Step 1:
During this step, I took on the task of student B. I followed each step on the recitation site and completed the base design along with my partner. He had some trouble with the sizing, so I helped him, and he helped me with the unit conversion. Later on, I experimented with the design patterns. It took some time for me to figure out how to use the drawing tool, but everything worked out at the end. Due to the time constraint, I think I did well for the final design! To wrap up everything in this task, we put our files in the drive and went to the fabrication lab.
Step 2:
During this step, we went to the fabrication lab, and listened to the tour of the lab. We waited in line for our design to be sent to the laser cutter. After it was sent, we observed how the laser cut the board. After it was done cutting, we took the board out of the machine and pushed our shapes out of the board. Unfortunately, because the shape of my design was too skinny, some of the legs fell off when I tried to push it out. However, I solved this by breaking off more to make it even. Both of our designs printed out really well.
Step 3:
Unfortunately, my partner and I were not able to finish this task during the recitation. Due to the time conflicts, we were not able to meet up either to complete it. This is something to reflect on for later times.