, University of Texas at Austin; and moderator Marina Hassapopoulou from NYU Cinema Studies faculty.  

Click to enlarge or watch at

The  world premiere of a 6-minute preview of Bill Morrison’s forthcoming feature-length film The Village Detective has been removed, but the rest of the livestream is here — including a brand new compilation made for this presentation. Note that the compilation Sunken Films that Morrison narrates in this webcast is also available in a longer revised edition (11 min.) he made for this June 7th blog post after Orphans Online.

title card about Lusitania
T.T.T (“Tell-tale Title”) from “S. S. Lusitania Leaves New York City on Last Voyage” (1915). US National Archives

Morrison assembles pieces of 7 films from 6 archives in 5 countries: the US National Archives, USC Moving Image Research Collections, Library and Archives Canada, British Film Institute, Trinity College Dublin, and Danish Radio. 

See also:

Postscript to Sunken Films and Lusitania