
Final Project Proposal Essay

“The Ice-Cream Truck’s Here!” In today’s society, there are many teenagers who face the mental illness, depression. Due to factors like family disputes and educational stress, it is hard for them to avoid feeling depressed or anxious. Many times, happy memories can produce temporary happiness or hope for their future. Therefore, this project aims to Continue reading Final Project Proposal Essay

Three Project Proposals

Project 1: Exploring Childhood This project targets mental health, specifically depression. Many times, a person’s childhood is full of happy memories or feelings of nostalgia. This project incorporates the childhood etch-a-sketch, computer maze game, and led outlines of shapes. It connects these existing forms of games into one in order to maximize the interactivity as Continue reading Three Project Proposals

Recitation 7: Neopixel Music Visualization Documentation

Task #1: Test the neopixel I put together the Arduino according to the picture given on the recitation web page. By doing so, I then downloaded the required libraries and tested out my LED strip. The code is programmed to light up 60 lights, but to avoid burning out the LED and arduino, I changed Continue reading Recitation 7: Neopixel Music Visualization Documentation

Final Project: Preparatory Research and Analysis

Preparatory Research and Analysis The two projects that I found both share a commonality: LED lights. The first project is an LED lamp that displays a 3D image. The user who purchases this lamp is able to watch the 3D shape as well as control the color of it. The interaction is based on what Continue reading Final Project: Preparatory Research and Analysis

Recitation 6: Animating an Interactive Poster

Interactive Poster Video and Code: PFont myFont; void setup(){ size(1024,768); background(215); strokeWeight(2); } int valueR=11; int valueG=151; int valueB=255; void draw(){ for(int y=0; y<height; y=y+100){   for(int x=0; x<width; x=x+100){     fill(255, 251,0);     stroke(0);     ellipse(x,y,70,80);     fill(valueR,valueG,valueB);     stroke(0);     rect(x-35,y+5,70,35);     fill(255);     strokeWeight(7);     stroke(190);     ellipse(x,y-10,30,30);     fill(0);     stroke(0);     ellipse(x,y-10,5,5);   } } fill(240); stroke(random(255), random(255), random(255)); triangle(212, 340, 512, 90, 812, 340); Continue reading Recitation 6: Animating an Interactive Poster