Recitation 4

In the recitation, I teamed up with Rin. At first, I began to make cardboards and Rin began to do the circuits. Following the instructions, we finally made a blooming rainbow flower.  In the process we met with some difficulties. As we found, the force of friction between two cardboards was too strong to let… Read more Recitation 4

Group Project Report

I’m in group 5 named “Team Group”, which includes Rin, Lesley, Riley, Ragnor and me. Primarily, I think we were a really good team. Also, I’m also proud of all of us as we had good cooperation with members and did a good job.  Based on the fiction, our group had a discussion together and… Read more Group Project Report

Recitation 3: Workout

First part: step 4 (bicep curls) : videos: codes: int SENSOR_PIN = 2; int tiltVal; int prevTiltVal; int total = 0; void setup() { pinMode(SENSOR_PIN, INPUT); // Set sensor pin as an INPUT pin Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { // read the state of the sensor tiltVal = digitalRead(SENSOR_PIN); // if the tilt sensor value changed,… Read more Recitation 3: Workout