#Blog 2: LilyPad & Wearable Device

Class Work:

The general problem we met is that we wasn’t able to identify which parts of our sevices our broken, so we wasted a lot of time testing.

Controlling LED:


Controlling buzzer:



Wearable Device

The face mask is designed to reflect how others’ perceptions of communicating might be changed by the mask a person is. There is a saying that the eyes are the window of the human mind. But from our observation, solely through the eyes, we cannot really understand others’ expressions clearly. So, this is why we put a layer of plastic to cover the speaker’s eyes. It gives a sense of uncertainty and vagueness of what the person is really trying to express. We put two eye-brow-like pieces to demonstrate it’s the human species instead of the others.
At the bottom part of the device, we make a hole in the face mask. Stripes are coming out of the mouth which represent the transformed and fragmented verbal communication that a person perceives from the person that is wearing the mask. When the person wearing the mask talks, the plastic strips make a noise that will prevent the others from listening to their dialogue clearly and understanding the full meaning of the expression.

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