Title Tiles

As a preview to the reposting of video recordings of the May 26-29 Orphans Online, we have these title cards (or tiles) designed by Valeria Kriletich (in Buenos Aires).  Each pair will appear before the video segments being prepared by Walter Forsberg (in Mexico City). The new streaming video will free from the few technical glitches we experienced during the live event. Some films screened in May will necessarily be absent from the new HD files, to honor the filmmakers’ and archives’ agreements. The new video segments will indicate what has been removed, where to find it elsewhere, and often some seconds from a work’s beginning and end. 

The discussions and slide presentations will remain part of this video library, with intention to keep them streaming indefinitely. As with past Orphan Film Symposium recordings, these will also be available at the Internet Archive. Previous documentation has consisted mostly of audio recordings of presentations, 1999-2018. <archive.org/details/OrphanFilmSymposium

Note that the pink-and-green composite image of the American white pelican over the New York City skyline was created by Courtney Stephens in her trailer for Orphans 2020.  The story of how she combined Wild Fowl in Slow Motion (1947) with the green-tint of If the Antarctic Ice Cap Should Melt? (1929) began this series of blog posts for Orphans Online 2020. See TrailersApril 14, and Wild Fowl, April 29. 

To our knowledge, such a pelican has never been spotted flying over Manhattan. But with climate change shifting migration patterns and water supplies, who knows? 

Previews of videos to come:
