#Blog 8: Inflatables

The following are the inflatables we created:


The lessons we leart from the trails are that:

  1. If the pathway for air is too small, it is uunlikely for the inflatables to fully exoand.
  2. The plastic cannot be constantly heated by the iron. It would melt with a temperature of about 130 °C.

The interesting thing about this type of mechanism compared to other is that it include a visible “process” of “lauching”, which make it seems lifely. And the result cannot be easily predicted since it would be more affected by gravity. It is also lightweight and portable, which makes it suitable for storage. 
The spines, heart, and maybe the sensor part could be moving in your project. I feel that the movements would add spirit or life-like feature to our worm girl.

Watch me gone crazy after 4 hours of ironing work hahahahahaha:

The Code we used (Delay intervals changes):

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