Reading: The Uncertainty of Documentarism by Hito Steyerl

 The Uncertainty of Documentarism by Hito Steyerl

  • Steyerl talks about how the “unbroken belief” of the documentary form is challenged. What does Steyerl mean by this? Certain movies and films are based on a true story.  How does truth inform the fiction? How might fiction inform the truth?

According to Steyerl, “…documentary images are so powerful because there is no more unbroken belief in their truth.” In other words, it is because people don’t believe in documentary images that makes them so powerful. In common sense, people would believe in documentaries more than other forms of information like fiction or film. But documentaries can also be exaggerated and fake, serving political uses, which triggers uncertainty. Therefore, “the question of documentary truth displaced itself.” Instead, “However, their truth lies in their expression.” Steyerl means that the result of the documentaries might be different from the truth in reality. However, the process of documenting the truth which is uncertain is reflecting real life, which can be regarded as a kind of truth.

When it comes to the relationship between truth and fiction, they are informing each other. Fiction such as movies and films are based on truth, and they’re reflecting the life and emotion of the truth in the reality to convey the ideas of the directors. Fiction can also have an impact on the truth. For example, science fictions often imagine what happens in the future and reminds people of a possible disaster. With that inspiration, it would become the truth. Some movies about social reality can even promote legislation.

Also, Steyerl states that “…the only real documentary image is the one that shows something that does not yet exist and maybe come one day.” And that day is “a future that has already changed and that released images from their enmeshment in power.” 


  • What is the significance of the authenticity and representation of the truth in the media that you consume on a daily basis? What is the role of a live broadcast?

I usually read news from the official Weibo accounts of some Official news media and official institutes and agencies. Its authenticity makes me believe it and consume it instead of other tunnels of media. However, if it makes a mistake, its authenticity will have a huge discount since it is monitored by the public. And it is also pitiful and even scary if there are no media that is authentic.

As for the representation of the truth, I agree with Steyerl that documentary forms can present their own context by expressing it are concerned. So I often watch documentaries as a way to get knowledge of the world.

Nowadays, live broadcast is really famous and common in our daily lives. It can be used for both entertainment and businesses. Live broadcast erases the limit of distance and time, providing a vivid and instant experience for the users, which is more attractive and persuasive than other media. There is no editing of the live broadcast, so people tend to believe in it. However, there are also algorithms changing the images to some extent, and sometimes the live broadcast is being designed and acted instead of being filmed lively to attract users, gain more profits, and even convey certain emotions and ideas. 


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