

Center for Atmosphere Ocean Science Our graduate program at NYU.

Center for Prototype Climate Modeling: Our research group at NYU – Abu Dhabi

Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, my academic home in New York. 

NYU graduate school of art and science – if you want to join us at NYU…

New York University

NYU Abu Dhabi

Science and Research:

ResearchGate and my ResearchGate page

American Meteorological Association aka the “other” AMS.

Journal of the Atmospheric Science (or JAS)

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to answer all the questions you may ever have on climate change…

Realclimate because, most people will never read the previous link… 


Zotero: Fantastic management tool for your personal paper collection.

Python: I may be an old Matlab hack, but I have been enjoying Python off late. And it’s free…

Latex: I tried writing a few papers with Word, but nothin compares to Latex. If only there was a good spellchecker to go with it…